From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (
[ UPDATED: February 5, 2019 ]
Madeline Singas wins Nassau County District Attorney race
In an upset victory, Democrat MADELINE SINGAS, Nassau County Acting District Attorney and first time candidate, won the D.A. race against Republican KATE MURRAY, the Supervisor of the Town of Hempstead.

Garden City, New York, USA. Nov. 3, 2015. At center, Democrat MADELINE SINGAS claims victory over Republican Kate Murray in race for Nassau County District Attorney. Singas’s family – including (left) her husband THEO APOSTOLOU, (right) daughter, and son, joined her on stage at Nassau County Democrats Election Night Party at Garden City Hotel. (© 2015 Ann Parry/
At the Democratic Election Night Viewing Party at Garden City Hotel on the night of November 3, 2015, when over 99% of the precinct votes were in, Singas went to the podium with her husband THEO APOSTOLOU and their daughter and son, and thanked her supporters.

Garden City, NY, USA. Nov. 3, 2015. Dem. MADELINE SINGAS claims victory over Rep. Kate Murray in race for Nassau County District Attorney. Singas spoke with supporters at Election Night Party at Garden City Hotel. (© 2015 Ann Parry/
In the race for Town of Hempstead Supervisor, Democratic candidate RITA KESTENBAUM, a former member of the Hempstead Town Board, lost to Republican candidate ANTHONY SANTINO, a long-time Town of Hempstead councilman.

Garden City, New York, USA. Nov. 3, 2015. L-R, ANDREW GOLDSTEIN, CHRIS MELNYCZUK, RITA KESTENBAUM and KEVIN BRADY attend the Election Night Party of the Nassau County Democrats, at the Garden City Hotel. Kestenbaum was the Democratic candidate for Town of Hempstead Supervisor. (© 2015 Ann Parry/
Democrat CLAUDIA BORECKY unsuccessfully challenged Republican Nassau County Legislator STEVE RHOADS in the Legislative District 19 race.

Garden City, New York, USA. Nov. 3, 2015. R-L, Candidate CLAUDIA BORECKY and husband MICHAEL BORECKY, from Merrick, attend Election Night Party of the Nassau County Democrats, at the Garden City Hotel. Borecky was the Democratic candidate for Nassau County Legislative District 19. (© 2015 Ann Parry/
UPDATE – Feb. 5, 2019 [see above photo] Claudia Borecky attended the 2015 Election Night party with her husband MICHAEL BORECKY, who died suddenly at the end of 2018, and I’m among the many who will miss this kind fellow Merrokean.
Feature Photo (top of post): Garden City, New York, USA. November 3, 2015. Democrat MADELINE SINGAS claims victory over Republican Kate Murray in the hotly contested race for Nassau County District Attorney. JAY JACOBS (at far right), the Chairman of the Nassau County Democratic Party, and Singas’s family joined her on stage.
Election Night Party 2015: my PHOTO GALLERY