Tag Archives: Senator Kevin Thomas

Mineola, New York, USA. April 26, 2021. Activist at rally holds sign saying: STOP TAXING OUR WATER. Faced with a 26% rate increase from New York American Water going into effect May 1, 2021, activists and residents who are NYAW customers rally to urge NYS Assemby to push through legislation, before that date, corresponding with NYS Senate Bill S989A to establish a Nassau County Water Authority and except water works corporations in counties of populations over one million from a special franchise tax. (© 2021 Ann Parry, AnnParry.com)

Activists Rally to STOP New York American Water Rate Hikes

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (annparry.com)
April 27, 2021

Activists urge NYS Assembly to pass legislation to create Nassau County Water Authority

  • contact info for NYS Assembly members at end of post
“Mineola, NY, USA. April 26, 2021. At rally, activists hold signs saying STOP TAXING OUR WATER, and Water for ALL! Faced with a 26% rate increase from New York American Water going into effect May 1, 2021, activists and residents who are NYAW customers rally. (© 2021 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Mineola, NY, USA. April 26, 2021. At rally, activists hold signs saying STOP TAXING OUR WATER, and Water for ALL! Faced with a 26% rate increase from New York American Water going into effect May 1, 2021, activists and residents who are NYAW customers rally. (© 2021 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Yesterday, April 26, activists held a rally in Mineola about the unfair burden of paying dam-bursting rates – about to rise 26% higher on May 1st – for water from New York American Water, a private company.

Living in Merrick, I’m among over 124,000 customers of NYAW in Nassau County who pay rates many times higher than county residents with municipal water.

“Mineola, NY, USA. April 26, 2021. MARGARET MAHER, from non-profit Food and Water Watch, speaks at rally. Faced with a 26% rate increase from New York American Water going into effect May 1, 2021, activists and residents who are NYAW customers rally to urge NYS Assembly to push through legislation, before that date, corresponding with NYS Senate Bill S989A to establish a Nassau County Water Authority. (© 2021Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Mineola, NY, USA. April 26, 2021. MARGARET MAHER, from non-profit Food and Water Watch, speaks at rally. Faced with a 26% rate increase from New York American Water going into effect May 1, 2021, activists and residents who are NYAW customers rally. (© 2021 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Since 2011, I’ve been covering rallies and attending meetings about the extreme, unfair difference in rates customers pay for water from private companies versus municipal water in Nassau County.

“Mineola, NY, USA. April 26, 2021. Activists and civic leaders - including in front row, center, wearing lapis blue face mask and jacket, CLAUDIA BORECKY, a Co-Director of CAWS (Clean Air Water Soil) - rally at Theodore Roosevelt Executive and Legislative Building. Faced with a 26% rate increase from New York American Water going into effect May 1, 2021, activists and residents who are NYAW customers rally. (© 2021 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Mineola, NY, USA. April 26, 2021. Activists and civic leaders – including in front row, center, wearing lapis blue face mask and jacket, CLAUDIA BORECKY, a Co-Director of CAWS (Clean Air Water Soil) – rally at Theodore Roosevelt Executive and Legislative Building. Faced with a 26% rate increase from New York American Water going into effect May 1, 2021, activists and residents who are NYAW customers rally. (© 2021 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

But the notable changes water customers have experienced over the past 11 years have been repeated sales from one private water company to another, and a flood of rate hikes.

“Mineola, NY, USA. April 26, 2021. At front, GEORGE POMBAR, President of Glen Head-Glenwood Civic Association, speaks at rally. Faced with a 26% rate increase from New York American Water going into effect May 1, 2021, activists and residents who are NYAW customers rally to urge NYS Assembly to push through legislation, before that date, corresponding with NYS Senate Bill S989A to establish a Nassau County Water Authority. (© 2021Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Mineola, NY, USA. April 26, 2021. At front, GEORGE POMBAR, President of Glen Head-Glenwood Landing Civic Council, speaks at rally. Faced with a 26% rate increase from New York American Water going into effect May 1, 2021, activists and residents who are NYAW customers rally. (© 2021 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

New York State Senate Bill S.989a

Recently, however, New York State Senate Bill S.989a passed –  sponsored by Sen. James Gaughran (Dem.-5th District, Northport) – which relates to the assessment of property owned by water-works corporations – including creating a Nassau County Water Authority and exempting water works corporations in counties of populations over one million from a special franchise tax.

