Tag Archives: dancing

Where the Heck is Matt? Dance-a-gram for Cleo the Cat

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (annparry.com)
October 25, 2016

For years, my family’s been a fan of Matt Harding’s “Where the Heck is Matt?” videos where he enthusiastically dances around the world. So I was intrigued when I saw that the Kickstarter campaign to fund his 2016 video included a perk to have him create a Dance-a-gram.

Hamburg, Germany, March 2016. Matt Harding dancing with fans in Marco-Polo Terrassen.

Hamburg, Germany, March 2016. Matt Harding dancing with fans in Marco-Polo Terrassen, his final stop in Europe. This is one of several postcards Matt sent as perks to many of his Kickstarter supporters.

I asked Matt to create a message about adopting animals on behalf of our family’s Cleo the Cat – the gray and white striped furball we adopted from Last Hope Animal Rescue in Wantagh, NY.

Yesterday I received Matt’s Dance-a-gram, and it’s AMAZING:

[videopress BXTOWaU3]

Matt Harding’s Dance-a-gram for our Cleo the Cat, adopted from Last Hope Animal Rescue in Wantagh, NY. (YouTube: youtu.be/mGUSaiBFekl

When I saw the first location in Matt’s Dance-a-gram is Cape Canaveral, Florida, I smiled, since I’m such a space fan and was at Kennedy Space Center in 2000 for Jim Lovell’s talk & book signing for Apollo 13.

And please remember, if you have room in your heart and home, Cleo the Cat hopes you’ll adopt a rescue animal!

Cleo the tabby cat at home on Sept. 1, 2015, after being adopted from Last Hope Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation, Wantagh, New York, USA (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Long Island, USA. Here’s a glimpse of Cleo the cat, which will have to do until I capture photo of her dancing for joy over Matt’s Dance-a-gram.  (© 2015 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Official site of Last Hope Animal Rescue


2011 Flash Mob: Macy's on Long Island, NY

Flash Mob: Macy’s on Long Island, NY

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (ann-parry.com)
September 30, 2011

Music starting playing near the central cosmetics area of Macy’s in the mall, and a young woman and man rushed into an empty space in the aisle and started dancing.

The blond girl’s aqua shirt had Estée Lauder “Imagine having nothing to hide” on it, and the boy wore a white T-shirt, and after they did some particularly dashing jumps and lifts, several dozen dancers joined them.

Flash Mob dance event for Estee Lauder at Macy's in Long Island, New York, USA, on July 23, 2011. Teal shirts dancers wearing have "Imagine having nothing to hide" written on front. (Ann E Parry/Ann Parry, Ann-Parry.com)

Garden City, NY, USA. July 23, 2011. Flash Mob dance event for Estee Lauder at Macy’s. Teal shirts dancers wearing have “Imagine having nothing to hide” written on front. (© 2011 Ann Parry/ Ann-Parry.com)

So we had ourselves a flash mob, with dancers who ranged from amateurs to pros, and from a young girl around 10-years-old, to a very pregnant twenty-something, to those who were my age and beyond. They danced to Martin Solveig’s “Hello” which Flash Mob America choreographed.

And the Long Island, New York, shoppers loved it, many taking out their cell phones to photograph the 4-minutes of unexpected fun that Summer of 2011 afternoon.

Flash Mob:  my PHOTO GALLERY