Tag Archives: Nikon Lens

When is a Car Not a Car?

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (ann-parry.com)
April 28, 2014

Yesterday, when meeting up with friends who’d arrived earlier at the Queens Farm 35th Annual Antique Auto Show, I asked what I should be sure to catch.  “There’s a small red car with 3 wheels that’s really something, and a BMW that opens from the front….”

Floral Park, New York, U.S. - A red BRA CX3, a custom Beribo Replica Automobiles kit vehicle at the 35th Annual Antique Auto Show at Queens Farm. (© 2014 Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Floral Park, NY, U.S.  – BRA CX3, a custom kit Beribo Replica Automobiles, Queens Farm Antique Auto Show. (© 2014 Ann Parry/ann-parry.com)

So I headed to Steve Kaplan’s red BRA CX3, which he made using a Beribo Replica Automobiles custom kit and 1983 Honda motorcycle, and because it’s 3-wheeled, the DMV registered it as a 2009 Custom Motorcycle.

Then I captured a colorful range of other cars brought by New York Antique Auto Club members, as I made my way to the opposite end of the field to see the 1958 BMW Isetta, designed by the Italian ISO refrigerator company. And like in a refrigerator, the Isetta’s door swings open from the front!

Auto Show, Queens County Farm Museum  2014 GALLERY 2013 GALLERY