Tag Archives: Laura Gillen

Elmont, New York, U.S. January 25, 2025. Congresswoman LAURA A. GILLEN (Democrat NY-04) has her swearing-in celebration in Nassau County, Long Island. (© 2025 Ann Parry, annparry.com)

Congresswoman Laura Gillen’s Swearing-in Celebration

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (annparry.com)
January 26, 2025              PHOTO ESSAY

Rep. Laura Gillen’s (NY-04) swearing-in celebration in Elmont

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, N.Y., U.S., January 25, 2025. At left, Rep. STEVE ISRAEL administers oath to Rep. LAURA GILLEN as her husband CHRIS FINEGAN holds the Bible, during Gillen’s swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

While processing my news photos of Congresswoman Laura Gillen’s swearing-in celebration yesterday, I visited Facebook during a quick break.

I was struck by how powerfully the following Facebook post, and one of its replies in particular, conveyed how it felt being at the event. (I have permission to share them here):

facebook from Lauren Corcoran-Doolin’s facebook post about Rep. Laura Gillen’s swearing-in celebration that afternoon:

Lauren Corcoran-Doolin
January 25 at 6:52pm
Today had some special vibes! Some people just remind you to keep going xo

Tammie Williams-Pittman
January 25 at 10:54pm
It was like a family reunion ❤️ kissy face

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, N.Y., U.S., January 25, 2025. L-R, Congresswoman Laura Gillen’s brother PETER GILLEN, mother ELAINE GILLEN, and brother JAMES GILLEN pose for photo before the representative’s swearing-in celebration begins at the Elmont Public Library. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

 • Click on any photo to see it in a larger size • 

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, New York, U.S. January 25, 2025. At extreme right, NICOLE GRODNER, Local 290 business representative of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Carpenters (UBC), and other L.I. union members, are guests at Rep. Laura Gillen’s swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, New York, U.S. January 25, 2025. Town of Hempstead Councilwoman DOROTHY GOOSBY and JONATHAN PREBOST are guests at Rep. Laura Gillen’s swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCENassau County Legislator Seth Koslow,  emcee of celebration

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, N.Y., U.S., January 25, 2025. Nassau County Legislator SETH KOSLOW is the emcee of Congresswoman Laura Gillen’s swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

NATIONAL ANTHEM – Kim Domage, Calvary Tabernacle

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, N.Y., U.S., January 25, 2025. At podium, KIM DOMAGE, from Calvary Tabernacle, sings the National Anthem during Rep. Laura Gillen’s swearing-in celebration. From L-R are Reverend MICHAEL NGOKA of St. Agnes Cathedral and Reverend Dr. SEDGWICK EASLEY of Union Baptist Church. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

INVOCATION – Rev. Michael Ngoka, St. Agnes Cathedral

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, N.Y., U.S., January 25, 2025. Standing at left, Reverend MICHAEL NGOKA of St. Agnes Cathedral, goes to Rep. LAURA GILLEN after he gives the Invocation during her swearing-in celebration.(© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

WELCOME REMARKS – Assemblywoman Michaelle Solages

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, N.Y., U.S., January 25, 2025. NYS Assemblywoman MICHAELLE SOLAGES gives welcome remarks during Congresswoman Laura Gillen’s swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, New York, U.S. January 25, 2025. L-R, Rep. Laura Gillen’s brother PETER GILLEN, mother ELAINE GILLEN, and two youngest children are listening to NYS Assemblywoman Michaelle Solages’ remarks during the representative’s swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, New York, U.S. January 25, 2025. Rep. Laura Gillen’s two youngest children are listening to NYS Assemblywoman Michaelle Solages’ remarks during the representative’s swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

REMARKS – Congressman Gregory Meeks

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, N.Y., U.S., January 25, 2025. Rep. GREGORY MEEKS gives remarks during Rep. Laura Gillen’s swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, N.Y., U.S., January 25, 2025. L-R, Congresswoman  LAURA GILLEN and her husband CHRIS FINEGAN listen to Congressman Meeks’ remarks during Gillen’s swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

