Tag Archives: Gold Coast

Old Westbury, New York, U.S. June 23, 2021. Long Island Railroad model trains, a large G gauge, travel outdoors during the Old Westbury Gardens opening reception for its Great Pine Railway exhibit, which includes Long Island landmarks and runs until September 6. (© 2021 Ann Parry, FromLongIsland.com)

Next Stop: Outdoor Model Trains at Old Westbury Gardens

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (ann-parry.com)
June 28, 2021

Great Pine Railway at Old Westbury Gardens

VIDEO: (1:53) Old Westbury Gardens – 6/23/2021: 

The opening reception for Old Westbury Gardens’ outdoor Great Pine Railway Exhibit was the first event Bob and I attended there since COVID-19 struck Long Island early 2020. The fun for the whole family exhibit of G scale model trains runs through September 6th. 

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Old Westbury, New York, U.S. June 23, 2021. Old Westbury Gardens has an opening reception for its Great Pine Railway outdoor model train exhibit. The red Westbury House of OWG is one of several Long Island landmarks Leslie Salka Inc created for the unique large G gauge model railroad exhibit, which runs until September 6. (© 2021 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Old Westbury, New York, U.S. June 23, 2021. Old Westbury Gardens has an opening reception for its Great Pine Railway outdoor model train exhibit. The red Westbury House of OWG is one of several Long Island landmarks Leslie Salka Inc created for the unique large G gauge model railroad exhibit, which runs until September 6. (© 2021 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Old Westbury Gardens commissioned Leslie Salka Inc to create the Great Pine Railway display, including creative models of four Long Island Gold Coast landmarks:  

Eagle’s Nest at William K Vanderbilt’s estate, Centerport

Hempstead House at Sands Point Preserve

Westbury House at Old Westbury Gardens

Oheka Castle in Huntington

Old Westbury, New York, U.S. June 23, 2021. NANCY COSTOPOLUS, President and CEO of Old Westbury Gardens, attends its members only opening reception for its Great Pine Railway outdoor model train exhibit. (© 2021 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Old Westbury, New York, U.S. June 23, 2021. NANCY COSTOPOLUS, President and CEO of Old Westbury Gardens, attends its members only opening reception for its Great Pine Railway outdoor model train exhibit, which includes Long Island landmarks, and it runs until September 6. (© 2021 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Children enjoyed the chance to run after the several large  model trains traveling the over 220 feet of tracks, ranging from near ground level to high overhead. 

Old Westbury, New York, U.S. June 23, 2021. Old Westbury Gardens has an opening reception for its Great Pine Railway outdoor model train exhibit. The orange Oheka Castle, of Huntington, is one of several Long Island landmarks Leslie Salka Inc created for the unique large G gauge model railroad exhibit, which runs until September 6. (© 2021 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Old Westbury, New York, U.S. June 23, 2021. Old Westbury Gardens has an opening reception for its Great Pine Railway outdoor model train exhibit. The orange Oheka Castle, of Huntington, is one of several Long Island landmarks Leslie Salka Inc created for the unique large G gauge model railroad exhibit, which runs until September 6. (© 2021 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

We enjoyed passing through the Rose Garden on our way to and from the Great Pine Railway:

Old Westbury, New York, U.S. June 23, 2021. Old Westbury Gardens estate grounds, including its rose gardens, are once again open to visitors, with certain Covid-19 related restrictions, the summer of 2021. (© 2021 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Old Westbury, New York, U.S. June 23, 2021. Old Westbury Gardens’ rose gardens are once again open to visitors, with certain Covid-19 related restrictions, the summer of 2021. (© 2021 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Feature Photo at top of post: Old Westbury, NY, USA. June 23, 2021. A locomotive guides a large G gauge model train on elevated tracks around the perimeter of the Great Pine Railway exhibit at Old Westbury Gardens.

2021 Outdoor Model Trains at OWG:  my PHOTO GALLERY

Old Westbury Gardens:  SITE  •  JOIN

VIDEO – OWG Great Pine Railway 2021: vimeo.com/annparry/owg202106

Bob Stuhmer:  BobStuhmer.com  (In above video, Stuhmer arranged the train medley, played on his carousel organ.)

