Over Century of Photos at Nassau County Museum of Art, New York

Roslyn Harbor, New York, USA, January 2, 2017. Docent MAXINE HERSH (in red top) leads visitors on tour of Nassau County Museum of Art photography exhibitions covering over 100 years of photography. (© 2017 Ann Parry, annparrycom)

Roslyn Harbor, New York, USA, January 2, 2017. Docent MAXINE HERSH (in red top) leads visitors on tour of Nassau County Museum of Art photography exhibitions covering over 100 years of photography. (© 2017 Ann Parry, annparrycom)

Roslyn Harbor, New York, USA, January 2, 2017. Docent MAXINE HERSH (in red top) leads visitors on tour of Nassau County Museum of Art photography exhibitions covering over 100 years of photography. (© 2017 Ann Parry, annparrycom)

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