Category Archives: Nature

Garden City, N.Y., U.S. April 8, 2024. CLARISSA, of Westbury, views solar eclipse at Cradle of Aviation Museum.

Viewing Solar Eclipse 2024 at Cradle of Aviation Museum

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (
April 9, 2024

Long Island sees 90% solar eclipse

Garden City, New York, U.S. April 8, 2024. ANDEW KRAHM, of Rockville Center, gasps as he views the 90% partial eclipse of the sun by the moon at Cradle of Aviation Museum. His mother, BARBARA KRAHM, at right, is also wearing ISO 123-122 filter safety glasses CAM gave with admission, on Long Island.(© 2022 Ann Parry/

Garden City, New York, U.S. April 8, 2024. ANDREW KRAHM, of Rockville Center, views the 90% partial solar eclipse at Cradle of Aviation Museum. He and BARBARA KRAHM, at right, are wearing eclipse glasses CAM gave with admission. (© 2024 Ann Parry,

Cradle of Aviation Museum publicized its 4.8.24 solar eclipse events online well in advance of yesterday’s celestial extravaganza.

And many of the thousand+ visitors decided to view the eclipse at CAM because they saw News12 Long Island segments about it earlier in the day.

Garden City, New York, U.S. April 8, 2024. Young son holds special eclipse glasses over his eyes as his family views 90% partial eclipse of the sun by the moon at Cradle of Aviation Museum. CAM gave ISO 123-122 filter safety glasses with admission, on Long Island. (© 2022 Ann Parry/

Garden City, New York, U.S. April 8, 2024. Young son holds special eclipse glasses over his eyes as his family views 90% solar eclipse at Cradle of Aviation Museum.  (© 2024 Ann Parry,

Before the eclipse started, CAM had special events for all ages: a lecture and show in its all-digital Catholic Health Sky Theater Planetarium, a telescope viewing, and hands on activities, including outdoor chalk art. 

Garden City, New York, U.S. April 8, 2024. 90% solar eclipse, in sky at left, is above the statue'The First American Woman in Space' honoring astronaut Sally Ride, in front of the Cradle of Aviation Museum. Hundred of CAM visitors watched the partial eclipse of the sun by the moon on Long Island.(© 2022 Ann Parry/

Garden City, New York, U.S. April 8, 2024. 90% solar eclipse, in sky at left, is above the statue ‘The First American Woman in Space’ honoring astronaut Sally Ride, in front of the Cradle of Aviation Museum. Hundreds of CAM visitors watched the partial solar eclipse on Long Island.(© 2024 Ann Parry,

A major bonus was that each visitor, with admission, got a pair of eclipse glasses safe to directly view the sun: ISO 123-122 filter safety eclipse glasses. Why many visitors found this a draw:

    1. Those who didn’t get eclipse glasses beforehand found out It was difficult-to-impossible to find ones at the last minute.
    2. Some were concerned about the eclipse glasses they already had because of reports that unscrupulous vendors were selling ones they falsely claimed met safety standards for directly viewing the sun.
Garden City, New York, U.S. April 8, 2024. LYNN FIONA, 22, of Patchogue, wears special filter glasses to view the 90% partial eclipse of the sun by the moon at Cradle of Aviation Museum on Long Island. (© 2022 Ann Parry/

Garden City, New York, U.S. April 8, 2024. LYNN FIONA, 22, of Patchogue, wears special filter glasses to view the 90% solar eclipse at Cradle of Aviation Museum on Long Island. (© 2024 Ann Parry,

solar eclipse at CAM

Garden City, New York, U.S. April 8, 2024. Cradle of Aviation Museum volunteer MADELYN views 90% partial eclipse of the sun by the moon at the museum. CAM gave ISO 123-122 filter safety glasses with admission, on Long Island. (© 2022 Ann Parry/

Garden City, New York, U.S. April 8, 2024. Cradle of Aviation Museum volunteer MADELYN views 90% solar eclipse at the museum. CAM gave ISO 123-122 filter safety glasses with admission, on Long Island. (© 2024 Ann Parry,

solar eclipse at CAM

4.8.2024 Birthdays:

Garden City, New York, U.S. April 8, 2024. PETER ANGIONE, 55, of Levittown, wears a hat and shirt saying this solar eclipse day is his birthday. Visitors view 90% partial eclipse of the sun by the moon at Cradle of Aviation Museum.(© 2022 Ann Parry/

Garden City, New York, U.S. April 8, 2024. PETER ANGIONE, 55, of Levittown, wears a hat and shirt saying this solar eclipse day is his birthday. Visitors viewed 90% solar eclipse at Cradle of Aviation Museum.(© 2024 Ann Parry,