ADMINISTRATION OF OATH – Congressman Steve Israel

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, N.Y., U.S., January 25, 2025. At podium, Rep. STEVE ISRAEL gives remarks during Rep. Laura Gillen’s swearing-in celebration. Seated, L-R, are Reverend MICHAEL NGOKA of St. Agnes Cathedral, Reverend Dr. SEDGWICK EASLEY of Union Baptist Church, Congresswoman LAURA GILLEN, her husband CHRIS FINEGAN, Congressman GREGORY MEEKS, and KIM DOMAGE.  (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, New York, U.S. January 25, 2025. Rep. STEVE ISRAEL makes remarks during Rep. Gillen’s swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)


“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, New York, U.S. January 25, 2025. CHRIS FINEGAN gives special remarks before introducing his wife, Congresswoman Laura Gillen, during her swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, New York, U.S. January 25, 2025. CHRIS FINEGAN gives a compliment in a humorous, off-hand way before introducing his wife, Rep. Laura Gillen ,during her swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

REMARKS – Congresswoman Laura Gillen

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, New York, U.S. January 25, 2025. Rep. LAURA A. GILLEN ( NY, 4th District) makes remarks during the celebration of her swearing-in as a freshman member of Congress. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, New York, U.S. January 25, 2025. Rep. LAURA GILLEN puts her hands to her heart as she gives remarks during her swearing-in celebration. At right are NYS Assemblywoman MICHAELLE SOLAGES and Nassau County Legislator SETH KOSLOW. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

CLOSING PRAYER – Rev. Dr. Sedgwick Easley, Union Baptist Church

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, New York, U.S. January 25, 2025. At podium, Reverend Dr. SEDGWICK EASLEY, of Union Baptist Church, gives the Closing Prayer at Gillen’s swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, New York, U.S. January 25, 2025. At podium, Reverend Dr. SEDGWICK EASLEY, of Union Baptist Church, gives the Closing Prayer, and, from L-R, are Rep. LAURA GILLEN, her husband CHRIS FINEGAN, and Congressman GREGORY MEEKS, at Gillen’s swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)


“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, N.Y., U.S., January 25, 2025. At lower left, NAGINDER SINGH gives Rep. LAURA GILLEN news articles Singh collected about Gillen’s campaign, at the end of the representative’s swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, N.Y., U.S., January 25, 2025. L-R, NAGINDER SINGH and Rep. LAURA GILLEN, wearing a fuchsia Indian garment, pose for photo at the end of the representative’s swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, N.Y., U.S., January 25, 2025. L-R, ELLEN LEDERER DeFRANCESCO and New York State Senator SIELA BYNOE pose for photo during Rep. Laura Gillen’s swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, N.Y., U.S., January 25, 2025. At right, a guest hugs New York State Senator SIELA BYNOE at the end of Congresswoman Gillen’s swearing-in celebration . (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

“Congresswoman Laura Gillen Swearing-in Celebration

Elmont, N.Y., U.S., January 25, 2025. At center, Rep. LAURA GILLEN poses with union members, including from  Local 290 of United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, during her swearing-in celebration. (© 2025 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

FEATURE PHOTO (at top of post): Elmont, New York, U.S. January 25, 2025. Congresswoman LAURA A. GILLEN (NY-04) gives remarks during her swearing-in celebration at Elmont Public Library.

Congresswoman Laura Gillen event:  my PHOTO GALLERY

Two of my earlier posts featuring Laura Gillen:
• Jan. 2018: Inaugurating a new era for Long Island
• April 2018: Steve Israel brings out his big guns on Long Island


Congresswoman Laura Gillen

Elmont, N.Y., U.S. January 25, 2025. Congresswoman LAURA GILLEN (Dem. NY-04) speaks during her swearing-in celebration at the Elmont Public Library. At right are Nassau County Legislator SETH KOSLOW and N.Y.S. Assembly Deputy Majority Leader MICHAELLE SOLAGES. (© 2025 Ann Parry, annparry.com)

South Merrick, New York, USA. Woman is running uphill on Norman J Levy Park and Preserve Trail, on south shore of Long Island. (© 2014 Ann Parry, annparry.com)

Women’s History Month 2021

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (annparry.com)
March 8, 2021

  • Feature Photo: South Merrick, New York, USA. Woman runs uphill late afternoon at Norman J Levy Park & Preserve, Long Island.

