From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (
June 28, 2021
Great Pine Railway at Old Westbury Gardens
• VIDEO: (1:53) Old Westbury Gardens – 6/23/2021:
The opening reception for Old Westbury Gardens’ outdoor Great Pine Railway Exhibit was the first event Bob and I attended there since COVID-19 struck Long Island early 2020. The fun for the whole family exhibit of G scale model trains runs through September 6th.
• my PHOTO GALLERY | also, Click each photo below to see a related one

Old Westbury, New York, U.S. June 23, 2021. Old Westbury Gardens has an opening reception for its Great Pine Railway outdoor model train exhibit. The red Westbury House of OWG is one of several Long Island landmarks Leslie Salka Inc created for the unique large G gauge model railroad exhibit, which runs until September 6. (© 2021 Ann Parry/
Old Westbury Gardens commissioned Leslie Salka Inc to create the Great Pine Railway display, including creative models of four Long Island Gold Coast landmarks:
• Eagle’s Nest at William K Vanderbilt’s estate, Centerport
• Hempstead House at Sands Point Preserve
• Westbury House at Old Westbury Gardens
• Oheka Castle in Huntington

Old Westbury, New York, U.S. June 23, 2021. NANCY COSTOPOLUS, President and CEO of Old Westbury Gardens, attends its members only opening reception for its Great Pine Railway outdoor model train exhibit, which includes Long Island landmarks, and it runs until September 6. (© 2021 Ann Parry/
Children enjoyed the chance to run after the several large model trains traveling the over 220 feet of tracks, ranging from near ground level to high overhead.

Old Westbury, New York, U.S. June 23, 2021. Old Westbury Gardens has an opening reception for its Great Pine Railway outdoor model train exhibit. The orange Oheka Castle, of Huntington, is one of several Long Island landmarks Leslie Salka Inc created for the unique large G gauge model railroad exhibit, which runs until September 6. (© 2021 Ann Parry/
We enjoyed passing through the Rose Garden on our way to and from the Great Pine Railway:

Old Westbury, New York, U.S. June 23, 2021. Old Westbury Gardens’ rose gardens are once again open to visitors, with certain Covid-19 related restrictions, the summer of 2021. (© 2021 Ann Parry/
Feature Photo at top of post: Old Westbury, NY, USA. June 23, 2021. A locomotive guides a large G gauge model train on elevated tracks around the perimeter of the Great Pine Railway exhibit at Old Westbury Gardens.
2021 Outdoor Model Trains at OWG: my PHOTO GALLERY
Old Westbury Gardens: SITE • JOIN
VIDEO – OWG Great Pine Railway 2021:
Bob Stuhmer: (In above video, Stuhmer arranged the train medley, played on his carousel organ.)
Leslie Salka Inc.: SITE • facebook
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