2013 Snake at Tackapausha Museum & Preserve, Science Exploration Moon Day

Tackapausha Museum & Preserve, Science Exploration Moon Day

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (ann-parry.com)
July 28, 2013

Science Exploration Moon Day – despite landing during a week-long heat wave – attracted many Long Islanders, especially families, to the Tackapausha Museum and Preserve in Seaford, New York, on July 20, 2013.

Seaford, New York, U.S. 20th July 2013. Science Exploration Moon Day, by Long Island Fringe Festival 5, has moon art, science activities, and animals from the Tackapuahsa Museum and Preserve, the host of this family event. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Seaford, NY, U.S. – 20th July 2013 – Science Exploration Moon Day at Tackapauhsa Museum and Preserve. (© 2013 Ann Parry/ann-parry.com)

Members of Friends of Tackapausha and seasonal and part-time employees and volunteers at Tackapausha walked around animal residents, such as Zouzi the corn snake and MAPLE the Rabbit.

And children and adults were actively engaged in the science projects, such as creating green slime in the museum, and shooting off water bottle rockets outdoors.

Commemorating the 44th Anniversary of the 1969 First Moon Landing, the successful event also featured moon art and performances by Long Island artists, presented by Long Island Fringe Festival 5.

Tackapausha Science Exploration Moon Day:  my PHOTO GALLERY

Site:  Tackapausha Museum and Preserve