Tag Archives: Cruise Nights

Bellmore, New York, USA. August 24, 2018. Parked under the elevated LIRR train tracks are some of the hundreds of classic and custom cars on display at Bellmore Friday Night Car Show, in parking lot of Bellmore station.

Bellmore Friday Night Car Shows 3: Red, White & Blowtorch

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (annparry.com)
August 31, 2018

Bellmore, New York, USA. August 24, 2018. At the Bellmore Friday Night Car Show, many cars and visitors are under the overhead tracks at the Bellmore LIRR train station. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Bellmore, NY, USA. August 24, 2018. At the Bellmore Friday Night Car Show, many cars and visitors are under the overhead tracks at the Bellmore LIRR train station. (© 2018 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Whether their cars wore vivid coats of paint or muted ones, the owners I met at the Bellmore Friday Night Car Show last week were colorful and happy to talk, especially about the treasures they drove there.

Mr. Blowtorch

Standing next to his sleek black Chevy SS, “Mr. Blowtorch” was handing out small free stickers – each with a beautifully illustrated car scene and “Friday Night • Car Show • Bellmore” on it.

Bellmore, New York, USA. August 24, 2018. Hundreds of classic and custom cars are on display at Bellmore Friday Night Car Show, in parking lot of LIRR Bellmore station. This traditional Long Island event is hosted by the Chamber of Commerce of the Bellmores. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Bellmore, NY, USA. August 24, 2018. “Mr. Blowtorch” holds stickers he’s giving away for free, in front of his black Chevrolet SS at Bellmore Friday Night Car Show, in parking lot of LIRR Bellmore station. (© 2018 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

I took two or three stickers as he shared anecdotes, and showed photos on his cell phone, about his former career as a theatrical stage metal worker (NYC’s Local One – IATSE). 

So “Mr. Blowtorch” was the nickname he got at work, which spanned decades and continents, and included making the large flat metal world map, showing several rotated views of Earth, for the set of CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite!

See the USA in Your 1957 Chevrolet

A big fan of the Chevy Tri-Years, 1955-57 (and shiny red things), I headed straight to a red 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air as soon as I spotted it. 

Bellmore, New York, USA. August 24, 2018. Hundreds of classic and custom cars are on display at Bellmore Friday Night Car Show, in parking lot of LIRR Bellmore station. This traditional Long Island event is hosted by the Chamber of Commerce of the Bellmores. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Bellmore, NY, USA. August 24, 2018. Visitors at left finish taking close look at red 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air at Bellmore Friday Night Car Show, and its owner opens driver’s door, to relocate car across lane. (© 2018 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

The twin chrome rockets on its open hood looked ready to blast over the elevated train tracks of the Bellmore LIRR train station. 

Bellmore, NY, USA. August 24, 2018. Closeup of rocket ornaments on open hood of red 1957 Chevy Bel Air that is on display at Bellmore Friday Night Car Show, in parking lot of LIRR Bellmore station. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Bellmore, NY, USA. August 24, 2018. On open hood of red 1957 Chevy Bel Air, rocket ornament points up toward overhead tracks of LIRR train station, during Bellmore Friday Night Car Show. (© 2018 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

It turned out I arrived just in time to capture a shot of that, since – though the rockets weren’t leaving the car – the car was about to move to an apparently more desirable spot that had just opened up across the lane. 

Bellmore, New York, USA. August 24, 2018. Hundreds of classic and custom cars are on display at Bellmore Friday Night Car Show, in parking lot of LIRR Bellmore station. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Bellmore, N, USA. August 24, 2018. Closeup of front grill and bumper of red 1957 Chevy Bel Air on display at Bellmore Friday Night Car Show. (© 2018 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

The alert owner quickly – and very carefully – moved his Chevy to the new space, where the dusk light softly lit up the golden front grill and chrome bumper.

Back to the 80’s

And this cruise night certainly didn’t disappoint when it came to creative, fun vanity plates.

