Category Archives: clubs

Old Westbury, New York, U.S. August 26, 2023. Members of the Clan Gordon Highlanders of Locust Valley wear their Scottish outfits at the Long Island Scottish Festival and Highland Games 2023 at Old Westbury Gardens. (© 2023 Ann Parry,

Scottish Festival & Highland Games at Old Westbury Gardens

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (
October 12, 2023

61st Annual Long Island Scottish Festival & Highland Games

At the 61st annual Long Island Scottish Festival and Highland Games at Old Westbury Gardens this summer, I left it to chance exactly where I’d spend my time.

VIDEOInis Fada Gaelic Pipe Band of Long Island:

I particularly enjoyed a variety of musical performances. In the above video, the Inis Fada Gaelic Pipe Band of Locust Valley plays a traditional Scottish marching song. 

Scottish Festival at Old Westbury Gardens

Old Westbury, N.Y., U.S. October 2023. Soprano NICOLE OLIVA entertained attendees during the 61st Annual Long Island Scottish Festival at Old Westbury Gardens. (© 2023 Ann Parry/

Soprano NICOLE OLIVA (see above photo) sang, with lyric beauty and playful smiles, the song “All in the Golden Afternoon’ from the 1998 Disney animated feature film “Alice in Wonderland.’

VIDEO –  CHARLIE ZAHM movingly sings the mournful Scottish song “The Bonnie Banks o’ Loch Lomond”:

After a while in the sun, I headed to the shady west side of Westbury House, which looked prettier than a postcard, literally, with the summer greenery and backdrop of clouds and blue sky.

Scottish Festival at Old Westbury Gardens

Old Westbury, N.Y., U.S. August 26, 2023. Visitors walk by the West Porch of Westbury House during the 61st Annual Long Island Scottish Festival at Old Westbury Gardens. (© 2023 Ann Parry/

And I had great fun chatting (and photographing, of course) so many friendly attendees, who were often with family and always decked out in colorful traditional Scottish outfits. 

Scottish Festival at Old Westbury Gardens

Old Westbury, N.Y., U.S., August 26, 2023, At right, KAYLEY, of Oceanside, holds Winnie, her 4-year-ld Norfolk terrier, and at left, Kayley’s sister ASHLYN, of Oceanside, holds Kasey, her Bichon Frisé, at the Long Island Scottish Festival at Old Westbury Gardens. (© 2023 Ann Parry/

– Long Island Scottish Festival –

Scottish Festival at Old Westbury Gardens

Old Westbury, N.Y., U.S. August 26, 2023. CRAIG MICHIE, a member of the Clan Gordon Highlanders of Locust Valley, tends the table displaying banner and drums of the Clan Gordon Highlander Pipe Band, during the Long Island Scottish Festival at Old Westbury Gardens. (© 2023 Ann Parry/

– Long Island Scottish Festival – 

Scottish Festival at Old Westbury Gardens

Old Westbury, N.Y., U.S. August 26, 2023. L-R, DANIEL BLAINE, 11, is with his father DEVIN BLAINE, a member of the Clan Gordon Highlanders Pipe Band of Locust Valley at the Long Island Scottish Festival at Old Westbury Gardens. (© 2023 Ann Parry/ Click to see full outfits

– Long Island Scottish Festival – 

Scottish Festival at Old Westbury Gardens

Old Westbury, N.Y., U.S. August 26, 2023. Siblings (L-R) ALEXIO BARBOZA, 29, and LIEN BARBOZA, 27, of Westbury are members of the Clan Gordon Highlanders of Locust Valley. They wore traditional Scottish outfits at the Long Island Scottish Festival at Old Westbury Gardens. (© 2023 Ann Parry/ Click to see full outfits  

– Long Island Scottish Festival – 

Scottish Festival at Old Westbury Gardens

Old Westbury, N.Y., U.S. August 26, 2023. BOB SHEPHERD, of Connecticut, a member of the 42nd Royal Highland Regiment of Foot, also known as The Black Watch, attends the Long Island Scottish Festival at Old Westbury Gardens. (© 2023 Ann Parry/