In addition to NYS Sen. James Gaughran, Sen. John Brooks (Dem. – 8th Dist., Seaford), Sen. Leroy Comrie (Dem. – 14th Dist., St. Albans)  Sen. Todd Kaminsky (Dem. – 9th Dist., Long Beach), and Sen. Kevin Thomas (Dem. – 6th Dist, Garden City) actively supported the bill’s passage, and speakers at the rally thanked them.

“Mineola, NY, USA. April 26, 2021. L-R, DAVE DENENBERG, Co-Director of CAWS; LLOYD NADEL (speaking at mics) attorney for Glen Head-Glenwood Landing Civic Council; ERIC WELTMAN, Senior Organizer for Food & Water Watch and Food & Water Action; (activist); GEORGE POMBAR, Pres. of GH/GL Civic Council; and AGATHA NADEL, Director of NSCC,  speak at rally. Faced with a 26% rate increase from New York American Water going into effect May 1, 2021, activists and residents who are NYAW customers rally. (© 2021 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Mineola, NY, USA. April 26, 2021. L-R, DAVE DENENBERG, Co-Director of CAWS; LLOYD NADEL (speaking at mics) attorney for Glen Head-Glenwood Landing Civic Council; ERIC WELTMAN, Senior Organizer for Food & Water Watch and Food & Water Action; (activist); GEORGE POMBAR, Pres. of GH/GL Civic Council; and AGATHA NADEL, Director of NSCC,  speak at rally. Faced with a 26% rate increase from New York American Water going into effect May 1, 2021, activists and residents who are NYAW customers rally. (© 2021 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

But for New York American Water customers to avoid the 26% rate hike, and for such changes to take place, the NYS Assembly must also pass corresponding legislation before May 1st.  [See UPDATE near end of post]

“Mineola, NY, USA. April 26, 2021. Activist META MEREDAY, of Baldwin, speaks at rally and holds up sign saying: NY Assembly, Only You Can Stop the Rate Hike! Faced with a 26% rate increase from New York American Water going into effect May 1, 2021, activists and residents who are NYAW customers rally to urge NYS Assembly to push through legislation, before that date, corresponding with NYS Senate Bill S989A to establish a Nassau County Water Authority. (© 2021Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Mineola, NY, USA. April 26, 2021. Activist META MEREDAY, of Baldwin, speaks at rally and holds up sign saying: NY Assembly, Only You Can Stop the Rate Hike! Faced with a 26% rate increase from New York American Water going into effect May 1, 2021, activists and residents who are NYAW customers rally. (© 2021 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Contact your NYS Assembly member:

New York State Assembly members:  assembly.state.ny.us/mem/

Michael Durso  •  District 9
dursom@nyassembly.gov •  516-541-4598

Charles D. Lavine  •  District 13
LavineC@nyassembly.gov  •  516-676-0050

David G. McDonough  •  District 14
mcdonoughd@nyassembly.gov  •  516-409-2070

Michael Montesano  •  District 15
MontesanoM@nyassembly.gov •  516-937-3571

John K. Mikulin  •  District 17
mikulinj@nyassembly.gov •  516-228-4960

Taylor Darling •  District 18

Edward P. Ra  •  District 19
rae@nyassembly.gov  •  516-535-4095

Judy Griffin •  District 21
griffinj@nyassembly.gov  •  516-561-8216

Michaelle C. Solages •  District 22
SolagesM@nyassembly.gov  •  516-599-2972

“Mineola, NY, USA. April 26, 2021. AGATHA NADEL, Director of North Shore Concerned Citizens (NSCC) speaks at rally, and behind her at right is ERIC WELTMAN, Senior Organizer for Food & Water Watch and Food & Water Action. Faced with a 26% rate increase from New York American Water going into effect May 1, 2021, activists and residents who are NYAW customers rally to urge NYS Assembly to push through legislation, before then, corresponding with NYS Senate Bill S989A to establish a Nassau County Water Authority. (© 2021 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Mineola, NY, USA. April 26, 2021. AGATHA NADEL, Director of North Shore Concerned Citizens (NSCC) speaks at rally, and behind her at right is ERIC WELTMAN, Senior Organizer for Food & Water Watch and Food & Water Action. Faced with a 26% rate increase from New York American Water going into effect May 1, 2021, activists and residents who are NYAW customers rally to urge NYS Assembly to push through legislation, before then, corresponding with NYS Senate Bill S.989As to establish a Nassau County Water Authority. (© 2021 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Company & groups in post:

New York American Water – www.amwater.com/NYAW/
facebook – nyamwater

CAWS – LI Clean Air Water and Soil – www.licaws.org/

Food and Water Watch

Glen Head-Glenwood Landing Civic Council

North Shore Concerned Citizens (NSCC)

→ UPDATENew York State Assembly Bill A07279

Before May 1, 2021, NYS Assembly Bill A07279 passed, which “relates to the establishment of the north and south shore water authority and capping the rate a water-works corporation may increase its rates and charges.” It was sponsored by Rep. Charles Lavine (Dem. – Dist. 13, Glen Cove), and co-sponsors Rep. Judy Griffin (Dem. – Dist. 21, Rockville Centre), Rep. Michaelle Solages (Dem. – Dist. 22, Elmont), and Rep. Michael Montesano (Rep., Ind., Cons. – Dist. 15, Glen Head).

NYS Assembly Bill A07279 differs from NYS Senate Bill A.989.a in some significant ways. For one, the NYS Assembly bill would form a North and South Shore Water Authority, covering fewer New York Water Authority customers than the Nassau County Water Authority NYS Senate Bill S.989.a would cover.

my Photo Gallery: Rally to Stop NY American Water Rate Hikes


Garden City, New York, U.S. November 14, 2019. The Nassau County Police Emerald Society Pipe Band performs during the 17th Annual Cradle of Aviation Museum Air and Space Gala. The event helps support the development of new activities and educational programs, and honors the innovations of leaders in aviation, technical achievement, and leadership. (© Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Apollo Astronaut Tom Stafford Honored at Cradle of Aviation Museum Air & Space Gala

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (ann-parry.com)
November 25, 2019

Gentleman & Lt. General Tom Stafford

Garden City, New York, U.S. November 14, 2019. L-R, Apollo 10 Commander Lt. Gen. THOMAS STAFFORD talks with MARY SPINOSA, of Hauppauge, in the LEM Room during the 17th Annual Cradle of Aviation Museum Air and Space Gala. Tom Stafford received Spirit of Discovery Award. Spinosa was seated with the East West Industries table. (© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Garden City, N.Y., U.S. November 14, 2019. L-R, Apollo 10 Commander Lt. Gen. THOMAS STAFFORD talks with MARY SPINOSA, of Hauppauge, in LEM Room during 17th Annual Cradle of Aviation Museum Air and Space Gala. Spinosa sat at East West Industries table. (© 2019 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

After Apollo 10 Commander Lt. Gen. Tom Stafford confirmed he’d attend the November 14th Cradle of Aviation Museum Air and Space Gala, Congress called him to speak on November 13th at the House Science Committee hearing about what must be done for NASA to successfully return to the Moon by the president’s 2024 Moon to Mars goal.

  • Photo Video  [music / 03:56] Cradle of Aviation Air & Space Gala 2019:

Stafford, determined to keep his promise to the Cradle of Aviation Museum, wasn’t daunted by the grueling schedule. He spoke in Washington, DC, and arrived the next day, Nov. 14th, at the Long Island gala in time to speak with guests and have about 100 photos taken with them, and receive the Spirit of Discovery Award.


Spirit of Discovery Award:  Lt. Gen. THOMAS P. STAFFORD. In 1962, Stafford, a U.S. Air Force officer and test pilot, became part of NASA’s second group of astronauts, and in 1969 he was the Commander of Apollo 10. 