“…I’m happy to be here because it’s my birthday… We won’t be getting totality here – we’ll get about 88% – 90% – but I’m so happy to be here because it’s my present from Mother Nature…”Peter Angione, 55, from Levittown, at Cradle of Aviation Museum, April 8, 2024. (see photo above)

Garden City, New York, U.S. April 8, 2024. Mom, wearing shirt saying this solar eclipse day is her birthday, has hands on daughter's shoulders as their family views 90% partial eclipse of the sun by the moon at Cradle of Aviation Museum. (© 2022 Ann Parry/

Garden City, New York, U.S. April 8, 2024. Mom, wearing shirt saying this solar eclipse day is her birthday, has hands on daughter’s shoulders as their family views 90% solar eclipse at Cradle of Aviation Museum. (© 2024 Ann Parry,

Garden City, New York, U.S. April 8, 2024. RAVI ANAND and his young daughter JIANNA ANAND, pointing to the sky, of Jericho, view 90% partial eclipse of the sun by the moon at Cradle of Aviation Museum. (© 2022 Ann Parry/

Garden City, New York, U.S. April 8, 2024. RAVI ANAND and his young daughter JIANNA ANAND, pointing to the sky, of Jericho, view 90% solar eclipse at Cradle of Aviation Museum. (© 2024 Ann Parry,

solar eclipse at CAM

Garden City, New York, U.S. April 8, 2024. SUTTON family, L-R, PRIYA , 7; mom KOREN, 50; PRESTON, 7; and dad DANNY, 51, view 90% partial eclipse of the sun by the moon at Cradle of Aviation Museum. (© 2022 Ann Parry/

Garden City, New York, U.S. April 8, 2024. SUTTON family, L-R, PRIYA , 7; mom KOREN, 50; PRESTON, 7; and dad DANNY, 51, view 90% solar eclipse at Cradle of Aviation Museum. (© 2024 Ann Parry,

FEATURE PHOTO (at top of post) – Garden City, New York, U.S. April 8, 2024. CLARISSA, of Westbury, wears eclipse safety glasses as she views 90% solar eclipse at Cradle of Aviation Museum on Long Island.  (© 2022 Ann Parry/

Solar Eclipse 2024 at CAM: my PHOTO GALLERY

CAM site:  Cradle of Aviation Museum


Manhasset, New York, U.S. June 9, 2023. L-R, ILENE SILBERSTEIN and SHELLEY HOLTZMAN, Co-Presidents of The Art Guild, watch awards ceremony at T.A.G.'s Members Showcase Reception at Elderfields Preserve. (© 2023 Ann Parry,

I went to a garden party (after an orange sky)

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (
June 30, 2023

T.A.G.’s Members Showcase: The Art Guild
Exhibit on view through July 15, 2023, every Sat. & Sun., 1-5pm
200 Port Washington Blvd., Manhasset

Fundraiser: Art from the Heart, thru 12/2/23, Silent Auction Gallery

The Art Guild 2023 Members Showcase reception & awards

VIDEO (with music):

Two days after Long Island’s orange sky, I went to The Art Guild’s June 9th Members Showcase reception and awards ceremony at Elderfields Preserve, Manhasset.

The Juror of Awards was JOSHUA RUFF, the Co-Executive Director, Collections and Programming, of the Long Island Museum of American Art, History and Carriages. The Stony Brook museum holds juried art shows, where I’ve enjoyed exhibiting landscape photography I captured at Norman J. Levy Park and Preserve on Long Island’s south shore.


“The Art Guild

Manhasset, N.Y., U.S. June 9, 2023. At center L-R, scholarship winners NATALIE HAYES of East Rockaway H.S., JULIE NABET of Locust Valley H.S., and GEORGIA NA of Great Neck South H.S. hold Kazickas Family Foundation Scholarship giant check during The Art Guild’s Members Showcase Reception. At far left is TAG Board Member MARCEIL KAZICKAS, and at far right is an art teacher of one of the winners. (© 2023 Ann Parry/

Scholarship winners received citations from Town of North Hempstead Supervisor JENNIFER DESENA, Town of North Hempstead Councilwoman MARIANN DALIMONTE, and NYS Assemblywoman GINA SILLITTI.  citations group photo

“The Art Guild

Manhasset, N.Y., U.S. June 9, 2023. At right, Town of North Hempstead Supervisor JENNIFER DESENA is one of the officials presenting citations to scholarship winners during The Art Guild’s Members Showcase Reception. (© 2023 Ann Parry/


