Buzz Aldrin portrait by Ann Parry, 1st Place Winner of Portrait Exhibit at The Art Guild

Manhasset, New York, U.S., September 8, 2019. Ann Parry poses next to her photo “Buzz Aldrin” which won 1st Place in The Art Guild’s “About Face: The Portrait” juried competition, at Elderfields Preserve.

Manhasset, New York, U.S., September 8, 2019. Ann Parry poses next to her photo “Buzz Aldrin” which won 1st Place in The Art Guild’s “About Face: The Portrait” juried competition, at Elderfields Preserve. Thanks to Bob Stuhmer for capturing this photo.

Manhasset, New York, U.S., September 8, 2019. Ann Parry poses next to her photo “Buzz Aldrin” which won 1st Place in The Art Guild’s “About Face: The Portrait” juried competition, at Elderfields Preserve. (Thanks to Bob Stuhmer for capturing this photo.)

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