Leroy R. Grumman Award: PERRY K. YOUNGWALL, CEO & President of Transaero Inc.:

Garden City, New York, U.S. November 14, 2019. PERRY YOUNGWALL, CEO and President of Transaero, Inc, speaks at podium about receiving the Leroy R. Grumman Award at the 17th Annual Cradle of Aviation Museum Air and Space Gala. (© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Garden City, New York, U.S. November 14, 2019. PERRY YOUNGWALL, CEO and President of Transaero, Inc, speaks at podium about receiving the Leroy R. Grumman Award at the 17th Annual Cradle of Aviation Museum Air and Space Gala. (© 2019 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Aviation Leadership Award: HUNTLEY A. LAWRENCE, Director of Aviation Department, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey:

Garden City, NY, U.S., Nov. 14, 2019. HUNTLEY LAWRENCE, the Aviation Leadership Award honoree, speaks at podium during 7th Annual Cradle of Aviation Museum Air & Space Gala. (© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Garden City, NY, U.S., Nov. 14, 2019. HUNTLEY LAWRENCE, the Aviation Leadership Award honoree, speaks at podium during 7th Annual Cradle of Aviation Museum Air & Space Gala. (© 2019 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

VIDEO ( vimeo.com/annparry/stafford ) near start of post includes – in addition to Honorees Lt. Gen. Thomas Stafford, Perry Youngwall, and Huntley Lawrence:

Performing groups:
•  Freeport High School Select Chorale
•  Nassau County Police Emerald Society Pipe Band

NYS Senator Kevin Thomas

Alan ContessaKevin Corrigan Gene Lesserson
Gary LewiMichele Mason Arthur Molins
Rose MolinsTyler Morse Andy Parton
Monique Retzlaff Mary Spinosa Joshua Stoff

FEATURE PHOTO  at top of post: Garden City, NY, U.S., Nov. 14, 2019. The Nassau County Police Emerald Society Pipe Band performs during the 17th Annual Cradle of Aviation Museum Air and Space Gala.

Air and Space Gala:  PHOTO GALLERY


Garden City, NY, U.S. July 20, 2019. TOM RUHLE wears NASA space suit at the Moon Fest Apollo at 50 Countdown Celebration at Cradle of Aviation Museum in Long Island

Moon Fest at Cradle of Aviation: The Eagle has landed

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (ann-parry.com)
July 30, 2019

During the July 20th Moon Fest Countdown at Cradle of Aviation Museum, visitors filled all three levels of the vast atrium to watch the re-enactment of the Eagle – the 1969 Apollo 11 lunar module – land on the Moon at 4:17 p.m EDT.

Before the Countdown there was a wide variety of activities. My two young grandchildren, who went with their mom, enjoyed building bottle rockets, riding “Moon buggies” outside, and more.

The NY Avengers

Garden City, NY, U.S. July 20, 2019. At right is SAMANTHA CATALANO as Captain Marvel, at left wearing red jacket is DOM CHARLAND as Peter Quill or Star-Lord, and upper right with red hair and green face is EYLIZA MORCIGLIO as Gamora - three Marvel super heroes in The NY Avengers non profit cosplay group, during Moon Fest Apollo at 50 Countdown Celebration at Cradle of Aviation Museum in Long Island at time Apollo 11 Lunar Module landed on Moon 50 years ago. (© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Garden City, NY, U.S. July 20, 2019. At right is SAMANTHA CATALANO as Captain Marvel, at left wearing red jacket is DOM CHARLAND as Peter Quill or Star-Lord, and upper right with red hair and green face is EYLIZA MORCIGLIO as Gamora – three Marvel super heroes in The NY Avengers non profit cosplay group, during Moon Fest Apollo at 50 Countdown Celebration at Cradle of Aviation Museum in Long Island. (© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

When the NY Avengers, a non profit group of cosplayers, were announced, a large group of visitors gathered at the stage.