“The Art Guild

Manhasset, N.Y., U.S. June 9, 2023. T.A.G. instructor MANNY VILLALOBOS is the winner of the Terri Shkuda Award The Art Guild’s Members Showcase Reception. Villalobos teaches students self-expression through art. (© 2023 Ann Parry/ color image

– T.A.G. Member Showcase –

“The Art Guild

Manhasset, N.Y., U.S. June 9, 2023. T.A.G. Board Member DIANE BARES attends The Art Guild’s Members Showcase Reception at Elderfields Preserve. (© 2023 Ann Parry/


“The Art Guild

Manhasset, N.Y., U.S. June 9, 2023. At left, Juror of Awards JOSHUA RUFF congratulates ALICE RIORDAN the First Place winner [The Sage], during The Art Guild’s Members Showcase Reception. (© 2023 Ann Parry/


“The Art Guild

Manhasset, N.Y., U.S. June 9, 2023. Juror of Awards JOSHUA RUFF presents Second Place award to JOAN STEVENS [Long Way Home] during The Art Guild’s Members Showcase Reception. (© 2023 Ann Parry/


“The Art Guild

Manhasset, N.Y., U.S. June 9, 2023. JANIS HURLEY wins Third Place for Mango Merchant, at The Art Guild’s Members Showcase Reception. At left is Juror of Awards JOSHUA RUFF and at right is KATIE BELLOMO, Gallery Manager. (© 2023 Ann Parry/

– T.A.G. Member Showcase –

“The Art Guild

Manhasset, N.Y., U.S. June 9, 2023. Exhibiting member VINY MAHANGOS, in B&W top, and other guests enjoy refreshments during awards ceremony at The Art Guild’s Members Showcase Reception . (© 2023 Ann Parry/

– T.A.G. Member Showcase –

“The Art Guild

Manhasset, N.Y., U.S. June 9, 2023. At right, exhibiting artist PIPER LYMAN chats with another guest at The Art Guild’s Members Showcase Reception. (© 2023 Ann Parry/


Honorable Mention winners were ANGELA CLASSI for Greyson, SABINE JEAN-BART for Mango Merchant, and DAVID WOLLIN for Mama Paella

“The Art Guild

Manhasset, N.Y., U.S. June 9, 2023. Juror of Awards JOSHUA RUFF presents an Honorable Mention award to DAVID WOLLIN for Mama Paella, during The Art Guild’s Members Showcase Reception. (© 2023 Ann Parry/

– T.A.G. Member Showcase –

“The Art Guild

Manhasset, N.Y., U.S. June 9, 2023.Exhibiting artist SHERRY ST. RENZ poses by her soapstone sculpture “Modern Nude’ at The Art Guild’s Members Showcase Reception. (© 2023 Ann Parry/

– T.A.G. Member Showcase –

“The Art Guild

Manhasset, N.Y., U.S. June 9, 2023.L-R, exhibiting artists JANE MCGRAW and BOB STUHMER flank his illustration ‘Seafood’ at The Art Guild’s Members Showcase Reception. (© 2023 Ann Parry/

– T.A.G. Member Showcase –

“The Art Guild

Manhasset, N.Y., U.S. June 9, 2023. Exhibiting members and guests view awards ceremony during The Art Guild’s Members Showcase Reception. (© 2023 Ann Parry/

– T.A.G. Member Showcase –

“The Art Guild

Manhasset, N.Y., U.S. June 9, 2023. Exhibiting artist NOLLY SHAVZIN and JENNIFER SHAVZIN attend The Art Guild’s Members Showcase Reception and Awards Ceremony. (© 2023 Ann Parry/

Save the Date: Art from the Heart fundraiser  Sat., Dec. 2, 7-10PM

10×10 Silent Art Auction & Cocktail Party×10

At the end of the Members Showcase Reception, interested T.A.G. members each picked up a 10″x10″ wood panel to decorate with original artwork and then donate, later this year, to The Art Guild’s Art from the Heart Silent Art Auction. 

The 10×10 Silent Art Auction Party is T.A.G.’s largest fundraiser of 2023. Bids start at $100.

“The Art Guild

Manhasset, N.Y., U.S. June 9, 2023. At end of The Art Guild’s member showcase reception, a T.A.G. volunteer distributes 10″x10″ wood panels to artists interested in donating their artwork to The Art Guild’s 10×10 Cocktail Reception & Auction fundraiser. (© 2023 Ann Parry/

The funds will benefit The Art Guild’s educational activities, community outreach programs, group exhibition opportunities, and help support the care of TAG’s home, historic Elderfields Preserve.