Leslie Salka Inc.:  SITE  •   facebook


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Old Westbury Gardens Winter Holiday – Now & Then

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (ann-parry.com)
December 23, 2017

Last Sunday, while entering the snowy grounds of Old Westbury Gardens with my friend Bob, I thought back to 2007, when I visited the Gold Coast estate during a biting, heavy snowfall.

PAST – 2007

That day 10 Decembers ago, I stayed outside capturing photos until I absolutely had to go to Westbury House, beg mercy from volunteers in the Entrance Hall, take off my gloves and boots, and stand toasty close to the fireplace.

Old Westbury, New York, USA. Dec. 5, 2007. At Westbury House, the Entrance Hall window with black wrought iron grill gives hazy glimpse of snowstorm. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, Ann-Parry.com)

Old Westbury, New York, USA. December 5, 2007. At Westbury House, the Entrance Hall window with black wrought iron grill gives hazy glimpse of snowstorm. (© 2007 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Slowly defrosting in the impressively elegant wood and marble hall, I imagined myself back outside the mansion, but during the Great Blizzard of 1947, when the John and Margarita Phipps family lived there….


I was a trespasser with a noble mission – wielding my Kodak in the snowstorm to capture ghostlike images of trees – and, alas, flirting with hypothermia.

Without warning, a tall stranger swept me off my numb feet and whisked me to the mansion. As we took off our coats, I noticed he, too, had a camera strapped around his neck.

We sat in front a fireplace surrounded by books, and he put his hand to his chest. “Victor, Victor Hasselblad – a… a husgäst of Phipps,” he said softly and with a melodic accent. “And you, lilla frusen lövsångare?” 

“Oh my,” I said, “You’re THE Victor Hasselblad!” 

The genius nodded. 

“You’ve just GOT to develop a Hasselblad camera for civilians!” I said, and then started to tell him why….

Old Westbury, New York, USA. December 17, 2017. A lighted Christmas tree decorates the formal dining room of Westbury House at Old Westbury Gardens during its Winter Holiday event. (Ann Parry/˙ 2017 Ann-Parry.com)

Old Westbury, New York, USA. December 17, 2017. A lighted Christmas tree decorates the elegant dining room of Westbury House at Old Westbury Gardens during its Winter Holiday event. (© 2017 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

PRESENT – 2017

Now I’m, at times, better about coming in from the cold before losing feeling in my extremities.

But I always do my best to protect my camera. So last weekend when Bob and I arrived at Old Westbury Gardens and stepped out of the car on to slippery icy snow-covered grounds, we headed straight to Westbury House.

Once inside, we heard what sounded like live music coming from the Ballroom just ahead. We were right, for in a far corner of the vast room, pianist ANGELINA FUSCO was playing traditional Christmas music on a Steinway grand piano, backlit by large windows. Capturing the atmospheric scene was a fun challenge.

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Old Westbury, New York, USA. December 17, 2017. Pianist ANGELINA FUSCO plays Christmas music on Steinway grand piano to entertain visitors at Old Westbury Gardens museum, a former estate of John Shaffer Phipps, during snowy winter holiday weekend on Long Island's Gold Coast. (© 2017 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Old Westbury, New York, USA. Dec. 17, 2017. Pianist ANGELINA FUSCO plays Christmas music on Steinway grand piano at Old Westbury Gardens museum during Winter Holiday weekend. (© 2017 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

The Main Hall was a must see, especially for families with children, since that’s where Santa sat surrounded by a Christmas tree, fireplace that was a great setting for holiday photos, and stairway strewn with stuffed animals looking as if they’d spilled out of Santa’s bag as he made his way up to the Children’s Quarters on the Third floor.

Old Westbury, New York, USA. December 17, 2017. Santa sits ready for visitors next to a Christmas tree on second floor of Westbury House at Old Westbury Gardens museum during snowy winter holiday weekend. (© 2017 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Old Westbury, New York, USA. December 17, 2017. Santa sits ready for visitors next to a Christmas tree on second floor of Westbury House at Old Westbury Gardens museum during winter holiday weekend. (© 2017 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Bob lingered longest in the bedroom with a large-scale model train traveling around the room, disappearing for a while each lap as it followed tracks under the bed.