To celebrate this month: Women’s History Month – and today: International Women’s Day, here are a few of the memorable women, including my daughters Sue and Laurie, I’ve photographed over the past dozen years. Click each photo to see larger image:

Gabby Giffords

“Garden City, New York, USA. April 17, 2016. GABBY GIFFORDS, former United States Congresswoman - as her husband MARK KELLY, former NASA astronaut looks on - speaks about the importance of GOTV, Getting Out The Vote for Hillary Clinton - including because of Clinton's strong position on stricter gun control legislation - at the Canvass Kickoff at the Nassau County Democratic Office in Garden City. Giffords survived an assassination attempt near Tuscon, Arizona, during her first'Congress on Your Corner' event in January 2011. Kelly was a NASA astronaut. (© 2018 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Garden City, N.Y., USA. April 17, 2016. GABBY GIFFORDS, former United States Congresswoman – as her husband MARK KELLY, former NASA astronaut looks on – speaks about the importance of GOTV, Getting Out The Vote for Hillary Clinton – including because of Clinton’s strong position on stricter gun control legislation – at the Canvass Kickoff at the Nassau County Democratic Office in Garden City. Giffords survived an assassination attempt near Tuscon, Arizona, during her first ‘Congress on Your Corner’ event in January 2011. Kelly was a NASA astronaut. (© 2018 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Soyeon Yi

“Manhattan, NY, USA. October 10, 2015. Astronaut SOYEON YI, the first South Korean in space, is a panelist on Secret Space Escapes - The Real Life Gravity Panel, at the 10th Annual New York Comic Con. Born in 1978, Yi went into space when she was 29, traveling on Russia's Soyuz TMA-12 to the International Space Station (ISS). (© 2015 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Manhattan, NY, USA. October 10, 2015. Astronaut SOYEON YI, the first South Korean in space, is a panelist on Secret Space Escapes – The Real Life Gravity Panel, at the 10th Annual New York Comic Con. Born in 1978, Yi went into space when she was 29, traveling on Russia’s Soyuz TMA-12 to the International Space Station (ISS). (© 2015 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Regina Gill

“Great Neck, New York, U.S. January 2, 2014. REGINA GILL, Founder and Executive Director of the Gold Coast Arts Center, a not-for-profit, poses in its large studio. (© 2014 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Great Neck, N.Y., U.S. January 2, 2014. REGINA GILL, Founder and Executive Director of the Gold Coast Arts Center, a not-for-profit, poses in its large studio. (© 2014 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Sue Moller Erin King Sweeney

“Merrick, NY, USA. Sept. 9, 2017. L-R, SUE MOLLER, (Democrat - Merrick), candidate for Town of Hempstead Council District 6 (and the photographer's daughter); and ERIN KING SWEENEY, (Republican - Wantagh) Town of Hempstead Councilwoman District 5, pause chatting to pose for photo at Merrick Fall Festival. (© 2017 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Merrick, NY, USA. Sept. 9, 2017. L-R, SUE MOLLER, (Democrat – Merrick), candidate for Town of Hempstead Council District 6 (and the photographer’s daughter), and ERIN KING SWEENEY, (Republican – Wantagh) Town of Hempstead Councilwoman District 5, pause chatting to pose for photo at Merrick Fall Festival. (© 2017 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Bernice Sims

“Garden City, New York, USA. April 17, 2016. BERNICE SIMS, a campaign volunteer for Democratic presidential primary candidate Hillary Clinton, is working at the Canvass Kickoff at Nassau County Democratic Office. Ms. Sims is a social worker, civil rights activist and author of the 2014 book Detour Before Midnight - her personal account of the last hours she and her family were with the Mississipi Burning civil rights workers killed by the KKK in 1964. (© 2016 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Garden City, N.Y., USA. April 17, 2016. BERNICE SIMS, a campaign volunteer for Democratic presidential primary candidate Hillary Clinton, is working at Canvass Kickoff at the Nassau County Democratic Office. Ms. Sims is a social worker, civil rights activist and author of the 2014 book ‘Detour Before Midnight’ – her personal account of the last hours she and her family were with the Mississippi Burning civil rights workers killed by the KKK in 1964. (© 2016 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Laura GillenLiuba Grechen ShirleyLaura Curran

“[Photo Composite Illustration] Massapequa, NY, USA. August 5, 2017. L-R, Democrats LAURA GILLEN, Hempstead Town Supervisor; LIUBA GRECHEN SHIRLEY, Congressional candidate for NY 2nd District; and LAURA CURRAN, Nassau County Executive, pose at opening of campaign office. (Setting: Merrick, New York, USA. June 20, 2013. Tern flies over marsh reeds at Levy Park and Preserve, the highest point of South Shore of Nassau County, Long Island.)