Art from the Heart Party  – Auction, Gallery & Cocktails

Saturday, Dec. 2, 2023 –  7-10PM

The Art Guild, 200 Port Washington Blvd, Manhasset, NY

FEATURE PHOTO (at top of post): Manhasset, N.Y., U.S. June 9, 2023. L-R, ILENE SILBERSTEIN and SHELLEY HOLTZMAN, Co-Presidents of The Art Guild, watch awards ceremony at T.A.G.’s Members Showcase Reception.

VIDEO COVER PHOTO (near top of post) Manhasset, N.Y., U.S. June 9, 2023. MARC JOSLOFF, TAG art instructor and member, attends The Art Guild Members Showcase Reception.

T.A.G. Members Showcase:  my Photo Gallery

my T.A.G. Video:

The Art Guild:

Art from the Heart Silent Art Auction Party & Fundraiser:×10

Long Island Museum of American Art, History & Carriages:

Artists online:


Old Westbury, New York, U.S. June 24, 2022. ‘Out of Sight’ (bronze, 2011) - two young boys with kites - is on view at 'Re-Visiting the Familiar: Seward Johnson at the Gardens' sculpture exhibition at Old Westbury Gardens. Westbury House is in background. (© 2022 Ann Parry,

Seward Johnson’s fun sculptures at Old Westbury Gardens

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (
July 16, 2022

Seward Johnson Exhibition • 6/18 – 9/25/22 • buy Advance TicketsMap

UPDATE: Extended thru September 25, 2022

Re-visiting the familiar

“It’s easy sometimes to forget the simple things that give us pleasure. If we open our eyes, life is marvelous” – Seward Johnson (1930-2020)

One of my birthday week traditions is going with family or friends to photograph something special. This year I went with Bob to ‘Re-Visiting the Familiar: Seward Johnson at the Gardens.’

The Old Westbury Gardens exhibit has over 30 Seward Johnson sculptures showing people doing everyday things. It runs from June 18th to September 5th, 2022.

my Photo Gallery – Seward Johnson at the Gardens (Plus, click each photo below to see larger one.)

A Reason to Smile (bronze, 2004):

Seward Johnson Sculptures at Old Westbury Gardens 2022

Old Westbury, N.Y., U.S. June 24, 2022. ‘A Reason to Smile’ (bronze, 2004) – a wry take on the painting ‘Mona Lisa’ by Leonardo Da Vinci – is on view at ‘Seward Johnson at the Gardens’ sculpture exhibition at Old Westbury Gardens. (© 2022 Ann Parry/

Other than seeing some photos of the present exhibit on Old Westbury Gardens’ facebook page, I didn’t know what to expect. I soon realized this was fun art, rather than fine art, though fine art inspired some of Johnson’s most iconic pieces.

The  statue ‘A Reason to Smile’ (see photo above) was inspired by Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. The statues of dancers on the West Porch (see 3 photos below) were inspired by Pierre Auguste Renoir, the French master Impressionist painter.

Time for Fun (aluminum, 2000) – country couple:

Seward Johnson Sculptures at Old Westbury Gardens 2022

Old Westbury, N.Y., U.S. June 24, 2022.  Visitor BOB STUHMER is having fun with ‘Time for Fun’ (aluminum, 2000), which is on view at ‘Seward Johnson at the Gardens’ sculpture exhibition at Old Westbury Gardens. The statue is inspired by painting ‘Dance in the Country,’ by Pierre Auguste Renoir. (© 2022 Ann Parry/

Time for Fun (aluminum, 2000) – country couple:

Seward Johnson Sculptures at Old Westbury Gardens 2022

Old Westbury, N.Y., U.S. June 24, 2022.  ‘Time for Fun’ (aluminum, 2000) – a country couple dancing outdoors, the woman holding fan high, and wearing red hat – is on view at ‘Seward Johnson at the Gardens’ sculpture exhibition at Old Westbury Gardens. The statue is inspired by painting ‘Dance in the Country,’ by Pierre Auguste Renoir. (© 2022 Ann Parry/

Whispering Close (aluminum, 2000) – city couple:

Seward Johnson Sculptures at Old Westbury Gardens 2022

Old Westbury, N.Y., U.S. June 24, 2022. ‘Whispering Close’ (aluminum, 2000) – a city couple dancing outdoors, the man wearing black tails, the woman with elegant dress and long gloves – is on view at ‘Seward Johnson at the Gardens’ sculpture exhibition at  Old Westbury Gardens. The statue is inspired by painting ‘Dance in the City,’ by Pierre Auguste Renoir. (© 2022 Ann Parry/

HEADS UP:  There are no pamphlets about the exhibit. Considering how small the maps, or large the pamphlets, would have to be, this seems both reasonable and ecologically friendly.

