Our First Stand Rally to Save Health Care, Westbury, NY, on Jan. 15, 2017

Westbury, NY, USA. Jan. 15, 2017. L-R, DOROTHY GOOSBY (Dem.- Councilmember Town of Hempstead) & JOHN E. BROOKS (Dem.- NYS Senator District 8) attend "Our First Stand" Rally against repealing the Affordable Care Act, and other healthcare cuts.

Westbury, NY, USA. Jan. 15, 2017. L-R, DOROTHY GOOSBY (Dem.- Councilmember Town of Hempstead) & JOHN E. BROOKS (Dem.- NYS Senator District 8) attend “Our First Stand” Rally against repealing the Affordable Care Act, and other healthcare cuts.

Westbury, NY, USA. Jan. 15, 2017. L-R, DOROTHY GOOSBY (Dem.- Councilmember Town of Hempstead) & JOHN E. BROOKS (Dem.- NYS Senator District 8) attend “Our First Stand” Rally against repealing the Affordable Care Act, and other healthcare cuts.

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