[Photo Composite Illustration] Massapequa, NY, USA. Aug. 5, 2017. L-R, LAURA GILLEN, Hempstead Town Supervisor; LIUBA GRECHEN SHIRLEY, Congressional candidate for NY 2nd District; and LAURA CURRAN, Nassau County Executive, all Democrats, pose together during official opening of Shirley’s campaign office. (Setting: Merrick, NY, USA. June 20, 2013. Tern flies over marsh reeds at Levy Park & Preserve.) (© 2017 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Cathy Horvath

“Old Westbury, NY, U.S. August 23, 2014. CATHY HORVATH is with AUGIE, a 4-year-old male Eurasian Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo), from WINORR, Wildlife in Need of Rescue and Rehabilitation, at the 54th Annual Long Island Scottish Festival and Highland Games, at Old Westbury Gardens. WINORR is run by Cathy and her husband Bobby, licensed animal rehabilitators in North Massapequa. (© 2014 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Old Westbury, N.Y., U.S. August 23, 2014, CATHY HORVATH is with AUGIE, a 4-year-old male Eurasian Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo), from WINORR, Wildlife in Need of Rescue and Rehabilitation, at the 54th Annual Long Island Scottish Festival and Highland Games, at Old Westbury Gardens. WINORR is run by Cathy and her husband Bobby, licensed animal rehabilitators in North Massapequa. (© 2014 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Laura GillenKathy Hochul

“Hempstead, New York, USA. January 1, 2018. L-R, Hempstead Town Supervisor LAURA GILLEN and New York State Lt. Governor KATHY HOCHUL pose for photo shortly before Lt. Gov. swears-in Gillen, at Hofstra University. (© 2018 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Hempstead, N.Y., USA. January 1, 2018. L-R, Hempstead Town Supervisor LAURA GILLEN and New York State Lt. Governor KATHY HOCHUL pose for photo shortly before the Lt. Gov. and Congresswoman Kathleen Rice (Dem-NY) swear-in Gillen, at Hofstra University. (© 2018 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Francine Goldstein

“Merrick, NY, USA. May 3, 2018. Francine Goldstein looks forward to her 30th year of participating in AIDS WALK NEW YORK, a fundraising walk and run in Central Park on May 20, 2018, benefiting Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC). Goldstein has raised over $500,000 from sponsors over the years, and currently is the 2018 2nd highest fundraiser. (© 2018 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Merrick, N.Y., USA. May 3, 2018. FRANCINE GOLDSTEIN looks forward to her 30th year of participating in AIDS WALK NEW YORK, a fundraising walk and run in Central Park on May 20, 2018, benefiting Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC). Goldstein has raised over $500,000 from sponsors over the years, and currently is the 2018 2nd highest fundraiser. (© 2018 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Birgit Fioravante  •  Wendy Reynolds

“Merrick, N.Y., U.S. February 21, 2010. Duelling Divas stars, sopranos BIRGIT FIORAVANTE and WENDY REYNOLDS - wear Roman cloaks while singing Mira, O Norma and Casta Diva from Bellini's Norma - in comic opera concert presented by Merrick Bellmore Community Concert Association. (© 2010 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Merrick, N.Y., U.S. February 21, 2010. Duelling Divas stars, sopranos BIRGIT FIORAVANTE and WENDY REYNOLDS – wear Roman cloaks while singing Mira, O Norma and Casta Diva from Bellini’s Norma – in comic opera concert presented by Merrick Bellmore Community Concert Association. (© 2010 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)



Judy Kennedy

New Paltz, New York, October 16, 2019. Childhood friends Judy Kennedy, who's a singer and banjo player, and the photographer visit historic Mohonk Mountain House, on Lake Mohonk.