There were loud cheers as Peter Quill, or Star Lord, portrayed by DOM CHARLAND, announced the super heroes, including Captain Marvel, portrayed by SAMANTHA CATALANO, who founded the group

Garden City, New York, U.S. July 20, 2019. The NY Avengers non profit cosplay Group, and visitors are on stage during  Moon Fest Apollo at 50 Countdown Celebration happening at Cradle of Aviation Museum in Long Island at  time Apollo 11 Lunar Module  landed on the Moon 50 years ago. (© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Garden City, New York, U.S. July 20, 2019. The NY Avengers non profit cosplay Group, and visitors are on stage during  Moon Fest Apollo at 50 Countdown Celebration happening at Cradle of Aviation Museum in Long Island. (© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Celebrating Role of Long Islanders in Apollo 11

  • Click photo below to see more officials & Cradle of Aviation Museum family:
Garden City, New York, U.S. July 20, 2019. L-R, ALAN CONTESSA, Nassau County Executive LAURA CURRAN, ERNEST FINAMORE, TOM RUHLE (wearing space suit), and visitor SUE MOLLER holding child looking up at astronaut helmet, are at Moon Fest Apollo at 50 Countdown Celebration at Cradle of Aviation Museum in Long Island. Contessa and Finamore worked for Grumman on Apollo 11 mission. (© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Garden City, NY, U.S. July 20, 2019. L-R, ALAN CONTESSA, Nassau County Executive LAURA CURRAN, ERNEST FINAMORE, TOM RUHLE (wearing space suit), and visitor SUE MOLLER holding child looking up at astronaut helmet, are at Moon Fest Apollo at 50 Countdown Celebration at Cradle of Aviation Museum in Long Island. Contessa and Finamore worked for Grumman on Apollo 11 mission. (© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

NASA Space Shuttle Astronauts

Three NASA Space Shuttle Astronauts helped make Moon Fest special:  CHARLIE CAMARKA, BOB CENKER, and BILL SHEPHERD.

After BILL SHEPHERD presented a lecture in the Red Planet Cafe, he autographed JOEY CASABIANCA‘s cast that Joey’s mom decorated with an Apollo 50 design.

  • Click photo below to see Bill Shepherd with Casabianca brothers Joey & Michael:
Garden City, NY, U.S. July 20, 2019. JOSEPH (JOEY) CASABIANCA, 13, of Wantagh, shows his foot cast signed by Space Shuttle astronaut Bill Shepherd and decorated by Joey's mom with Apollo 50 design, at the Moon Fest Apollo at 50 Countdown Celebration at Cradle of Aviation Museum in Long Island. (© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Garden City, NY, U.S. July 20, 2019. JOSEPH (JOEY) CASABIANCA, 13, of Wantagh, shows his foot cast signed by Space Shuttle astronaut Bill Shepherd and decorated by Joey’s mom with Apollo 50 design, at Moon Fest Apollo at 50 Countdown Celebration at Cradle of Aviation Museum in Long Island. (© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

– CAM –

Garden City, New York, U.S. July 20, 2019. At center, NASA Space Shuttle astronaut BOB CENKER poses with, at left, LUCY DEEGAN, 8, and MEREDITH DEEGAN, both of Swords, a town near Dublin, Ireland, at the Moon Fest Apollo at 50 Countdown Celebration at Cradle of Aviation Museum in Long Island. (© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Garden City, NY, U.S. July 20, 2019. At center, NASA Space Shuttle astronaut BOB CENKER poses with, at left, LUCY DEEGAN, 8, and MEREDITH DEEGAN, both of Swords, a town near Dublin, Ireland, at the Moon Fest Apollo at 50 Countdown Celebration at Cradle of Aviation Museum in Long Island. (© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

– CAM –

Garden City, NY, U.S. July 20, 2019. L-R, NASA Space Shuttle astronaut CHARLIE CAMARDA poses with DASHIELL CHEN, 13, at the Moon Fest Apollo at 50 Countdown Celebration at Cradle of Aviation Museum in Long Island. Camarda was in a summer program, for middle school STEM students, at Mount San Antonio Community College in California. © 2019 (Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Garden City, NY, U.S. July 20, 2019. L-R, NASA Space Shuttle astronaut CHARLIE CAMARDA poses with DASHIELL CHEN, 13, at Moon Fest Apollo at 50 Countdown at Cradle of Aviation Museum. Camarda was in a summer program for middle school STEM students, at Mount San Antonio Community College, California. © 2019 (Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

