Elmont, New York, U.S. January 25, 2025. Congresswoman LAURA A. GILLEN (Democrat NY-04) has her swearing-in celebration in Nassau County, Long Island. (© 2025 Ann Parry, annparry.com)

Congresswoman Laura Gillen’s Swearing-in Celebration

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (annparry.com)
January 26, 2025              PHOTO ESSAY

Rep. Laura Gillen’s (NY-04) swearing-in celebration in Elmont

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, N.Y., U.S., January 25, 2025. At left, Rep. STEVE ISRAEL administers oath to Rep. LAURA GILLEN as her husband CHRIS FINEGAN holds the Bible, during Gillen’s swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

While processing my news photos of Congresswoman Laura Gillen’s swearing-in celebration yesterday, I visited Facebook during a quick break.

I was struck by how powerfully the following Facebook post, and one of its replies in particular, conveyed how it felt being at the event. (I have permission to share them here):

facebook from Lauren Corcoran-Doolin’s facebook post about Rep. Laura Gillen’s swearing-in celebration that afternoon:

Lauren Corcoran-Doolin
January 25 at 6:52pm
Today had some special vibes! Some people just remind you to keep going xo

Tammie Williams-Pittman
January 25 at 10:54pm
It was like a family reunion ❤️ kissy face

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, N.Y., U.S., January 25, 2025. L-R, Congresswoman Laura Gillen’s brother PETER GILLEN, mother ELAINE GILLEN, and brother JAMES GILLEN pose for photo before the representative’s swearing-in celebration begins at the Elmont Public Library. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

 • Click on any photo to see it in a larger size • 

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, New York, U.S. January 25, 2025. At extreme right, NICOLE GRODNER, Local 290 business representative of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Carpenters (UBC), and other L.I. union members, are guests at Rep. Laura Gillen’s swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, New York, U.S. January 25, 2025. Town of Hempstead Councilwoman DOROTHY GOOSBY and JONATHAN PREBOST are guests at Rep. Laura Gillen’s swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCENassau County Legislator Seth Koslow,  emcee of celebration

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, N.Y., U.S., January 25, 2025. Nassau County Legislator SETH KOSLOW is the emcee of Congresswoman Laura Gillen’s swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

NATIONAL ANTHEM – Kim Domage, Calvary Tabernacle

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, N.Y., U.S., January 25, 2025. At podium, KIM DOMAGE, from Calvary Tabernacle, sings the National Anthem during Rep. Laura Gillen’s swearing-in celebration. From L-R are Reverend MICHAEL NGOKA of St. Agnes Cathedral and Reverend Dr. SEDGWICK EASLEY of Union Baptist Church. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

INVOCATION – Rev. Michael Ngoka, St. Agnes Cathedral

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, N.Y., U.S., January 25, 2025. Standing at left, Reverend MICHAEL NGOKA of St. Agnes Cathedral, goes to Rep. LAURA GILLEN after he gives the Invocation during her swearing-in celebration.(© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

WELCOME REMARKS – Assemblywoman Michaelle Solages

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, N.Y., U.S., January 25, 2025. NYS Assemblywoman MICHAELLE SOLAGES gives welcome remarks during Congresswoman Laura Gillen’s swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, New York, U.S. January 25, 2025. L-R, Rep. Laura Gillen’s brother PETER GILLEN, mother ELAINE GILLEN, and two youngest children are listening to NYS Assemblywoman Michaelle Solages’ remarks during the representative’s swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, New York, U.S. January 25, 2025. Rep. Laura Gillen’s two youngest children are listening to NYS Assemblywoman Michaelle Solages’ remarks during the representative’s swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

REMARKS – Congressman Gregory Meeks

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, N.Y., U.S., January 25, 2025. Rep. GREGORY MEEKS gives remarks during Rep. Laura Gillen’s swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, N.Y., U.S., January 25, 2025. L-R, Congresswoman  LAURA GILLEN and her husband CHRIS FINEGAN listen to Congressman Meeks’ remarks during Gillen’s swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

ADMINISTRATION OF OATH – Congressman Steve Israel

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, N.Y., U.S., January 25, 2025. At podium, Rep. STEVE ISRAEL gives remarks during Rep. Laura Gillen’s swearing-in celebration. Seated, L-R, are Reverend MICHAEL NGOKA of St. Agnes Cathedral, Reverend Dr. SEDGWICK EASLEY of Union Baptist Church, Congresswoman LAURA GILLEN, her husband CHRIS FINEGAN, Congressman GREGORY MEEKS, and KIM DOMAGE.  (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, New York, U.S. January 25, 2025. Rep. STEVE ISRAEL makes remarks during Rep. Gillen’s swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)