New Paltz, N.Y., October 16, 2019. Childhood friends JUDY MCCARTHY KENNEDY, who’s a singer and ukulele player, and (not shown) Ann Parry, the photographer, visit historic Mohonk Mountain House. Trip was birthday gift from Parry’s daughter. (@ 20219 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com) click image to see color version

Lori Belilove 

“Old Westbury, New York, U.S. - June 21, 2014 - Lori Belilove & The Isadora Duncan Dance Company dances modern dance in Greek tunics throughout the gardens during the Midsummer Night event at the historic Long Island Gold Coast estate of Old Westbury Gardens. Ms. Belilove is wearing a Greek white tunic and purple over-scarf. (© 2014 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Old Westbury, N.Y., U.S. – June 21, 2014 – LORI BELILOVE, of Lori Belilove & The Isadora Duncan Dance Company, performs modern dance in Greek tunics throughout the gardens during the Midsummer Night event at the historic Long Island Gold Coast estate of Old Westbury Gardens. Ms. Belilove is wearing a Greek white tunic and purple over-scarf. (© 2014 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Sheimyrah Mighty

“East Meadow, New York, U.S. October 15, 2008. SHEIMYRAH MIGHTY, a 10-year-old Haitian American singer, walks across stage of Harry Chapin Theater after singing God Bless America at start of Obama Rally at Eisenhower Park. (© 2008 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

East Meadow, N.Y., U.S. October 15, 2008. SHEIMYRAH MIGHTY, a 10-year-old Haitian American singer, walks across stage of Harry Chapin Theater after singing God Bless America at start of Obama Rally at Eisenhower Park. (© 2008 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Ajna Jai  •  Stephanie Donnelly

“Bellmore, New York, USA. July 18, 2018. L-R, AJNA JAI, actor playing title character of The Adventures of Penny Patterson, and STEPHANIE DONNELLY, director and writer of the short film, pose before movie screens at LIIFE 2018, the Long Island International Film Expo. The comedy, sci-fi, woman directed film, about a high school student facing obstacles to winning science fair when her boyfriend becomes a superhero, was nominated at LIIFE for Best Student Film. (© 2018 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Bellmore, N.Y., USA. July 18, 2018. L-R, AJNA JAI, actor playing title character of The Adventures of Penny Patterson, and STEPHANIE DONNELLY, director and writer of the short film, pose before movie screens at LIIFE 2018, the Long Island International Film Expo. The comedy, sci-fi, woman directed film, about a high school student facing obstacles to winning science fair when her boyfriend becomes a superhero, was nominated at LIIFE for Best Student Film. (© 2018 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)



Marie Delus

“Port Washington, New York, USA. April 11, 2016. MARIE DELUS who lost her nephew Pierre-Paul Jean-Paul in Queens, is a panelist on gun violence prevention with other activists who lost family members due to shootings, and with Hillary Clinton and Rep. S. Israel. (© 2016 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Port Washington, N.Y., USA. April 11, 2016. MARIE DELUS who lost her nephew Pierre-Paul Jean-Paul in Queens, is a panelist on gun violence prevention with other activists who lost family members due to shootings, and with Hillary Clinton and Rep. S. Israel. (© 2016 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Jane Braden-Golay

“Merrick, New York, USA. January 21, 2015. JANE BRADEN-GOLAY, from Schaffhausen, Switzerland, and President of the European Union of Jewish Students, is speaking at the Merrick Jewish Centre the night before she is scheduled to address - upon the invitation of Ambassador Samantha Power, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations - ambassadors and civil rights leaders at Rep. Power's residence, after the first United Nations General Assembly meeting on rise of anti-Semitic violence worldwide. AJC Long Island and Merrick Jewish Centre presented the event

Merrick, N.Y., USA. January 21, 2015. JANE BRADEN-GOLAY, from Schaffhausen, Switzerland, and President of the European Union of Jewish Students, is speaking at the Merrick Jewish Centre the night before she is scheduled to address – upon the invitation of Ambassador Samantha Power, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations – ambassadors and civil rights leaders at Rep. Power’s residence, after the first United Nations General Assembly meeting on rise of anti-Semitic violence worldwide. AJC Long Island and Merrick Jewish Centre presented the event “Terrorism in France – Where Do We Go From Here?” with speaker Braden-Golay, a senior at the University of Zurich. (© 2015 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Shelly Strickler

