Category Archives: parades

Merrick, New York, U.S. May 27, 2024. Young men wearing firefighter ceremonial uniforms, including Merrick Hook and Ladder, are wrapping up large American Flags they carried while marching in Merrick Memorial Day Parade on Long Island. (© Ann Parry,

Merrick Memorial Day Reflections 2024

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (
May 28, 2024

American Legion Merrick Post 1282 hosts Memorial Day parade & ceremony

Merrick Memorial Day Parade Ceremony

Merrick, N.Y., U.S. May 27, 2024. SHARON WILLIAMS, an American Legion Auxiliary Unit 1282 member, stands next to that unit’s wreath. (© 2024 Ann Parry/ 

The Merrick Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony has grown to feel more and more like a family event over the years.

My dad was a member of the American Legion Merrick Post 1282, which hosts the events – I’m a member of its Auxiliary unit – and this year my granddaughter Emmy marched with her Girl Scout troop!

VIDEO Merrick, N.Y., U.S. May 27, 2024. ERIC WIEBOLDT sings ‘Star Spangled Banner’ acapella:

Merrick Memorial Day

Merrick Memorial Day Parade Ceremony

Merrick, N.Y., U.S. May 27, 2024. Merrick, N.Y., U.S. May 27, 2024. VINCENT MIENTUS, a Viet Nam veteran, and member of Merrick Freeport VFW Post 1310, attends Memorial Day Ceremony. (© 2024 Ann Parry/ 

VIDEO Merrick, N.Y., U.S. May 27, 2024. ROBERT DISHMAN, Commander of American Legion Merrick Post 1282, speaks. He first told about the post’s volunteer Rick Ambrosino and his hospitalized father, post member Joseph Ambrosino:

Merrick Memorial Day

Merrick Memorial Day Parade Ceremony

Merrick, N.Y., U.S. May 27, 2024. Women holding Bellmore-Merrick Emergency Medical Services EMS banner march in Merrick Memorial Day Parade.(© 2024 Ann Parry/ 

Merrick Memorial Day

Merrick Memorial Day Parade Ceremony

Merrick, N.Y., U.S. May 27, 2024. Bellmore Merrick Emergency Medical Services EMS members, including paramedics, march in Merrick Memorial Day Parade. (© 2024 Ann Parry/ 

VIDEO Merrick, N.Y., U.S. May 27, 2024. LAURA LAHOOD, President of American Legion Auxiliary Merrick Unit 1282, speaks – including about Operation VEST, Veterans Ending Suicide Together:

Merrick Memorial Day

Merrick Memorial Day Parade Ceremony

Merrick, N.Y., U.S. May 27, 2024. U.S. Army Major AL GARBARINO, who served in Iraq, wears his white uniform at the Memorial Day Ceremony. (© 2024 Ann Parry/ 

VIDEO Merrick, N.Y., U.S. May 27, 2024. Nassau County Legislator SETH KOSLOW (D-Dist. 5) speaks:

Merrick Memorial Day

Merrick Memorial Day Parade Ceremony

Merrick, N.Y., U.S. May 27, 2024. CAVIN EDWARDS, a Marine Corps veteran, and his daughter, MAYA LYNN EDWARDS, 7, stand in front of WWII monument. Edwards served in Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Persian Gulf. (© 2024 Ann Parry/ 

Merrick Memorial Day

Merrick Memorial Day Parade Ceremony

Merrick, N.Y., U.S. May 27, 2024. Nassau County Legislator SETH KOSLOW (Democrat – District 5), of South Merrick, attends Memorial Day Ceremony. (© 2024 Ann Parry/ 

Merrick Memorial Day

FEATURE PHOTO  (top of post): Merrick, New York, U.S. May 27, 2024. Young men wearing firefighter ceremonial uniforms, including for Merrick Hook and Ladder, prepare to stow large American Flags they carried while marching in Merrick Memorial Day Parade.

  • feature photo in action series:  #1   #2   #3

Memorial Day Parade & Ceremony: my PHOTO GALLERY

American Legion Merrick Post 1282:

American Legion Merrick Auxiliary Unit 1282

Bellmore-Merrick EMS:

Merrick Fire Dept.:

North Merrick Fire Dept.:

Operation VEST:

• Eric Wieboldt sings:
• CDR Robert Dishman:
• Aux. Pres. Laura Lahood:
• Bugler TAPS:
• Leg. Seth Koslow:


Merrick Memorial Day Parade Ceremony

Merrick, N.Y., U.S. May 27, 2024. Wood sign announces new members are welcome to American Legion Merrick Post 1282. (© 2024 Ann Parry/ 

U.S. Presidential Inauguration Parade 2017

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (
December 31, 2016

Yesterday, I read the exciting news that Long Island’s own Nassau County Firefighters Pipes & Drums will participate in the U.S. Presidential Inauguration Parade in Washington, DC, on January 20, 2017.

