From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (
December 27, 2013
After hearing WNYC’s NPR interview with Janet Hamlin, the only courtroom sketch artist allowed to depict Guantanamo Bay military tribunals from 2006-2012, I was excited to learn Hamlin was coming to Hofstra to discuss her work and new book Sketching Guantanamo.
Seeing several of Hamlin’s original large sketches on brown paper and hearing her describe the challenging – and, at times, surprising – restrictions placed on her Guantanamo work, gave me a more fleshed out understanding of her unique work and experiences at Guantanamo.
During Hamlin’s book signing at the end of her visit, I bought two copies of Sketching Guantanamo – one for my family and one for my illustrator friend Bob.
Janet Hamlin “Sketching Guantanamo”: PHOTO GALLERY
• Janet Hamlin’s site:
• The Hofstra Chronicle articles:
11/14/2013, Victoria Espinoza: Guantanamo sketch artist describes restrictive courts
11/20/2013, Kaeli Van Cott: Janet Hamlon speaks about sketching Guantanamo