“New Hyde Park, New York, U.S. March 25, 2014. SHELLY STRICKLER, NYC broadcast journalist who was a long time anchor and reporter for WOR Radio, discusses how the media has handled political scandals from 1900 to the present. Strickler received the New York Press Club's President Award in 2013 for blazing a trail for women in radio. (© 2014 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

New Hyde Park, N.Y., U.S. March 25, 2014. SHELLY STRICKLER, NYC broadcast journalist who was a long time anchor and reporter for WOR Radio, discusses how the media has handled political scandals from 1900 to the present. Strickler received the New York Press Club’s President Award in 2013 for blazing a trail for women in radio. (© 2014 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Janet Hamlin

“Hempstead, NY, U.S. November 12, 2013. Janet Hamlin, a courtroom artist covering the military tribunals at Guantanamo Bay since 2006, shows her charcoal drawings and discusses her work at Hofstra University. Much of the time she was the only journalist providing a visual record of the events at the United States naval base in Cuba, and her new book

Hempstead, N.Y., U.S. November 12, 2013. JANET HAMLIN, a courtroom artist covering the military tribunals at Guantanamo Bay since 2006, shows her charcoal drawings and discusses her work at Hofstra University. Much of the time she was the only journalist providing a visual record of the events at the United States naval base in Cuba, and her new book “Sketching Guantanamo” is a collection of her images. (© 2013 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Laurie Grab  •  Chandri Barat

“Roslyn, New York, U.S. September 13, 2019. L-R, LAURIE GRAB, a social worker from Merrick (and the photographer's daughter), and CHANDRI BARAT, are at ANIMODULES Agents of Peace exhibit Farewell Reception and Founders' talk by GARY BARAT and CHANDRI BARAT, at the Nassau County Museum of Art's Manes Art & Education Center, named for Dr. Harvey Manes, who was in attendance and spearheaded the exhibit. (© 2019 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Roslyn, N.Y., U.S. September 13, 2019. L-R, LAURIE GRAB, a social worker from Merrick (and the photographer’s daughter), and CHANDRI BARAT, are at ANIMODULES Agents of Peace exhibit Farewell Reception and Founders’ talk by GARY BARAT and CHANDRI BARAT, at the Nassau County Museum of Art’s Manes Art & Education Center, named for Dr. Harvey Manes, who was in attendance and spearheaded the exhibit. (© 2019 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Lori Horowitz

“Massapequa, New York, USA. September 18, 2014. LORI HOROWITZ, artist and gallery owner, is sitting on her sculpture, Truths Without Consequences, a gigantic naked baby on an open crib, as a young woman visitor also interacts with the artwork during the Studio 5404 Art Space opening reception for the art show Taking it to the Street. (© 2014 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Massapequa, N.Y., USA. Sept. 18, 2014. LORI HOROWITZ, artist and gallery owner, is sitting on her sculpture, Truths Without Consequences, a gigantic naked baby on an open crib, as a young woman visitor also interacts with the artwork during the Studio 5404 Art Space opening reception for the art show Taking it to the Street. (© 2014 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Sharon Williams


Merrick, N.Y., USA. May 28, 2012. American Legion Auxiliary members SHARON WILLIAMS and her granddaughters MADISON and JACQUELINE are marching in the Merrick Memorial Day Parade. Their Merrick Post 1282 hosted the parade and ceremony. (© 2012 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Hillary Clinton

“Port Washington, New York, USA. 11th April 2016. HILLARY CLINTON, leading Democratic presidential primary candidate, has a discussion on gun violence prevention with Rep. S. Israel, and with activists who lost family members due to shootings. Clinton, the former Secretary of State and U.S. Senator from New York, called for stronger gun legislation and vowed to take on the gun lobby NRA National Rifle Association. (© 2016 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Port Washington, N.Y., USA. April 11, 2016. HILLARY CLINTON, leading Democratic presidential primary candidate, has a discussion on gun violence prevention with Rep. S. Israel, and with activists who lost family members due to shootings. Clinton, the former Secretary of State and U.S. Senator from New York, called for stronger gun legislation and vowed to take on the gun lobby NRA National Rifle Association. (© 2016 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Claudia Borecky