Instead, close to the parking lot, there are large panels displaying a map of the grounds, basic info about the exhibit of statues, and a QR Code to direct smart phones to online info:

  • Seward Johnson Exhibition
    (page no longer available online)

Testing Togetherness  – bronze, 2010 [ full view ]:

Seward Johnson Sculptures at Old Westbury Gardens 2022

Old Westbury, N.Y., U.S. June 24, 2022. ‘Testing Togetherness’ (bronze, 2010), seen in closeup – a young couple lying on grass, with girl’s head on boy’s chest- is on view at ‘Seward Johnson at the Gardens’ sculpture exhibition at Old Westbury Gardens (© 2022 Ann Parry/

I had more spontaneous, quick conversations with fellow visitors than during any earlier visit to Old Westbury Gardens.

Though strangers may typically avoid staring at each other, at this exhibit, we often stared at each other from a distance or even rather close. Were we approaching fellow visitors or trompe-l’œil statues?

Time and again, I’d cross paths with someone smiling who’d say something along the lines of, “Did you see the statue of a couple lying down under the tree? I was sure they were real people, even when I got closer, but they didn’t move…”   (see above photo)

The Landlady (aluminum, 2004):

Seward Johnson Sculptures at Old Westbury Gardens 2022

Old Westbury, N.Y., U.S. June 24, 2022. ‘The Landlady’ (aluminum, 2004) – an older woman sitting at a table with holding open ledger – is on view in Westbury House at ‘Seward Johnson at the Gardens’ sculpture exhibition at Old Westbury Gardens. The work is inspired by the painting ‘L’Arlésienne’ by Vincent van Gogh.(© 2022 Ann Parry/


Except for Old Westbury Gardens members, visitors must purchase tickets in advance. The exhibit is free with admission.

There are several big reasons I’ve kept my OWG membership active, despite Covid: it’s mainly an outdoor venue; I can go, or not, on the spur of the moment, and there’s no cost factor against making short or multiple visits to one event.

Sweet Sixteen  – 1981  [ side  rear 1  rear 2 ]:

Seward Johnson Sculptures at Old Westbury Gardens 2022

Old Westbury, N.Y., U.S. June 24, 2022. ‘Sweet Sixteen’ (1981) – from the ‘Reading’ group, and showing a girl sitting atop bench, reading a book – is on view at ‘Seward Johnson at the Gardens’ sculpture exhibition at historic Old Westbury Gardens (© 2022 Ann Parry/

I used my Nikon Z9 mirrorless camera with the Nikkor Z 24-120mm f/4 lens to capture all photos except ‘Waving Girl,’ which I captured with my iPhone (see last post). Though I LOVE my Nikon gear, they’re not light, and it was a hot day.

So, after a couple of hours of photographing statues mainly in the west area of the grounds, it was near dinner time, and Bob and I left.

I look forward to returning to “bump into” and photograph more statues at the Gold Coast estate before the Seward Johnson exhibit ends.

Creating  (bronze, 1981, 1984):

Seward Johnson Sculptures at Old Westbury Gardens 2022

Old Westbury, N.Y., U.S. June 24, 2022. ‘A visitor takes a selfie with ‘Creating’ (bronze, 1981), a statue of a man sketching a landscape, during the ‘Seward Johnson at the Gardens’ sculpture exhibition at Old Westbury Gardens. (© 2022 Ann Parry/

‘It often happens that when you look at familiar things through someone else’s eyes you see them as you have never seen them before.’ – John Mole, ‘It’s All Greek to Me!’  2004

Waving Girl (bronze, 1982)

Seward Johnson Sculptures at Old Westbury Gardens 2022

Old Westbury, New York, U.S. June 24, 2022. ‘Waving Girl’ (bronze, 1982) – a young woman waving as if to call to someone across the West Pond, is on view at ‘Seward Johnson at the Gardens’ sculpture exhibition at Old Westbury Gardens. Captured using iPhone 13 Pro (© 2022 Ann Parry/

FEATURE PHOTO (top of post) other views: side  closeup – Old Westbury, N.Y., U.S. June 24, 2022. ‘Out of Sight’ (bronze, 2011) – two young boys with kites – is on view at ‘Re-Visiting the Familiar: Seward Johnson at the Gardens’ sculpture exhibition at Old Westbury Gardens. Westbury House is in background.

Seward Johnson at the Gardens: my Photo Gallery