Originally known as “Fir Na Tine” (Gaelic: Men of Fire), it’s America’s first Volunteer Firefighter Pipe Band, and has performed widely, including at St. Patrick’s Day parades, at halftime shows for NY Jets, and band members were the 11 Pipers Piping in a Christmas commercial.

[NOTE: background tent digitally altered blue]

East Meadow, NY, USA. March 31, 2012. [NOTE: background tent digitally altered blue ]Nassau County Firefighters Pipes & Drums band performs at firefighter Ray Pfeifer Benefit. (© 2012 Ann Parry/

Also, Nassau County Firefighters Pipes and Drums has been an inspiring, stirring part of many memorials and benefits. In spring 2012, I covered the band when it played at the Ray Pfeifer Benefit at the East Meadow Firefighters Benevolent Hall. Retired FDNY firefighter and Hicksville resident Ray Pfeifer is a true profile in courage, perseverance, and brotherhood.

FYI From Long Island: After the 9/11/2001 Twin Towers terrorist attacks, Ray Pfeifer helped recovery efforts at Ground Zero, and by 2008 was battling cancer. Pfeifer – along with Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Chuck Schumer, Representatives Peter King and Carolyn Maloney, and others – helped make sure the 2010 James Zadroga 9/11 Health & Compensation Act was eventually extended to 2090, establishing the “World Trade Center Health Program.”

Fund raiser for firefighter Ray Pfeifer on Saturday, March 31, 2012, at East Meadow Firefighters Benevolent Hall, New York, USA. The Nassau County Firefighters Pipes and Drums band performed. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry,

East Meadow, New York, USA. March 31, 2012. The Nassau County Firefighters Pipes and Drums band performing at Ray Pfeifer Benefit. (© 2012 Ann Parry/

When the Nassau County Firefighters Pipes and Drums Band participates in the Inauguration Parade in a few weeks, it will be continuing its mission of proudly representing the Nassau County Fire Service.

To help the band reach its $10,000 goal to cover transportation & lodging costs for its 40+ members, the band manager created and runs a gofundme fundraiser: “Presidential Inauguration Parade” for the Nassau County Firefighters Pipes & Drums.

  • Photo Video of Ray Pfeifer Fundraiser, with Nassau County Firefighters Pipes & Drums music:

And I send sincere thanks to Nassau County Firefighters Pipes & Drums, esp. Band Manager Alan Jacoby, for permission to use their music in above photo video of 2012 Firefighter Ray Pfeifer Benefit.

  • UPDATE 1/18/2107:  $17K+ of revised $20K goal has been raised by band’s gofundme campaign.  [NOTE: This post’s link to band’s gofundme page removed after end of 2017.]

Band’s official site: Nassau County Firefighters Pipes & Drums


Final Roll Call – Merrick Memorial Day Parade 2014

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (
May 26, 2014

Once again, three generations of our family attended the Merrick Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony.

Merrick, New York, U.S. - May 26, 2014 - Mother holds her 2-year-old son who is pointing to a Fire Engine in the Merrick Memorial Day Parade, hosted by American Legion Post 1282 of Merrick, honoring those who died in war while serving in the United States military. (Ann Parry/

Merrick, NY, USA. May 26, 2014.  Mom and her toddler son watch fire engines in the Merrick Memorial Day Parade. (© 2014 Ann Parry/

This morning it was even more moving than usual because Dad’s name was one of those read during the American Legion Merrick Post 1282  “Final Roll Call” near the end of the memorial events at Merrick Veteran’s Memorial Park.

Dad loved history, especially about the Civil War. He had a photographic memory – which landed him in military intelligence during WWII. He enjoyed reciting poems, and we all enjoyed listening to them, including a dashing rat-a-tat-tat one about a military reporter, that Dad heard the author recite just once. He was also quite the raconteur.

In the above video, Dad becomes more his animated self as he goes along. Our family loves how it gives a glimpse of the kind, gentle man he was.

We miss you and we love you, Dad.

Merrick, New York, U.S. - May 26, 2014 - A veteran salutes fire fighters marching in The Merrick Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony, hosted by American Legion Post 1282 of Merrick, honors those who died in war while serving in the United States military. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry,

Merrick, NY, USA. May 26, 2014 – Merrick Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony, hosted by American Legion Post 1282 of Merrick. (© 2014 Ann Parry/

Merrick Memorial Day 2014:  PHOTO GALLERY