“Merrick, New York, U.S. April 9, 2011. Claudia Borecky, of Merrick, is a Democratic candidate for Town of Hempstead Council. This civic leader's experience includes being a Nassau County Board of Elections worker, a Nassau County legislative aide, and reporter for Merrick Life. (© 2011 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Merrick, N.Y., U.S. April 9, 2011. CLAUDIA BORECKY, of Merrick, is a Democratic candidate for Town of Hempstead Council. This civic leader’s experience includes being a Nassau County Board of Elections worker, a Nassau County legislative aide, and reporter for Merrick Life.(© 2011 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Sylvia Cabana

“Hempstead, NY, U.S. January 1, 2018. SYLVIA CABANA, at podium, speaks after being sworn in as Hempstead Town Clerk, and LAURA GILLEN, just sworn in as Hempstead Town Supervisor, sits at left in front row with family, at Hofstra University. (© 2018 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Hempstead, N.Y., U.S. January 1, 2018. SYLVIA CABANA speaks at podium after being sworn in as the first Latin women Hempstead Town Clerk, at Hofstra University. (© 2018 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Kathleen Rice

“Bellmore, New York, U.S. 22nd September 2013. Nassau County District Attorney KATHLEEN RICE (Democrat), running for re-election in November to a third term in office, makes a campaign stop to the 27th Annual Bellmore Family Street Festival. (© 2013 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Bellmore, N.Y., U.S. September 22, 2013. Nassau County District Attorney KATHLEEN RICE (Democrat), running for re-election in November to a third term in office, makes a campaign stop to the 27th Annual Bellmore Family Street Festival. (© 2013 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Liuba Grechen Shirley

““Long Island, New York, USA. October 15, 2017. Congressional candidate Liuba Grechen Shirley is with her daughter Mila.

Long Island, N.Y., USA. October 15, 2017. Congressional candidate (NY-02) LIUBA GRECHEN SHIRLEY is with her daughter MILA. During her campaign, Shirley gained nationwide attention when she successfully petitioned the FEC, Federal Election Commission, for the right to use campaign funds to cover childcare. (© 2017 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

International Women’s Day 2021: #ChooseToChallenge #IWD2021


brief timeline:

1911 – International Women’s Day is first celebrated in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland, on March 19th.

1913 – Russian women observe the first International Women’s Day on February 23, which is then changed to March 8th. In 1914, women across Europe – including in London, UK – hold rallies expressing women’s solidarity.

1975 – The United Nations starts celebrating International Women’s Day.

2001 – site launches to re-energize movement and to provide guidance and resources, and adopts an annual campaign theme.

Women’s History Month 2021: “Valiant Women of the Vote: Refusing to Be Silenced”


brief timeline:

1978 – “Women’s History Week” starts in California.

1980 – President Jimmy Carter declares the Week of March 8, 1980 as National Women’s History Week, and following presidents continue.

1987 – Congress passes law designating each March as “Women’s History Month,” and starting 1995, each president issues annual proclamation designating March “Women’s History Month.”

my Photo Gallery: Women’s History Month 2021

Breast Cancer Research Foundation:  bcrf.org


Garden City, New York, USA. March 9, 2019. Unveiling ceremony of mural by painter Michael White, of close-up of a Nunley's Carousel horse, is held at historic Nunley's Carousel in its Pavilion on Museum Row on Long Island. © 2019 Ann Parry, AnnParry.com

Nunley’s Carousel Mural: Next Stop, Baldwin!

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (annparry.com)
March 15, 2019

  • Photo Video with carousel music captures historic Nunley’s Carousel Mural Unveiling in Garden City, on Saturday night, March 9th: 

It’s not surprising that well over a hundred children and adults flocked to Nunley’s Carousel Pavilion for the Mural Unveiling Ceremony, and the free refreshments and carousel rides.

My parents brought my brothers and me to Nunley’s to ride the carousel, play miniature golf, and have pizza during the late 1950’s to 1960’s.

My daughters’ dad and I brought them to Nunley’s during its last ten years in Baldwin.

My grandson and granddaughter have each had a birthday party at Nunley’s Carousel in Museum Row in Garden City.

And that’s just a glimpse of how Nunley’s Carousel touched one multi-generational Long Island family.

