Tag Archives: COVID

Vacinate New York sign with arrow animated © 2021 Vacinate New York sign with arrow animated, © 2021 Ann Parry, FromLongIsland.com, Ann-Parry.com

After COVID-19 Vaccination, Bob Feels Fine

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (annparry.com)
February 26, 2021

VIDEO: 3 Cheers for COVID-19 Vaccination – Bob Stuhmer gets his 2nd Covid-19 Vaccination, 2/20/2021, Nassau County, New York:

Last weekend, Bob and I had our second Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine shots at a vaccination site in Nassau County.

Late January, when one of my daughters magically landed on an online vaccination sign-up page that listed available appointments and worked, she scheduled appointments for Bob and me.

There was no blood on Bob’s arm after the shot, so the medical student who administered the Pfizer vaccination said he didn’t need a bandage unless he wanted one. (He didn’t.)

•  SIDE EFFECTS for Bob?  He didn’t have any side effects after the first dose on January 30th, and didn’t have any after the second dose three weeks later.

•  SIDE EFFECTS for me?  Barely worth mentioning. For about a day after each vaccination, my arm felt a bit sore when I touched it. After the second shot, I felt slightly light-headed for a few minutes, which I suspect is because I didn’t eat anything between breakfast and my early afternoon appointment.

Long Island, New York, USA. February 20, 2021. Nurse from Stony Brook University administers 1st shot of COVID-19 Pfizer vaccinations to ANN PARRY, at Nassau County.

Long Island, New York, USA. February 20, 2021. Nurse from Stony Brook University prepares to administer 1st shot of COVID-19 Pfizer vaccination to ANN PARRY, at Nassau County.

#StopTheSpread   #covid   #coronavirus   #vaccination   #NewYorkTough

NewsdayCOVID-19 vaccines: How to book appointments on Long Island  Erin Serpico’s article has links & info covering Long island and NYC. Because it’s comprehensive, all in one place, and updated as new info becomes available, it’s a very helpful resource: 


Erin Serpico’s articles on Newsday: muckrack.com/erin-serpico/articles

Some useful info for scheduling COVID vaccinations:

NYS Vaccination Hotline:  1-833-NYS-4VAX (1-833-697-4829)

Nassau County:  https://www.nassaucountyny.gov/vaccine

Suffolk County: https://www.suffolkcountyny.gov/

my Vimeo video site: vimeo.com/annparry

Bob’s illustration site: BobStuhmer.com