– Long Island Scottish Festival – 

Scottish Festival at Old Westbury Gardens

Old Westbury, N.Y., U.S., August 26, 2023. Scottish flags fly in the wind during the Long Island Scottish Festival at Old Westbury Gardens. (© 2020 Ann Parry/

Above photo: The Scottish flag in foreground is the Union Flag of 1801. It combines elements of the Irish Cross of St Patrick and the 1606 Union Flag . The flag in the background is the Royal Standard (or Banner) of Scotland, and is commonly called the Lion Rampant of Scotland.

Feature Photo (at top of post): Old Westbury, N.Y., U.S. August 26, 2023. Members of the Clan Gordon Highlanders of Locust Valley wear traditional Scottish outfits at the Long Island Scottish Festival at Old Westbury Gardens. (© 2023 Ann Parry,

Scottish Festival at OWG:  my PHOTO GALLERY

Old Westbury Gardens:  SITE  JOIN

Clan Gordon Highlanders of Locust Valley: facebook  •

Inis Fada Gaelic Pipe Band (facebook):  @InishFada

Charlie Zahm Celtic… music:

Nicole Oliva (Soprano):


Old Westbury, New York, USA. June 2, 2019. A red Chevrolet Master Deluxe antique car drives by the trophy table, and ALTHEA TRAVIS, standing at left, dressed in vintage-style white and red nurse's costume, hands out trophies at the 53rd Annual Spring Meet Antique Car Show, sponsored by the Greater NY Region (NYGR) of the Antique Car Club of America (AACA), at Old Westbury Gardens . © 2019 Ann Parry,

Antique Car Show at Old Westbury Gardens 2019

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (
June 15, 2019

The fields were blooming with antique vehicles and family members of all ages at the 2019 Antique Car Show at Old Westbury Gardens. Just as long as you stayed hydrated, that Sunday, June 6th, was a lovely spring day for the 53rd Annual Spring Meet of the Greater New York Region chapter of the Antique Automobile Club of America.

Old Westbury, New York, USA. June 2, 2019. A 1925 Model T Ford, owned by Scott Gramlich, of Baldwin, won two awards - Oldest Car and Best Model T - at the 53rd Annual Spring Meet Antique Car Show, sponsored by the Greater NY Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America, at Old Westbury Gardens. (Ann Parry/

Old Westbury, New York, USA. June 2, 2019. A 1925 Model T Ford, owned by Scott Gramlich, of Baldwin, won two awards – Oldest Car and Best Model T – at the 53rd Annual Spring Meet Antique Car Show, sponsored by the Greater NY Region chapter of the Antique Automobile Club of America, at Old Westbury Gardens. (© 2019 Ann Parry/

As I arrived at the show, awards were being announced, and the first winners I captured turned out to be brothers: SCOTT GRAMLICH of Baldwin, won two Memorial Awards for his 1925 Model T Ford [see photo above], and KEITH GRAMLICH, won a Memorial Award for his 1928 Studebaker Dictator, Club Sedan [click photo below].

    • NOTE: Click each photo below & see a related one
Old Westbury, New York, USA. June 2, 2019. L-R, SCOTT GRAMLICH, of Baldwin, holds 2 award plaques his 1925 Model T Ford won, and KEITH GRAMLICH, holds the award plaque his 1928 Studebaker Dictator, Club Sedan won at the 53rd Annual Spring Meet Antique Car Show, sponsored by the Greater NY Region (NYGR) of the Antique Automobile Club of America, at Old Westbury Gardens. (© 2019 Ann Parry/

Old Westbury, NY, USA. June 2, 2019. L-R, SCOTT GRAMLICH, of Baldwin, holds 2 award plaques his 1925 Model T Ford won, and KEITH GRAMLICH, holds the award plaque his 1928 Studebaker Dictator, Club Sedan won at the 53rd Annual Spring Meet Antique Car Show, sponsored by the Greater NY Region chapter of AACA, at Old Westbury Garden. (© 2019 Ann Parry/

SAMMY, a 14-year-old Bichon Poo, who was very woolly and very cute, enjoyed the Spring Meet with his family.