“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, New York, U.S. January 25, 2025. CHRIS FINEGAN gives special remarks before introducing his wife, Congresswoman Laura Gillen, during her swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, New York, U.S. January 25, 2025. CHRIS FINEGAN gives a compliment in a humorous, off-hand way before introducing his wife, Rep. Laura Gillen ,during her swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

REMARKS – Congresswoman Laura Gillen

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, New York, U.S. January 25, 2025. Rep. LAURA A. GILLEN ( NY, 4th District) makes remarks during the celebration of her swearing-in as a freshman member of Congress. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, New York, U.S. January 25, 2025. Rep. LAURA GILLEN puts her hands to her heart as she gives remarks during her swearing-in celebration. At right are NYS Assemblywoman MICHAELLE SOLAGES and Nassau County Legislator SETH KOSLOW. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

CLOSING PRAYER – Rev. Dr. Sedgwick Easley, Union Baptist Church

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, New York, U.S. January 25, 2025. At podium, Reverend Dr. SEDGWICK EASLEY, of Union Baptist Church, gives the Closing Prayer at Gillen’s swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, New York, U.S. January 25, 2025. At podium, Reverend Dr. SEDGWICK EASLEY, of Union Baptist Church, gives the Closing Prayer, and, from L-R, are Rep. LAURA GILLEN, her husband CHRIS FINEGAN, and Congressman GREGORY MEEKS, at Gillen’s swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)


“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, N.Y., U.S., January 25, 2025. At lower left, NAGINDER SINGH gives Rep. LAURA GILLEN news articles Singh collected about Gillen’s campaign, at the end of the representative’s swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, N.Y., U.S., January 25, 2025. L-R, NAGINDER SINGH and Rep. LAURA GILLEN, wearing a fuchsia Indian garment, pose for photo at the end of the representative’s swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, N.Y., U.S., January 25, 2025. L-R, ELLEN LEDERER DeFRANCESCO and New York State Senator SIELA BYNOE pose for photo during Rep. Laura Gillen’s swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, N.Y., U.S., January 25, 2025. At right, a guest hugs New York State Senator SIELA BYNOE at the end of Congresswoman Gillen’s swearing-in celebration . (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, N.Y., U.S., January 25, 2025. At center, Rep. LAURA GILLEN poses with union members, including from  Local 290 of United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, during her swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

FEATURE PHOTO (at top of post): Elmont, New York, U.S. January 25, 2025. Congresswoman LAURA A. GILLEN (NY-04) gives remarks during her swearing-in celebration at Elmont Public Library.

Congresswoman Laura Gillen event:  my PHOTO GALLERY

Two of my earlier posts featuring Laura Gillen:
• Jan. 2018: Inaugurating a new era for Long Island
• April 2018: Steve Israel brings out his big guns on Long Island


Congresswoman Laura Gillen

Elmont, N.Y., U.S. January 25, 2025. Congresswoman LAURA GILLEN (Dem. NY-04) speaks during her swearing-in celebration at the Elmont Public Library. At right are Nassau County Legislator SETH KOSLOW and N.Y.S. Assembly Deputy Majority Leader MICHAELLE SOLAGES. (© 2025 Ann Parry, annparry.com)

Westbury, New York, U.S. January 8, 2025. Nassau County Legislator SETH KOSLOW (Democratic - Merrick) has Campaign Kickoff for his 2025 run for Nassau County Executive, challenging Bruce Blakeman. (C) 2025 Ann Parry, annparry.com

Seth Koslow running for Nassau County Executive

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (ann-parry.com)
January 10, 2025            

Democrat Seth Koslow for Nassau County Executive

Wednesday night, Legislator Seth Koslow kicked off his campaign for Nassau County Executive. Koslow, a Democrat, is challenging County Executive Bruce Blakeman, a Republican. 

“Seth Koslow

Westbury, New York, U.S. January 8, 2025. Nassau County Legislator SETH KOSLOW (District 5) explains why he’s running for Nassau County Executive, during his Campaign Kickoff at City Cellar. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Why Koslow’s running for County Executive

To make Nassau County Affordable“Lower property taxes and implement fiscally responsible policies to ease the financial burden on families and small business.”

This could the most important priority for Nassau County residents and business owners, considering Nassau County’s high taxes and high cost of housing, as a start.