Bellmore, New York, USA. August 24, 2018. Hundreds of classic and custom cars are on display at Bellmore Friday Night Car Show, in parking lot of LIRR Bellmore station. This traditional Long Island event is hosted by the Chamber of Commerce of the Bellmores. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Bellmore, NY, USA. August 24, 2018. Owner Frankie D’Amore, of Levittown, is seated, at right, next to  his 1984 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz convertible with fitting license plate number, at Bellmore Friday Night Car Show. (© 2018 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

FRANKIE D’AMORE, of Levittown, had “BAC2D80S” license plates on his white with red interior 1984 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz convertible. Small green, white and red “Italia” boxing gloves dangling from the rear view mirror gave an extra personal touch.

Bellmore, New York, USA. August 24, 2018. Owner Frankie D'Amore, of Levittown sits next to his 1984 white Cadillac El Dorado Biarritz convertible with a particularly fitting license plate number BAC2D80S, at Bellmore Friday Night Car Show. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Bellmore, NY, USA. August 24, 2018. At left, owner Frankie D’Amore, of Levittown gives a “thumbs up” as he sits next to his 1984 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz convertible, at Bellmore Friday Night Car Show. (© 2018 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Cruise Nighttime

It was well past sunset when I left shortly before 9 PM that late summer night.

Chamber of Commerce of the Bellmores members, wearing yellow reflective safety vests, were collecting entrance fees from drivers of the classic, antique and customized cars, who had over an hour of cruise night to enjoy.

For me, like the rest of the hundreds of visitors who walked in, Bellmore Friday Night Car Show was free.

Bellmore, New York, USA. August 24, 2018. Members of Chamber of Commerce of the Bellmores, wearing yellow reflective safety vests, give drivers a car sticker after they collect $3 entrance fee from each car entering the Bellmore Friday Night Car Show at the Bellmore LIRR Train Station parking lot. Visitors walk in for free. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Bellmore, NY, USA. August 24, 2018. Members of Chamber of Commerce of the Bellmores, wearing yellow reflective safety vests, collect entrance fee from each car entering the Bellmore Friday Night Car Show. Visitors walk in for free. (© 2018 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Just the Facts

WHEN:  Weekly meets from first week of May to first week of October: MAY 3 to OCT. 5, 2018, from 6 PM – 10 PM (weather permitting)

WHERE:  Bellmore LIRR parking lot on Sunrise Highway (between Bellmore Ave. & Bedford Ave.)

INFObellmorechamber.com   (516)-679-1875 – The Chamber of Commerce of the Bellmores and the Town of Hempstead host Friday Night Bellmore Car Shows

UPDATE:  2019 Schedule

Weekly Friday meets from MAY 3 to OCT. 4, 2019, from 6 PM -10 PM (weather permitting)

2018 Bellmore Friday Night Car Shows:   PHOTO GALLERY


Bellmore Friday Night Car Shows 2

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (ann-parry.com)
August 17, 2017

Last Friday, my friend Bob and I walked out of International Delight Cafe where we had dinner, and plunged into the tide of cars, motorcycles and fellow walkers heading to the Bellmore Friday Night Car Show at the Bellmore LIRR Station parking lot.

    • UPDATE: see 2019 Schedule for Friday Night Car Shows at end of post
Bellmore, New York, USA. 11th August 2017. Hood ornament closeup is shown of 1938 Pontiac 2-door sedan parked at the Bellmore Friday Night Car Show. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Bellmore, NY, USA.  August 11, 2017. Shown is hood ornament of 1938 Pontiac 2-door sedan at the Bellmore Friday Night Car Show. (© 2017 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Before long, we were in a colorful sea of parked cars and enjoying the breezy evening. Then we met up with friends and started to explore.

As usual, I spent most of my time lingering at just a few cars, so I could pay careful attention to them, and chat with their owners when possible.