Old Westbury, New York, USA. June 2, 2019. SAMMY, a 14-year-old Bichon Poo, a Bichon Poodle cross (Bichapoo), with white wooly hair blowing in the wind, wears a blue harness and is on a leash held by'mom' Debbie Dugan, of Glen Head, as he looks around at the 53rd Annual Spring Meet Antique Car Show. Dugan entered her 1951 Chevy pickup truck in the show. Event was sponsored by the Greater NY Region (NYGR) of the Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA), at Old Westbury Gardens, a Long Island Gold Coast estate. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry,

Old Westbury, NY, USA. June 2, 2019. SAMMY, a 14-year-old Bichon Poo, is on a leash held by ‘mom’ Debbie Dugan, of Glen Head, as he looks around at the 53rd Annual Spring Meet Antique Car Show, sponsored by the Greater NY Region chapter of AACA.  Dugan entered her 1951 Chevy pickup truck in the show. (© 2019 Ann Parry/

DEBBIE DUGAN, safely holding Sammy’s leash, watched the Awards Ceremony with RUSTY BECKER, all three from Glen Head.

Old Westbury, New York, USA. June 2, 2019. L-R, RUSTY BECKER and DEBBIE DUGAN, both of Glen Head, and SAMMY, a 14-year-old Bichon Poo, a Bichon Poodle cross (Bichapoo), are at the 53rd Annual Spring Meet Antique Car Show. Dugan entered her 1951 Chevy pickup truck in the show. Event was sponsored by the Greater NY Region (NYGR) of the Antique Automobile Club of Americaa (AACA), at Old Westbury Gardens, a Long Island Gold Coast estate. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry,

Old Westbury, NY, USA. June 2, 2019. L-R, RUSTY BECKER and DEBBIE DUGAN, both of Glen Head, and SAMMY, a 14-year-old Bichon Poo, a Bichon Poodle cross (Bichapoo), are at the 53rd Annual Spring Meet Antique Car Show. Dugan entered her 1951 Chevy pickup truck in the show. Event was sponsored by the Greater NY Region chapter of the AACA at Old Westbury Gardens. (© 2019 Ann Parry/

Dugan entered her blue 1951 Chevy pickup truck in the show, and when I asked where it was parked, she pointed behind her, explaining it was back several rows.

Old Westbury, New York, USA. June 2, 2019. The antique 1951 blue Chevrolet pickup truck, owned by Debbie Dugan of Glen Head, is an entry at the 53rd Annual Spring Meet Antique Car Show, sponsored by the Greater NY Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America, at Old Westbury Gardens. (© 2019 Ann Parry/

Old Westbury, NY, USA. June 2, 2019. Antique 1951 blue Chevrolet pickup truck, owned by Debbie Dugan of Glen Head, is an entry at the 53rd Annual Spring Meet Antique Car Show, sponsored by the Greater NY Region of the AACA, at Old Westbury Gardens. (© 2019 Ann Parry/

I’m a long-time 1950’s Chevy fan, so later during the show, I walked to the back rows and found Duggan’s truck, with its beautiful blue body and chrome grill gleaming in the sun.

And before we drive away, let’s enjoy one last beautiful antique, a Model A Ford, whose owner is a member of the Long Island Model A Ford Club.

Old Westbury, NY, USA. June 2, 2019. The black Model A Ford sports a blue grill emblem: Long Island Est. 1959, Model A Ford Club, at the 53rd Annual Spring Meet Antique Car Show at Old Westbury Gardens. (Ann Parry/

Old Westbury, N, USA. June 2, 2019. The black Model A Ford sports a blue grill emblem: “Long Island Est. 1959, Model A Ford Club” at the 53rd Annual Spring Meet Antique Car Show, sponsored by the Greater NY Region chapter of the AACA, at Old Westbury Gardens. (© 2019 Ann Parry/

Feature Photo at top of post: Old Westbury, NY, USA. June 2, 2019. A red Chevrolet Master Deluxe antique car drives by trophy table, and ALTHEA TRAVIS, standing at left, dressed in vintage-style nurse’s costume, hands out trophies at the 53rd Annual Spring Meet Antique Car Show, sponsored by the Greater NY Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America, at Old Westbury Gardens.

