Tag Archives: Peace Ambassador of the City of Newark

Roslyn, New York, U.S. September 13, 2019. L-R, Dr. HARVEY MANES and GARY BARAT discuss large outdoor dragon Animodules at Animodules at ANIMODULES Agents of Peace exhibit Farewell Reception and Founders' talk by Gary Barat and Chandri Barat at the Nassau County Museum of Art's Manes Art & Education Center, named for Dr. Manes, who spearheaded the exhibit.

Farewell to Animodules, Agents of Peace, at Manes Center

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (annparry.com)
October 11, 2019

When my daughter Laurie and I attended the ANIMODULES Farewell Reception and Founders Talk at the Nassau County Museum of Art last month, I was revisiting the sculptures, and she was seeing the artistic Agents of Peace for the first time.

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Roslyn, New York, U.S. September 13, 2019. LAURIE GRAB poses in front of large butterfly Animodules at ANIMODULES Agents of Peace exhibit Farewell Reception and Founders' talk by GARY BARAT and CHANDRI BARAT, at the Nassau County Museum of Art's Manes Art & Education Center, named for Dr. HARVEY MANES, who was in attendance and spearheaded the exhibit. (© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Roslyn, NY, U.S. Sept.13, 2019. LAURIE GRAB poses in front of large butterfly Animodules at ANIMODULES Agents of Peace exhibit Farewell Reception and Founders’ Talk at Manes Center, Nassau County Museum of Art. (© 2019 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com) [ RELATED IMAGE

GARY BARAT and CHANDRI BARAT, the founders of the non-profit Barat Foundation, each spoke .

Roslyn, New York, U.S. September 13, 2019. L-R, Dr. HARVEY MANES and GARY BARAT are at ANIMODULES Agents of Peace exhibit Farewell Reception and Founders' talk by Gary Barat and Chandri Barat, at the Nassau County Museum of Art's Manes Art & Education Center, named for Dr. Manes, who spearheaded the exhibit. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Roslyn, NY, U.S. Sept. 13, 2019. L-R, Dr. HARVEY MANES and GARY BARAT are at ANIMODULES Agents of Peace exhibit Farewell Reception and Founders’ Talk, at Manes Center, Nassau County Museum of Art. (© 2019 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com) [ RELATED IMAGE ]


Roslyn, New York, U.S. September 13, 2019. CHANDRI BARAT speaks at ANIMODULES Agents of Peace exhibit Farewell Reception and Founders' talk by Gary Barat and Chandri Barat, at the Nassau County Museum of Art's Manes Art & Education Center, named for Dr. HARVEY MANES, who was in attendance and spearheaded the exhibit. (© 2019 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Roslyn, NY, U.S. Sept. 13, 2019. CHANDRI BARAT speaks at ANIMODULES exhibit Farewell Reception and Founders’ Talk at Manes Center, Nassau County Museum of Art. (© 2019 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com) [ RELATED IMAGE ]


Roslyn, New York, U.S. September 13, 2019. GARY BARAT speaks at ANIMODULES Agents of Peace exhibit Farewell Reception and Founders' talk by Gary Barat and Chandri Barat, at the Nassau County Museum of Art's Manes Art & Education Center, named for Dr. HARVEY MANES, who was in attendance and spearheaded the exhibit. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Roslyn, NY, U.S. Sept. 13, 2019. GARY BARAT speaks at ANIMODULES Agents of Peace exhibit Farewell Reception and Founders’ Talk, at Manes Center, Nassau County Museum of Art. (© 2019 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com) [ RELATED IMAGE ]

The Manes Art & Education Center is named for Dr. HARVEY MANES, who spearheaded the exhibit and also spoke at the event.  

Roslyn, New York, U.S. September 13, 2019. L-R, GARY BARAT and Dr. HARVEY MANES discuss large outdoor dragon Animodules at ANIMODULES Agents of Peace exhibit Farewell Reception and Founders' talk by Gary Barat and Chandri Barat at the Nassau County Museum of Art's Manes Art & Education Center, named for Dr. Manes, who spearheaded the exhibit. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Roslyn, NY, U.S. Sept. 13, 2019. L-R, GARY BARAT and Dr. HARVEY MANES discuss large outdoor dragon Animodules at ANIMODULES Agents of Peace exhibit Farewell Reception and Founders’ Talk at Manes Center, Nassau County Museum of Art. (© 2019 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com) [ RELATED IMAGE ]

In 2013, Mayor Cory Booker issued a Proclamation declaring the Barat Foundation Animodules as the the official Peace Ambassador of the City of Newark, as they represent a powerful vision of community unity and peace.  

Roslyn, New York, U.S. September 13, 2019. Dr. HARVEY MANES is at ANIMODULES Agents of Peace exhibit Farewell Reception and Founders' talk by Garty Barat and Chandri Barat, at the Nassau County Museum of Art's Manes Art & Education Center, named for Dr. Manes, who spearheaded the exhibit. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Roslyn, NY, U.S. Sept. 13, 2019. Dr. HARVEY MANES is at ANIMODULES Agents of Peace exhibit Farewell Reception and Founders’ talk, at Manes Center, Nassau County Museum of Art. (© 2019 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com) [ RELATED IMAGE ]

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While passing a studio on my way out, I saw MERYL FEUER with an ethereal crown of paper cranes, a symbol of peace. The dozens of small birds formed the airy mobile suspended from the ceiling above her.

Roslyn, New York, U.S. September 13, 2019. Visitor is at ANIMODULES Agents of Peace exhibit Farewell Reception and Founders' talk by Gary Barat and Chandri Barat, at the Nassau County Museum of Art's Manes Art & Education Center, named for Dr. Harvey Manes, who was in attendance and spearheaded the exhibit. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Roslyn, NY, U.S. Sept. 13, 2019. MERYL FEUER attends ANIMODULES Agents of Peace exhibit Farewell Reception and Founders’ Talk at Manes Center, Nassau County Museum of Art. (© Ann Parry/AnnParry.com) [ DIFFERENT VERSION ]

FEATURE PHOTO at top of post Roslyn, New York, U.S. September 13, 2019. L-R, Dr. HARVEY MANES and GARY BARAT discuss dragon Animodule sculpture during ANIMODULES Agents of Peace exhibit Farewell Reception and Founders’ Talk at the Manes Center, Nassau County Museum of Art.

Animodules Reception, Manes Center:  my PHOTO GALLERY

Barat Foundation:  Animodules  Agents of Peace

Nassau County Museum of Art:  Site  •  Join

Animodules exhibit also in 7/2019 post