  • Click on each photo below for larger view 
Bellmore, New York, USA. August 11, 2017. Red RAM lifted underlit truck drives past onlookers at the Bellmore Friday Night Car Show (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Bellmore, New York, USA. August 11, 2017. Red RAM lifted underlit truck drives past onlookers at the Bellmore Friday Night Car Show (© 2017 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

1958 Oldsmobile “Bugmobile”

“Bugsy” is embroidered on FRANK MARTOCCI‘s  green cap, which matches the color of the 1958 Oldsmobile Super 88 4-door sedan he fondly calls his “Bugmobile.”

Bellmore, New York, USA. 11th August 2017. FRANK MARTOCCI, of Bellmore is owner of green Oldsmobile, 1958. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Bellmore, NY, USA. August 11, 2017. FRANK MARTOCCI, of Bellmore, owns the green Bugsmobile 1958 Oldsmobile at Bellmore Friday Night Car Show. (© 2017 Ann Parry, Ann-Parry.com)

What first drew my attention to Martocci’s classic Oldsmobile were the colorful plastic cheeseburger, ketchup and mustard bottles on the food tray suspended from the passenger window partly rolled down – but it just as easily could have been the colorful plastic bugs strewn on the car’s exterior and top of the cheeseburger.

Bellmore, New York, USA. 11th August 2017. Chrome hood ornament is seen closeup of green 1958 Oldsmobile, owned by Frank Martocci, of Bellmore, at Bellmore Friday Night Car Show. Marocci calls the classic car his Bugmobile. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Bellmore, New York, USA. 11th August 2017. Chrome hood ornament is seen closeup of green 1958 Oldsmobile, owned by Frank Martocci, of Bellmore, at Bellmore Friday Night Car Show. Martocci calls the classic car his Bugmobile. (© 2017 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

The Bugsmobile is the first and only car Martocci has ever had. He used it for his driver’s license Road Test, and by next month, September 2017, he’ll have had it for 40 years.

Bellmore, New York, USA. 11th August 2017. At Bellmore Friday Night Car Show, Frank Martocci, of Bellmore, is owner of Bugmobile, owner of green Oldsmobile, 1958, with left taillight shown in detail where chrome piece is swung open to reveal opening the gas is put in tank. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Bellmore, New York, USA. 11th August 2017. To fill tank with gas, chrome piece swings open on left tail light of 1958 Oldsmobile owned by FRANK MARTOCCI, at Bellmore Friday Night Car Show  (© 2107 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

1967 Volkswagon Wunderbug Woody

MIKE RADOMSKI, of Valley Stream, is the artistic owner of the 1967 Volkswagen Wunderbug Woody Wagon that drew lots of appreciative attention from visitors.

Bellmore, New York, USA. 11th August 2017.  At right, MIKE RADOMSKI, of Valley Stream, owner of 1967 Wunderbug Volkswagen, and BRYAN RICHHEIMER, of Vermont, chat at Bellmore Friday Night Car Show. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Bellmore, New York, USA. 11th August 2017.  At right, MIKE RADOMSKI, of Valley Stream, owner of 1967 Wunderbug Volkswagen, and BRYAN RICHHEIMER, a bird sculptor from Vermont, chat at Bellmore Friday Night Car Show. (© 2017 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Woodys, with their golden warm panels, are innately handsome vehicles, and Radomski customized his with flare.

The wooden roof luggage rack carries three surfboards with natural wood finish. He told how a man so loved this look during an earlier car show that he asked if Radomski would bring the wagon to the man’s beach party.

Bellmore, New York, USA. 11th August 2017. At Bellmore Friday Night Car Show, MIKE RADOMSKI, of Valley Stream, is the owner of Wunderbug Woody Volkswagen, with homemade angel hood ornament. Elevated tracks of Bellmore Long Island Rail Road station are seen in background. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Bellmore, New York, USA. 11th August 2017. At Bellmore Friday Night Car Show, MIKE RADOMSKI, of Valley Stream, owns Wunderbug Woody Volkswagen. Elevated tracks of Bellmore Long Island Rail Road station are in background. (© 2017 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Radomski covered the Wunderbug hood in colorful floral fabric of earthy red yellow and greens. And I was fascinated by the trumpeting angel hood ornament he handmade from three silver forks, a 10-penny nail and a washer!

