Tag Archives: Aldrin

May 11, 2013 - Garden City, New York U.S. - Astronaut BUZZ ALDRIN, the second person to walk on the moon, signs books for two young boys at the book signing for Aldrin's new books "Mission to Mars" and the illustrated history of space exploration "Look to the Stars." After Aldrin, the NASA astronaut engineer of Apollo 11 in 1969, gave a Sold Out lecture, people who bought his books at the Cradle of Aviation Museum book store could attend the book signing in front of LEM 13, the Grumman Lunar Module scheduled for Apollo 19, which was canceled. © 2013 Ann Parry, AnnParry.com

Buzz Aldrin Lecture and Book Signing, Long Island 2013

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (annparry.com)
Mary 14, 2013

Astronaut BUZZ ALDRIN lectured, with focus on Mars exploration, and then signed books at the Cradle of Aviation Museum in Garden City, NY, this Saturday, May 11, 2013.

May 11, 2013 - Garden City, New York U.S. - Astronaut BUZZ ALDRIN signs Mission to Mars for KEATON COOKE, 6, at book signing at the Cradle of Aviation Museum. (© 2013 Ann Parry/Ann Parry, annparry.com)

May 11, 2013 – Garden City, NY, U.S. – Astronaut BUZZ ALDRIN signs ‘Mission to Mars’ for KEATON COOKE, 6, of N. Merrick, who then gave Aldrin a handmade model of space shuttle. (© 2013 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

After a conversation with DICK DUNNE at the Sold Out lecture in the JetBlue Sky Theater Planetarium, Aldrin – whose social media handle is “TheRealBuzz” – autographed copies of his new book Mission to Mars and his history of space illustrated by Wendell Minor, Look to the Stars, in CAM’s LEM room.

May 11, 2013. Garden City, New York U.S. Astronaut BUZZ ALDRIN, the second person to walk on the moon, signs books for two young boys at the book signing for Aldrin's new books "Mission to Mars" and the illustrated history of space exploration "Look to the Stars." After Aldrin, the NASA astronaut engineer of Apollo 11 in 1969, gave a Sold Out lecture, people who bought his books at the Cradle of Aviation Museum book store could attend the book signing in front of LEM 13, the Grumman Lunar Module scheduled for Apollo 19, which was canceled. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, annparry.com)

May 11, 2013. Garden City, NY, U.S. Astronaut BUZZ ALDRIN is at book signing for his ‘Mission to Mars’ and illustrated ‘Look to the Stars.’ at Cradle of Aviation Museum. (© 2013 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Long Island’s Grumman Aerospace Corporation built and tested both the LM-13 Aldrin signed books in front of, and the Eagle LM-5 used during NASA’s Apollo 11 mission in 1969, when Aldrin was the second person to walk on the moon.

Buzz Aldrin Lecture & Book Signing:  PHOTO GALLERY