From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (
October 26, 2015
Aiming for up front seating at the BUZZ ALDRIN event at Cradle of Aviation Museum this past Saturday, Bob and I arrived at CAM well over an hour early. Waiting on line wasn’t bad, though, since I got to chat with a really nice family whose son wore an astronaut suit to see his hero in person.

Garden City, NY, USA. October 23, 2015. Former NASA astronaut Edwin BUZZ ALDRIN – the second person ever to walk on the Moon – has a conversation about his experiences in space and his new Children’s Middle Grade book Welcome to Mars: Making a Home on the Red Planet. . (© 2015 Ann Parry/
In the jetBlue Sky Theater Planetarium, ‘The Real Buzz’ had a conversation with his Mission Director, CHRISTINA KORP, and had time to answer several questions from children in the audience.
Then, Aldrin left the theater to sign copies of his new book Welcome to Mars: Making a Home on the Red Planet, a National Geographic Kids book geared for Middle Grade children.

Garden City, New York, USA. October 23, 2015. Former NASA astronaut Edwin BUZZ ALDRIN autographs his new book Welcome to Mars: Making a Home on the Red Planet, a National Geographic Kids book for Middle Grades. Before that, Aldrin discussed his childhood, experiences in space, and importance of exploring Mars, in the jetBlue Sky Theater Planetarium at Long Island’s Cradle of Aviation Museum. Aldrin is wearing his Destination MARS shirt. On the 1969 Apollo 11 mission, Aldrin was the second person ever to walk on the Moon, and his first trip to space was the1966 Gemini 12. (© 2015 Ann Parry/
And where was the book signing? CAM’s Red Planet Cafe!
Photo Galleries: Buzz Aldrin2015 | Buzz Aldrin 2013