– CAM –

Garden City, NY, U.S. July 20, 2019. L-R, NASA Space Shuttle astronaut BILL SHEPHERD, ADRIANA IACONO, 6, of Franklin Square, and Space Shuttle astronaut CHARLIE CAMARDA, are at the astronaut autographing table, at the Moon Fest Apollo at 50 Countdown Celebration at Cradle of Aviation Museum in Long Island. (© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Garden City, NY, U.S. July 20, 2019. L-R, NASA Space Shuttle astronaut BILL SHEPHERD, ADRIANA IACONO, 6, of Franklin Square, and Space Shuttle astronaut CHARLIE CAMARDA, are at the astronaut autographing table, at Moon Fest Apollo at 50 Countdown Celebration at Cradle of Aviation Museum in Long Island. (© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

The (1/3 Scale) Eagle Has Landed

Countdown began at 4:00, and 17 minutes later a 1/3-scale replica of the LEM descended from the ceiling and touched down on the ground floor at the same time the Eagle landed on the Moon 50 years earlier. 

  • Click photo below to see model of The Eagle lunar module after it landed:
Garden City, NY, U.S. July 20, 2019. Visitors look down from high landing on the 3rd floor staircase near the 1/3 scale model of Apollo 11 Lunar Module The Eagle suspended from ceiling and ready to descend at exact time Apollo 11 Lunar Module  landed on the Moon 50 years ago, at Apollo at 50 Countdown Celebration at Cradle of Aviation Museum. (© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Garden City, NY, U.S. July 20, 2019. Visitors look down from landing on 3rd floor staircase near 1/3 scale model of Apollo 11 Lunar Module The Eagle suspended from ceiling and ready to descend at exact time Apollo 11 Lunar Module  landed on Moon 50 years ago, at Apollo at 50 Countdown Celebration at Cradle of Aviation Museum. (© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

– CAM –

Garden City, New York, U.S. July 20, 2019. At top, New York State Senator KEVIN THOMAS poses with children from Westbury who attended Moon Fest Apollo at 50 Countdown Celebration at Cradle of Aviation Museum in Long Island, held during  same time Apollo 11 Lunar Module landed on the Moon 50 years ago. (© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Garden City, NY, U.S. July 20, 2019. At top, New York State Senator KEVIN THOMAS poses with children from Westbury who attended Moon Fest Apollo at 50 Countdown Celebration at Cradle of Aviation Museum in Long Island, held during  same time Apollo 11 Lunar Module landed on the Moon 50 years ago. (© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

1960s Room: CBS News Coverage of Moon Landing

A few days later I returned to visit the 1960s style living room with CBS news coverage of the Apollo 11 Moon landing playing on the tube TV with rabbit ear antenna, a neon orange couch and neon green chairs, a Woodstock poster, and Pink Floyd poster with psychedelic art. The dog sleeping in the pet bed was a nice live-in touch. 

Garden City, New York, U.S. July 25, 2019. L-R, father BILL WALSH and mother KATE WALSH of Port Jefferson, and son KEVIN WALSH of Miller Place, sit on sofa in American 60s style living room, while watching CBS Apollo 11 news coverage on a tube TV set, with simulation of July 20, 1969, lunar module Moon Landing. The Cradle of Aviation Museum set was for its recent Apollo 11 Countdown on the 50th Anniversary of man first walking on the moon. (© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Garden City, NY, U.S. July 25, 2019. L-R, father BILL WALSH and mother KATE WALSH of Port Jefferson, and son KEVIN WALSH of Miller Place, sit on sofa in American 60s style living room, while watching CBS Apollo 11 news coverage on tube TV set, with simulation of July 20, 1969, lunar module Moon Landing. Cradle of Aviation Museum set was for its Apollo 11 Countdown on 50th Anniversary of Moon Landing. (© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

FEATURE PHOTO (at top of post): Garden City, N.Y., U.S. July 20, 2019. Volunteer TOM RUHLE wears NASA space suit of astronaut C. Duke at the Moon Fest Apollo at 50 Countdown Celebration at Cradle of Aviation Museum in Long Island during the same time Apollo 11 Lunar Module, landed on the Moon 50 years ago.

My News Photos of Apollo at 50 Anniversary, CAM:  

The NY Avengers Instagram: nyavengersinc

Gotham Geek Girl:  The Avengers of NY Assemble at Cradle-Con

site: Cradle of Aviation Museum