Bellmore, New York, USA. 11th August 2017.  At right, MIKE RADOMSKI, of Valley Stream, owner of 1967 Wunderbug Volkswagen, and BRYAN RICHHEIMER, of Vermont, chat at Bellmore Friday Night Car Show. RADOMSKI made angel hood ornament made from 3 silver forks, 10 penny nail, and a washer. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Bellmore, NY, USA.  Aug. 11, 2017.  MIKE RADOMSKI, of Valley Stream, the owner of 1967 Wunderbug Volkswagen, made angel hood ornament. (© 2017 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

And, yes, the Woody Wagon got to go to the beach party :)

Going & Coming

Around 8:30 pm, we left to head back to IDC for some homemade gelato, and passed the ever-alert volunteers from the Chamber of Commerce of the Bellmores and the Nassau Auxiliary police guiding the steady stream of cars into the parking lot.

Bellmore, New York, USA. August 11, 2017. Members of the Chamber of Commerce of the Bellmores and Nassau County Auxiliary Police wear yellow neon reflective safety vests as they guide cars into the main lot of the Long Island Rail Road Bellmore Train Station parking lot where the Bellmore Friday Night Car Show is held. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Bellmore, New York, USA. August 11, 2017. Members of the Chamber of Commerce of the Bellmores and Nassau County Auxiliary Police wear safety vests as they guide cars into LIRR Bellmore Train Station parking lot for Bellmore Friday Night Car Show. (© 2017 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

We each had the fun challenge of choosing one of the 80 or so flavors of gelato. For me, chatting with new and old friends while eating a scoop of chocolate chip gelato on a gluten-free waffle was a great way to end that summer night in Bellmore.

Bellmore, New York, USA. 11th August 2017. Motorcyclist locks up her parked Harley Davidson motorcycle parked with other motorcycles across the street from Bellmore Friday Night Car Show, in parking lot of LIRR Bellmore station. (Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Bellmore, New York, USA. 11th August 2017. Motorcyclist locks up her parked Harley Davidson motorcycle parked with other motorcycles across the street from Bellmore Friday Night Car Show, in parking lot of LIRR Bellmore station. (© 2017 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Just the Facts

WHEN:  Weekly meets from MAY 12 to OCT. 6, 2017, from 6 PM – 10 PM (weather permitting)

WHERE:  Bellmore LIRR parking lot on Sunrise Highway (between Bellmore Ave. & Bedford Ave.)

INFObellmorechamber.com   (516)-679-1875 – The Chamber of Commerce of the Bellmores and the Town of Hempstead host Friday Night Bellmore Car Shows

UPDATE:  2019 Schedule

Weekly Friday meets from MAY 3 to OCT. 4, 2019, from 6 PM -10 PM (weather permitting)

2017 Bellmore Friday Night Car Shows:   GALLERY


Bellmore Friday Night Car Shows 1

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (annparry.com)
August 8, 2015

Each spring I look forward to the return of Bellmore Friday Night Car Shows. The crowds bustling around hundreds of classic, custom, and antique cars at the Bellmore LIRR station parking lot have such friendly energy.

    • UPDATE: see 2019 Schedule for Friday Night Car Shows at end
Bellmore, New York, USA. 7th August 2015. Groups of people are at 1957 Chevrolet muscle car, with a blower (supercharger air compressor) sticking out through hole in hood, and American Dream written under the front grill, and parked under the elevated train tracks at the Friday Night Car Show held at the Bellmore Long Island Railroad Station Parking Lot. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Bellmore, NY, USA. August 7, 2015. 1957 Chevrolet muscle car is American Dream at the Friday Night Car Show held at the Bellmore Long Island Rail Road Station Parking Lot. (© 2015 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

On May 29, perhaps the hardest-to-miss custom car was a black 1992 Mazda Convertible belonging to PHIL ZIRKULI, a Baldwin UFSD Art Teacher,  who was drawing colorful designs with chalk paint on his car. Zirkuli explained he decorates his car to draw attention to the importance of art education.

