From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (
June 15, 2019
The fields were blooming with antique vehicles and family members of all ages at the 2019 Antique Car Show at Old Westbury Gardens. Just as long as you stayed hydrated, that Sunday, June 6th, was a lovely spring day for the 53rd Annual Spring Meet of the Greater New York Region chapter of the Antique Automobile Club of America.

Old Westbury, New York, USA. June 2, 2019. A 1925 Model T Ford, owned by Scott Gramlich, of Baldwin, won two awards – Oldest Car and Best Model T – at the 53rd Annual Spring Meet Antique Car Show, sponsored by the Greater NY Region chapter of the Antique Automobile Club of America, at Old Westbury Gardens. (© 2019 Ann Parry/
As I arrived at the show, awards were being announced, and the first winners I captured turned out to be brothers: SCOTT GRAMLICH of Baldwin, won two Memorial Awards for his 1925 Model T Ford [see photo above], and KEITH GRAMLICH, won a Memorial Award for his 1928 Studebaker Dictator, Club Sedan [click photo below].
- NOTE: Click each photo below & see a related one

Old Westbury, NY, USA. June 2, 2019. L-R, SCOTT GRAMLICH, of Baldwin, holds 2 award plaques his 1925 Model T Ford won, and KEITH GRAMLICH, holds the award plaque his 1928 Studebaker Dictator, Club Sedan won at the 53rd Annual Spring Meet Antique Car Show, sponsored by the Greater NY Region chapter of AACA, at Old Westbury Garden. (© 2019 Ann Parry/
SAMMY, a 14-year-old Bichon Poo, who was very woolly and very cute, enjoyed the Spring Meet with his family.

Old Westbury, NY, USA. June 2, 2019. SAMMY, a 14-year-old Bichon Poo, is on a leash held by ‘mom’ Debbie Dugan, of Glen Head, as he looks around at the 53rd Annual Spring Meet Antique Car Show, sponsored by the Greater NY Region chapter of AACA. Dugan entered her 1951 Chevy pickup truck in the show. (© 2019 Ann Parry/
DEBBIE DUGAN, safely holding Sammy’s leash, watched the Awards Ceremony with RUSTY BECKER, all three from Glen Head.

Old Westbury, NY, USA. June 2, 2019. L-R, RUSTY BECKER and DEBBIE DUGAN, both of Glen Head, and SAMMY, a 14-year-old Bichon Poo, a Bichon Poodle cross (Bichapoo), are at the 53rd Annual Spring Meet Antique Car Show. Dugan entered her 1951 Chevy pickup truck in the show. Event was sponsored by the Greater NY Region chapter of the AACA at Old Westbury Gardens. (© 2019 Ann Parry/
Dugan entered her blue 1951 Chevy pickup truck in the show, and when I asked where it was parked, she pointed behind her, explaining it was back several rows.

Old Westbury, NY, USA. June 2, 2019. Antique 1951 blue Chevrolet pickup truck, owned by Debbie Dugan of Glen Head, is an entry at the 53rd Annual Spring Meet Antique Car Show, sponsored by the Greater NY Region of the AACA, at Old Westbury Gardens. (© 2019 Ann Parry/
I’m a long-time 1950’s Chevy fan, so later during the show, I walked to the back rows and found Duggan’s truck, with its beautiful blue body and chrome grill gleaming in the sun.
And before we drive away, let’s enjoy one last beautiful antique, a Model A Ford, whose owner is a member of the Long Island Model A Ford Club.

Old Westbury, N, USA. June 2, 2019. The black Model A Ford sports a blue grill emblem: “Long Island Est. 1959, Model A Ford Club” at the 53rd Annual Spring Meet Antique Car Show, sponsored by the Greater NY Region chapter of the AACA, at Old Westbury Gardens. (© 2019 Ann Parry/
Feature Photo at top of post: Old Westbury, NY, USA. June 2, 2019. A red Chevrolet Master Deluxe antique car drives by trophy table, and ALTHEA TRAVIS, standing at left, dressed in vintage-style nurse’s costume, hands out trophies at the 53rd Annual Spring Meet Antique Car Show, sponsored by the Greater NY Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America, at Old Westbury Gardens.
2019 Antique Car Show at OWG: PHOTO GALLERY