From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (
November 1, 2011
Sweet Suzi & Sugafixx – Long Island’s scorching blues group starring vocalist SWEET SUZI SMITH – performed at the recent Merrick Street Fair.
Having stepped down as head of publicity for the MBCCA concert association, I expected to take a break from covering the performing arts, but Sweet Suzi & SugaFixx’s raw, powerful, emotional performance on stage outside RS Jones stopped me in my tracks.

Merrick, N.Y., U.S. November 22, 2011. Blues singer SWEET SUZI SMITH & guitarist JOHN PUGLISI of ‘Sweet Suzi and Sugafixx’ at Merrick Street Fair. (© 2011 Ann Parry,
You never know what you’ll get at town fairs, where musical groups can be more notable for their enthusiasm than talent, but – Wow! – the passion, musicianship, and stage presence of Sweet Suzi & SugaFixx blew me away.
Curbdogs Guitarist JOHN PUGLISI (from right here in Merrick), bassist JOE PAGANO, and drummer RONNIE SCIASCIA are the sizzling SugaFixx in SWEET SUZI SMITH’s band.
And back at home, when googling them for caption info for their photos, I made to sure check their schedule of upcoming performances in the area.
Sweet Suzi & SugaFixx: my photo GALLERY
Sweet Suzie Blues videos: @SWEETSUZIBLUES