2019 Antique Car Show at OWG:   PHOTO GALLERY

    • New York Greater Region chapter of AACA: NYGR
    • Antique Automobile Club of America: AACA
    • Old Westbury Gardens:  SITE  •  JOIN


Farmingdale,NY, USA. January 21, 2018. At TMB Model Train Club Open House, young boy looks at train running along wall.

TMB Model Train Club: Big Room with Big (& Small) Views

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (
February 28, 2018

“ALL ABOARD!”  After photographing several Open Houses at the Train Masters of Babylon Model Train Club HQ, I’m still spellbound whenever I step into the O-gauge sized universe created with such skill and care by its members. 

Farmingdale, NY, USA. Jan. 21, 2018. BOB YORBURG, from Yorktown, inspects O-scale model train trolley town during TMB Open House at Train Masters of Babylon HQ. (© 2018 Ann Parry,

Farmingdale, NY, USA. Jan. 21, 2018. BOB YORBURG, from Yorktown, inspects O-scale model train trolley town during TMB Open House at Train Masters of Babylon HQ. (© 2018 Ann Parry,

When I went with friends to one of TMB’s recent open houses, we started slowly winding our way around the intricate track layouts with stunning scenery, and soon I lagged behind, since I was waiting to catch a train (photographically).

Farmingdale, New York, USA. January 21, 2018. Trolley model train speeds by old-fashioned downtown night scene at Babylon Train Masters Open House at TMB Headquarters (Ann Parry/Ann Parry,

Farmingdale, NY, USA. January 21, 2018. Trolley model train passes through old-fashioned downtown night scene at Babylon Train Masters Open House at TMB Headquarters. (© 2018 Ann Parry/

After a grand circular tour of the layouts, I chatted with TMB club members, and – faster than a speeding locomotive – said yes to TMB President DAVE WILLIAMS‘ offer to view, for my first time, their multi-level model train universe from high up in the Controller Loft stretching across the east wall.

Farmingdale, New York, USA. January 21, 2018. Long Island Rail Road LIRR Waiting Room at Pennsylvania Station is part of subway layout at Train Masters of Babylon during their TMB Model Train Club Open House at their Headquarters. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry,

Farmingdale, NY, USA. January 21, 2018. Long Island Rail Road LIRR Waiting Room at Pennsylvania Station is part of subway layout at Train Masters of Babylon during their TMB Model Train Club Open House at their Headquarters. (© 2018 Ann Parry/

Farmingdale, New York, USA. January 21, 2018. DAVE WILLIAMS (far right) President of TMB Train Masters of Babylon Model Train Club and other members, are up in Controller Loft high above the train layouts during TMB Open House at its HQ. (Ann Parry/

Farmingdale, NY, USA. Jan. 21, 2018. (R-L) TMB members DAVE WILLIAMS, President; STEVE SCAGNELLI, Secretary; JOHN MASSEY and others, work in Controller Loft high up above train layouts during Train Masters of Babylon Open House. (© 2018 Ann Parry/

Farmingdale, New York, USA. January 21, 2018. TMB Model Train Club has Open House at its Headquarters. (Ann Parry/

Farmingdale, NY, USA. Jan, 21, 2018. Overhead view of Train Masters of Babylon’s Model Train Club Open House at TMB Headquarters. (© 2018 Ann Parry/

TMB Model Train Club HQ 2018: PHOTO GALLERY 

Train Masters of Babylon: TMB site | 2018 Lionel Ambassadors

Nov. 30, 2016 blog post: “TMB Model Train Club’s O-mazing Open House