Visitors of all ages also enjoyed the charming scene in Mrs. Phipps’s bathroom, where deer and penguins watched a fawn take a bubble bath in the green and white bathtub.

Old Westbury, New York, USA. December 17, 2017. In the Westbury House children's sunny bathroom of Old Westbury Gardens museum, deer and penguins watch over fawn taking a bubble bath. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Old Westbury, New York, USA. December 17, 2017. Deer family and penguins watch over a fawn taking a bubble bath in Mrs. Phipps’s bathroom at Westbury House at Old Westbury Gardens, a Long Island Gold Coast estate. (© 2017 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

As closing time neared, we visited the Porch facing West, with its three walls of windows, and enjoyed hot cider and the panoramic, ungilded dusk view.

Old Westbury, New York, USA. December 17, 2017. At Westbury House, two Christmas trees flank the Porch facing West, with panoramic view of snowy grounds during Winter Holiday event at Old Westbury Gardens. (© 2017, Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Old Westbury, New York, USA. December 17, 2017. At Westbury House, two Christmas trees flank the Porch facing West, with panoramic view of snowy grounds during Winter Holiday event at Old Westbury Gardens. (© 2017 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

And when it was time to go, we made our way through the snow once again.

Old Westbury Gardens Winter 2017:  PHOTO GALLERY

  • Old Westbury Gardens:  SITE  •  JOIN


Roslyn Harbor, New York, USA. January 2, 2015. Docent LINDA SCHWARTZ shares information about the artwork exhibits at the Nassau County Museum of Art China Now and Then Exhibit on Long Island. Artwork on wall by Chinese artist Lin Tianmiao is Digital Photograph on canvas with thread, with eyes nose and lips of face faintly visible. (© Ann Parry, annParry.com)

China Now and Then at Nassau County Museum of Art

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (ann-parry.com)
January 6, 2015

My friend Pat Dillon and I caught the China Now and Then exhibition at Nassau County Museum of Art a few days ago.

2, 2015. Figure of a Tiger, China, Qing Dynasty, Kangxi period (1662-1722), is on display with other blue and white China at the Nassau County Museum of Art China Now and Then Exhibit on Long Island. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Roslyn Harbor, New York, USA. January 2, 2015. Figure of a Tiger, China, Qing Dynasty, Kangxi period (1662-1722), is on display with other blue and white China at the Nassau County Museum of Art China Now and Then Exhibit on Long Island. (© 2015 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

A dramatic docent was already leading a tour group when we arrived, so we spent our time in the ground level galleries capturing photographs and learning about ancient Chinese blue and white porcelain and 21st Century Chinese ink-on-paper paintings.

Roslyn Harbor, New York, USA. January 2, 2015.

Roslyn Harbor, New York, USA. January 2, 2015. ‘Slogan A7: One World One Dream’ (2008), acrylic on vinyl, by artist Zhang Dali (b. 1963), at the Nassau County Museum of Art China Now and Then Exhibit. Photo of Smiling girl can be seen when viewing artwork from distance. (© 2015 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Then we climbed the spiral staircase to the upstairs galleries which mainly featured contemporary Chinese art.

Roslyn, New York, USA. January 2, 2015. Dinosaur (2006) in red polyresin, by Chinese artist Sui Jianguo (b. 1956) is displayed at the Nassau County Museum of Art China Now and Then Exhibit.

Roslyn, NY USA. January 2, 2015. Dinosaur (2006) in red polyresin, by Chinese artist Sui Jianguo, is on display at Nassau County Museum of Art China Now and Then Exhibit. (© 2015 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

The China Now and Then exhibition’s synergistic blend of ancient and modern Chinese art was both inspiring and fun, and we ended our visit at the museum’s Gift Shop, where I bought colorful Swirl Sunglasses.

Feature Photo (at top of post): Roslyn Harbor, N.Y., USA. January 2, 2015. Docent LINDA SCHWARTZ conducts tour at the Nassau County Museum of Art China Now and Then Exhibit. Artwork on wall by Chinese artist Lin Tianmiao is Digital Photograph on canvas with thread, with eyes nose and lips of face faintly visible.

China Now and Then:  my PHOTO GALLERY