“Seth Koslow

Westbury, New York, U.S. January 8, 2025. L-R, Nassau County Legislator DEBRA MULÉ (District 6) and NYSUT PAC SUE MOLLER pose as Moller takes selfie during the Seth Koslow for County Executive Campaign Kickoff at City Cellar. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

To Eliminate Wasteful Spending“End unnecessary lawsuits, inflated salaries, and administrative bloat to ensure your tax dollars are used effectively.”

To Strengthen Communities“Invest in public safety, education, infrastructure, and essential services that improve quality of life for all.”

Early last year, Blakeman proposed a controversial plan that would, he claimed, increase public safety: the creation of an armed deputy force:

Blakeman wanted to deputize armed private citizens for use, as he explained it, “for devastating emergencies” like extreme weather disasters and power outages.

In mid-April, a group of Nassau County residents submitted a petition with over 2000 signatures to the Nassau legislature. The group urged the lawmakers to seriously examine the proposal for “Blakeman’s militia,” as the residents called it.

Democrats accused Blakeman of aiming to create an illegal militia that might be used, for example, against public protests unpopular with the Republican’s agenda.

But on December 30, 2024, Blakeman swore in 26 special deputies.

The provisional special deputy sheriffs receive pay for training, plus when, if ever, they provide service.

If any, in their capacity as a special deputy, are named in a lawsuit, how might that affect Nassau County’s already high cost for attorneys, at the least? 


Westbury, New York, U.S. January 8, 2025. At center in blue suit, Nassau County Legislator SETH KOSLOW (District 5) poses for group photo with supporters during his Campaign Kickoff at City Cellar. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

To Govern Transparently“Introduce strict accountability measures to make sure every dollar is spent in the best interest of Nassau County residents.”

On December 16, 2024, Bruce Blakeman, with the support of the Republican-controlled county legislature, formally made New York Post Nassau County’s official newspaper.

Our official newspaper can get hundreds of thousands of advertising dollars for county notices that are legally required.

Until mid-December, Newsday was Nassau County’s official newspaper. Its Nassau County readership and coverage are significantly larger than New York Post’s is.

Why did Blakeman make the MAGA tabloid New York Post the official newspaper of Nassau County?

One might say the question contains the answer.

As I wrote in a recent post – Flagging Bruce Blakeman & New York Post –  Newsday and many other media sources have covered Blakeman’s unpopular decision not to lower county flags for a full 30 days – like the rest of our nation is doing right now – to commemorate President Jimmy Carter.

New York Post did not cover that.

Also, Newsday and several other area media sources* (see below for examples) have reported that Legislator Seth Koslow has officially launched his campaign against Bruce Blakeman for Nassau County Executive.

New York Post has yet to cover that.

Does it sound like New York Post was handpicked by Bruce Blakeman as Nassau County’s official newspaper to provide transparent, adequate, balanced coverage of, and for, Nassau County?

“Westbury, New York, U.S. January 8, 2025. L-R, Glen Cove Councilman JOHN ZOZZARO, Glen Cove Councilwoman MARSHA SILVERMAN. Nassau County Legislator DEBRA MULÉ (Dist. 6), Nassau County Legislator DELIA DeRIGGI-WHITTON (Dist. 11), SETH KOSLOW (Dist. 5), Nassau County Legislator ARNOLD DRUCKER (Dist. 16), Chair of the NYS Democratic Committee JAY JACOBS, N.Y.S. Assembly Deputy Majority Leader MICHAELLE SOLAGES, and Nassau County Legislator SCOTT DAVIS (Dist. 1) pose for group photo during Koslow's Campaign Kickoff at City Cellar.

Westbury, New York, U.S. January 8, 2025. L-R, Glen Cove Councilman JOHN ZOZZARO, Glen Cove Councilwoman MARSHA SILVERMAN. Nassau County Legislator DEBRA MULÉ (Dist. 6), Nassau County Legislator DELIA DeRIGGI-WHITTON (District 11), SETH KOSLOW (Dist. 5), Nassau County Legislator ARNOLD DRUCKER (District 16), Chair of the NYS Democratic Committee JAY JACOBS, N.Y.S. Assembly Deputy Majority Leader MICHAELLE SOLAGES, and Nassau County Legislator SCOTT DAVIS (District 1) pose for group photo during Koslow’s Campaign Kickoff at City Cellar. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Koslow’s background

Seth Koslow served as a Queens County Assistant District Attorney from 2013 until 2016, when he set up his own legal practice, SIK. He’s admitted to practice law with New York State and New Jersey Bars, plus the Federal Bar for Eastern and Southern Districts of New York. 