Garden City, New York, USA. March 9, 2019. L-R, CAYLA KEMPF and her mom COLETTE KEMPF, from Maspeth, Queens, are riding carousel horses during Unveiling Ceremony of Nunley's Carousel mural. The Kempf family is related to a silent partner of the carousel's original owners, of Murphy's Carousel Company.

Garden City, New York, USA. March 9, 2019. L-R, CAYLA KEMPF and her mom COLETTE KEMPF, from Maspeth, Queens, are riding carousel horses during Unveiling Ceremony of Nunley’s Carousel mural. The Kempf family is related to a silent partner of the carousel’s original owners, of Murphy’s Carousel Company. (© 2019 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Michael White

Garden City, New York, USA. March 9, 2019. Artist MICHAEL WHITE stands in front of Nunley's Carousel during Unveiling Ceremony of his mural. (© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Garden City, New York, USA. March 9, 2019. Artist MICHAEL WHITE stands in front of Nunley’s Carousel during Unveiling Ceremony of his mural. (© 2019 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Artist Michael White, a Baldwinite, shared memories of Nunley’s and explained he chose to paint a closeup of the carousel’s lead horse – which wears a striking red, white and blue banner on its shoulder, and red roses in its mane – because the acrylic mural is 7 feet tall and about 5 feet wide, so including a vast scene such as the whole carousel wouldn’t make sense.

In Fit Shape

The mural has an uncommon shape – at first glance it looks like a rectangle, but it isn’t.

The mural’s base is wider than its top, and they’re parallel.

Its sides aren’t parallel, but are equal in length, and have equal angles where they reach the bottom.

In short, with the help of two long words, the mural is an isosceles trapezoid

White’s acrylic equine needs to be that shape to fit the permanent home it’s heading to soon.

Baldwin Bound

This spring, the mural is scheduled for an outdoor installation on a trestle pillar of the Baldwin LIRR Train Station, only a 1/3 mile from the location of Nunley’s Carousel & Amusement Park in Baldwin from 1940-1995.

If my brothers and I, or if my daughters, had headed northwest after a visit to Nunley’s Carousel in Baldwin, we could have walked to the Baldwin Station in the time it takes to play the above video twice.

Garden City, New York, USA. March 9, 2019. LAURA CURRAN, the Nassau County Executive, rides Nunley's Carousel carved wood lion during mural unveiling ceremony of Nunley's Carousel horse.(© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Garden City, New York, USA. March 9, 2019. LAURA CURRAN, the Nassau County Executive, rides Nunley’s Carousel carved wood lion during mural unveiling ceremony of Nunley’s Carousel horse.(© 2019 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

On the Carousel of Time

County, town, and state elected officials; Baldwin non-profit organization officers and members, and LIRR rep attending the mural unveiling included:

Nassau County Executive Laura Curran
Nassau County Legislator Debra Mulé
Town of Hempstead Supervisor Laura Gillen
NYS Assemblywoman Judy Griffin

Baldwin Civic Association (BCA) reps included:
President Darien Ward
Corresponding Secretary Susan Cools
Beautification Committee Chair Rita Cavanagh

Baldwin Historical Society President Gary Farkash

LIRR Community Relations Representative Vanessa Lockel

During the mural unveiling ceremony, many of the above shared their memories, from those decades ago to recently, of Nunley’s Carousel.

  • Some people in Video at beginning of post (click name to see a photo):
Joanne Adams  Judy Griffin Cayla Kempf
Rita Cavanagh     Kelley Hochheiser Colette Kempf
John Cools     Maureen Lennon Andrew Obergh
Susan Cools    Vanessa Lockel Beth Obergh
Jean Smyth-Crocetto  Liam McGuire Bob Stuhmer
Laura Curran    Karen Montalbano Darien Ward
Gary Farkash  Gary Monti Michael White
Laura Gillen Debra Mulé

Feature Photo at top of post: Garden City, NY, USA. March 9, 2019. Rita Cavanagh (Baldwin Civic Assoc. Beautification Committee Chair) and Darien Ward (BCA President) look at mural that Ward and artist Michael White just uncovered at Unveiling Ceremony, at Nunley’s Carousel Pavilion.

Nunley’s Carousel Mural photos:  PHOTO GALLERY

my video:  Nunley’s Carousel Mural
