From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (
April 9, 2024
Long Island sees 90% solar eclipse

Garden City, New York, U.S. April 8, 2024. ANDREW KRAHM, of Rockville Center, views the 90% partial solar eclipse at Cradle of Aviation Museum. He and BARBARA KRAHM, at right, are wearing eclipse glasses CAM gave with admission. (© 2024 Ann Parry,
Cradle of Aviation Museum publicized its 4.8.24 solar eclipse events online well in advance of yesterday’s celestial extravaganza.
And many of the thousand+ visitors decided to view the eclipse at CAM because they saw News12 Long Island segments about it earlier in the day.

Garden City, New York, U.S. April 8, 2024. Young son holds special eclipse glasses over his eyes as his family views 90% solar eclipse at Cradle of Aviation Museum. (© 2024 Ann Parry,
Before the eclipse started, CAM had special events for all ages: a lecture and show in its all-digital Catholic Health Sky Theater Planetarium, a telescope viewing, and hands on activities, including outdoor chalk art.

Garden City, New York, U.S. April 8, 2024. 90% solar eclipse, in sky at left, is above the statue ‘The First American Woman in Space’ honoring astronaut Sally Ride, in front of the Cradle of Aviation Museum. Hundreds of CAM visitors watched the partial solar eclipse on Long Island.(© 2024 Ann Parry,
A major bonus was that each visitor, with admission, got a pair of eclipse glasses safe to directly view the sun: ISO 123-122 filter safety eclipse glasses. Why many visitors found this a draw:
- Those who didn’t get eclipse glasses beforehand found out It was difficult-to-impossible to find ones at the last minute.
- Some were concerned about the eclipse glasses they already had because of reports that unscrupulous vendors were selling ones they falsely claimed met safety standards for directly viewing the sun.

Garden City, New York, U.S. April 8, 2024. LYNN FIONA, 22, of Patchogue, wears special filter glasses to view the 90% solar eclipse at Cradle of Aviation Museum on Long Island. (© 2024 Ann Parry,
solar eclipse at CAM

Garden City, New York, U.S. April 8, 2024. Cradle of Aviation Museum volunteer MADELYN views 90% solar eclipse at the museum. CAM gave ISO 123-122 filter safety glasses with admission, on Long Island. (© 2024 Ann Parry,
solar eclipse at CAM
4.8.2024 Birthdays:

Garden City, New York, U.S. April 8, 2024. PETER ANGIONE, 55, of Levittown, wears a hat and shirt saying this solar eclipse day is his birthday. Visitors viewed 90% solar eclipse at Cradle of Aviation Museum.(© 2024 Ann Parry,
“…I’m happy to be here because it’s my birthday… We won’t be getting totality here – we’ll get about 88% – 90% – but I’m so happy to be here because it’s my present from Mother Nature…” – Peter Angione, 55, from Levittown, at Cradle of Aviation Museum, April 8, 2024. (see photo above)

Garden City, New York, U.S. April 8, 2024. Mom, wearing shirt saying this solar eclipse day is her birthday, has hands on daughter’s shoulders as their family views 90% solar eclipse at Cradle of Aviation Museum. (© 2024 Ann Parry,

Garden City, New York, U.S. April 8, 2024. RAVI ANAND and his young daughter JIANNA ANAND, pointing to the sky, of Jericho, view 90% solar eclipse at Cradle of Aviation Museum. (© 2024 Ann Parry,
solar eclipse at CAM

Garden City, New York, U.S. April 8, 2024. SUTTON family, L-R, PRIYA , 7; mom KOREN, 50; PRESTON, 7; and dad DANNY, 51, view 90% solar eclipse at Cradle of Aviation Museum. (© 2024 Ann Parry,
FEATURE PHOTO (at top of post) – Garden City, New York, U.S. April 8, 2024. CLARISSA, of Westbury, wears eclipse safety glasses as she views 90% solar eclipse at Cradle of Aviation Museum on Long Island. (© 2022 Ann Parry/
Solar Eclipse 2024 at CAM: my PHOTO GALLERY
CAM site: Cradle of Aviation Museum