In 2023, Koslow was elected Nassau County Legislator for the newly redrawn 5th District, which includes parts of Freeport, Bellmore, Merrick, North Bellmore and North Merrick.

Koslow’s the Ranking Member of the Public Safety Committee, and also serves on these six committees: Finance, Minority Affairs, Health & Social Services, Veterans, Government Services and Operations, and Towns, Villages & Cities.

Koslow’s an active community member. For example, in 2024 he played in a Merrick Mayhem coaches softball game and was an umpire for the Bellmore/Merrick Moms Softball Classic. His wife Jill has a bakery in North Bellmore. The Koslows live in South Merrick with their three children, Sam, Jaclyn and Julia, and their rescue dog Coco.


Westbury, New York, U.S. January 8, 2025. L-R, New York State Assembly Deputy Majority Leader MICHAELLE SOLAGES and NYSUT PAC SUE MOLLER pose for photo during Campaign Kickoff for Seth Koslow’s 2025 run for Nassau County Executive. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Seth Koslow’s Campaign Slogan is: We Deserve Better!” 


Westbury, New York, U.S. January 8, 2025. At the Seth Koslow for Nassau County Executive Campaign Kickoff, an LED campaign sign is on the wall at City Cellar Wine Bar and Grill. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

– Koslow Campaign Kickoff –


Westbury, New York, U.S. January 8, 2025. L-R, NYSUT PAC SUE MOLLER, Nassau County Legislator SETH KOSLOW, LAUREN CORCORAN-DOOLIN, and MATT ADLER pose for photo during Koslow’s Campaign Kickoff at City Cellar. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

* Examples of Media Coverage of Seth Koslow launching campaign on January 8, 2025, for Nassau County Executive:

New York Post 


1/8/2025 – “Democratic Leg. Seth Koslow Launches bid for Nassau County executive”

News12 – Long Island
1/8/2025 – ‘Nassau Democrat Seth Koslow running for county executive”

Herald Community Newspapers
1/8/2025 – ‘Nassau County Legislator Seth Koslow launches campaign for county executive”

LI Press
1/8/2025 – ‘Legis. Seth Koslow challenging Bruce Blakeman For Nassau County Executive”

Patch  [MSN.com then also ran this article]
1/8/2025 – ‘Dem. Legislator Seth Koslow Challenges Blakeman for County Executive”


Westbury, New York, U.S. January 8, 2025. L-R, NYSUT PAC SUE MOLLER and Glen Cove Councilwoman MARSHA SILVERMAN pose for a photo during Seth Kosloff’s campaign Kickoff at City Cellar.(© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

FEATURE PHOTO (at top of post): Westbury, New York, U.S. January 8, 2025. Nassau County Legislator SETH KOSLOW (Democratic – Merrick) has Campaign Kickoff for his 2025 run for Nassau County Executive against the current one, Blakeman, a Republican.(© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Seth Koslow for Nassau County Executive: my Photo Gallery

Seth Koslow for County Executive: sethkoslow.com

Koslow Legislative homepage: nassaucountyny.gov/4463/District-5—Seth-Koslow


FLI FYI: About halfway through the event, I was surprised to see my daughter Sue Moller, who was attending as a representative of NYSUT PAC. Sue captured the following iPhone photo of me before I knew she was there:

Westbury, New York, U.S. January 8, 2025. Photographer Ann Parry captures photos during Seth Koslow for County Executive Campaign Kick Off. © 2025 Sue Moller

Westbury, New York, U.S. January 8, 2025. Photographer Ann Parry captures photos during Seth Koslow for County Executive Campaign Kick Off at City Cellar © 2025 Sue Moller


FEATURE PHOTO for blog post: Mineola, New York, U.S. January 6, 2025. Flags flying at Theodore Roosevelt Nassau County Executive and Legislative Building are not lowered to half mast during a snowy Monday. The day before, Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman, a Republican, said county flags will be lowered for 3 days, Tuesday to Thursday, from when President Jimmy Carter lies in state until his burial. (C) 2025 Ann Parry, annparry.com

Flagging Bruce Blakeman & New York Post

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (annparry.com)
January 6, 2025

NOT in Bruce Blakeman’s ‘Backyard’ (NIBBBY): Flags are lowered 12/29-1/28 for our country’s 30 day commemoration of President Jimmy Carter’s death – but not in Nassau County.

When Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman, a Republican, wouldn’t lower county flags starting Dec. 29, 2024, to honor President Jimmy Carter, like the rest of America did, our county became a nationwide embarrassment.