Bellmore, New York, USA. May 29, 2015. PHIL ZIRKULI, a Baldwin Art Teacher, is free-hand drawing colorful designs with chalk paint on his black 1992 Mazda Convertible at the Friday Night Car Show held at the Bellmore Long Island Railroad Station Parking Lot. Zirkuli explained he decorates his car to draw attention to the importance of art education. Hundreds of classic, antique, and custom cars are generally on view at the free weekly show, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce of the Bellmores, from May to early October. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Bellmore, NY, USA. May 29, 2015. PHIL ZIRKULI, a Baldwin Art Teacher, draws colorful designs on his black 1992 Mazda Convertible at the Friday Night Car Show held at the Bellmore Long Island Railroad Station Parking Lot.  (© 2015 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com

One of my favorite classic cars that spring night was a black 1965 Shelby Cobra 427 roadster racing car. When I asked why there was a thin wire attaching each Tri-Wing Knock Off to its wheel, I learned the safety wire prevents the Knock Off, aka Wingnut or Spinner, from flying into other cars if it comes off during races.

Bellmore, New York, USA. 12th June 2015. Owner Grey Cherveny, of Bay Shore, is standing at the open trunk of his modified yellow 2003 Corvette 50th Anniversary model, with Lamborghini doors (AKA vertical scissors doors and Lambo doors) and chrome trim added, an award winning car displayed at the Friday Night Car Show held at the Bellmore Long Island Railroad Station Parking Lot. Hundreds of classic, antique, and custom cars were on view at the free weekly show, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce of the Bellmores. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Bellmore, NY, USA. 12th June 2015. Owner Grey Cherveny at his modified yellow 2003 Corvette 50th Anniversary model at Friday Night Car Show held at Bellmore LIRR Station Parking Lot. (© 2015 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com

On June 12th, I enjoyed speaking with GREY CHERVENY, from Bay Shore, about his yellow 2003 Corvette 50th Anniversary model, with Lamborghini doors and chrome trim under the hood to reflect the motor. He proudly told me how, though he’s just recently started going to car shows with his modified Vette, it’s already appeared in Newsday, plus won an award.

Bellmore Friday Night Car Shows are great family fun. In fact, that late May night I unexpectedly ran into my older daughter’s family – including my grandson who excitedly shouted out “Train!” and pointed up from his stroller to the overhead tracks each time an LIRR train roared past.

Bellmore, New York, USA. 7th August 2015. JIMMY STELLAS, of Freeport, is standing in front of his War Bonnet Yellow 1969 Corvette Stingray, at the Friday Night Car Show held at the Bellmore Long Island Railroad Station Parking Lot. Hundreds of classic, antique, and custom cars were on view at the free weekly show, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce of the Bellmores. In front of Stellas is a Riverside Gold 1972 Stingray Vette. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Bellmore, NY, USA. 7th August 2015. JIMMY STELLAS, of Freeport, stands in front of his War Bonnet Yellow 1969 Corvette Stingray, at the Friday Night Car Show held at the Bellmore LIRR Station Parking Lot. At right is a Riverside Gold 1972 Stingray Vette. ( © 2015 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Because I linger at each car that catches my eye – aiming to learn about the car and capture images that do it justice – I usually have time to catch only a small portion of the classic, antique, and custom cars each visit.

These free weekly shows are co-sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce of the Bellmores and the Town of Hempstead, and run through to the first week in October. I look forward to returning for many more laps around the parking lot.


6 PM–10 PM, early in May until first week of October (weather permitting)  bellmorechamber.com  (516) 679-1875

Bellmore LIRR parking lot on Sunrise Highway (between Bellmore Ave. & Bedford Ave.)

UPDATES – 2019 Schedule

Weekly Friday meets from MAY 3 to OCT. 4, 2019, from 6 PM -10 PM (weather permitting)

Bellmore Car Show posts:  #1  (2015)   #2 • 2017    #3 • 2018

My Auto event galleries: CARS