“Mineola, NY, USA. January, 2025. Flags flying at Theodore Roosevelt Nassau County Executive and Legislative Building are not lowered to half mast during nationwide symbolic commemoration of President Jimmy Carter who recently died.

Mineola, NY, USA. January 6, 2025. Flags flying at Theodore Roosevelt Nassau County Executive and Legislative Building are not lowered to half mast during nationwide commemoration of President Jimmy Carter. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

But you can’t read about any of that in the New York Post – which is now the official newspaper of Nassau County, thanks to Blakeman with the support of the Republican-controlled Nassau County legislature.

President Biden ordered flags at federal buildings to be put at half-staff for thirty days – from December 29th to January 28th – in honor of the late former president, who died at the age of one hundred.

State governors, including New York’s Governor Kathy Hochul, directed state flags to fly at half staff during those thirty days.

This follows the U.S. Flag Code 4 USC 7 related to the death of U.S. Presidents. The flag code is advisory, not mandatory. 

Yesterday, January 5th – after facing widespread negative media coverage*  (see below for examples) – Blakeman said that Nassau County will lower flags at county operated buildings, but just for this Tuesday through Thursday.

These three days cover when President Carter lies in state, starting January 7th, until he is buried on the National Day of Mourning, January 9th.

Does anyone in Nassau County doubt that Bruce Blakeman would have lowered county flags starting December 29, 2024, if President Carter had been a Republican?

“Bruce Blakeman

Garden City, New York, USA. April 1, 2023. At left Nassau County Executive BRUCE BLAKEMAN speaks at podium, as Nassau County Republican chairman JOSEPH CAIRO looks on, when Nassau County GOP hosts the Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis program on The Florida Blueprint at the Cradle of Aviation. (© 2023 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

* Examples of media coverage of Nassau County flags not being lowered for 30 days to commemorate Pres. Carter, who died Dec. 29, 2024:

New York Post – as of 12/16/2024, official newspaper of Nassau County (1)


Newsday – from 1940-12/15/2024, official newspaper of Nassau County (2)
1/6/2025 – “Flags to be lowered in Nassau in honor of Jimmy Carter”

Updated 1/3/2025 – “Nassau County buildings not lowering flags to half-staff in memory of former President Jimmy Carter”

News 12 – Long Island
1/5, updated 1/6/2025 – “Nassau Executive: American flags at all county buildings will be lowered in honor of President Carter”

1/4/2025 – “Some U.S. flags at Nassau buildings not at half-staff in honor of late President Carter”

Updated 1/4/2025 – “Nassau County flags not lowered to half-staff for Jimmy Carter”

CBS New York
1/5/2025 – “Flags in Nassau County will soon be at half-staff to honor President Jimmy Carter”

1/3/2025 – “Nassau County executive refuses to lower flags for late President Jimmy Carter”

1/4/2025 – “Republican Allegedly Refusing To Lower Flags to Half-Staff Sparks Anger”

1/4/2025 – “Republican Allegedly Refusing To Lower Flags to Half-Staff Sparks Anger”

1/3/2025 – “Nassau County Flags Not Lowered To Honor Late President Carter”

1/3/2025 – “Nassau County executive refuses to fly flags at half-staff”

Yahoo News
1/5/2025 – “MAGA Official Finally Agrees to Lower Flags for Jimmy Carter After Dem Backlash”

(1) New York Post, Long Island: nypost.com/long-island

(2) Newsday, Long Island: newsday.com/long-island |partial list:
 • Newsday, L.I. High School Sports: newsday.com/sports/high-school
 • Newsday, L.I. restaurants: newsday.com/lifestyle/restaurants
 • Newsday, L.I. business: newsday.com/business
 • Newsday, L.I. School & Education: newsday.com/long-island/education
 • Newsday TV: tv.newsday.com

 • Newsday in Education Program:
     • newsday.com/newsday-in-education-jd1y6a18   
     • education@newsday.com

“Mineola, NY, USA. January, 2025. Flags flying at Theodore Roosevelt Nassau County Executive and Legislative Building are not lowered to half mast during nationwide symbolic commemoration of President Jimmy Carter who recently died.  (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Mineola, NY, USA. January 6, 2025. Flags flying at Theodore Roosevelt Nassau County Executive and Legislative Building are not lowered to half mast during nationwide commemoration of President Jimmy Carter. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

FEATURE PHOTO (at top of post): Mineola, New York, U.S. January 6, 2025. During snowy Monday, flags flying atop the Theodore Roosevelt Nassau County Executive and Legislative Building are not lowered to half mast during 30 Day commemoration of President Jimmy Carter.