Tag Archives: New York Senate

Mineola, New York, USA. April 26, 2021. Activist at rally holds sign saying: STOP TAXING OUR WATER. Faced with a 26% rate increase from New York American Water going into effect May 1, 2021, activists and residents who are NYAW customers rally to urge NYS Assemby to push through legislation, before that date, corresponding with NYS Senate Bill S989A to establish a Nassau County Water Authority and except water works corporations in counties of populations over one million from a special franchise tax. (© 2021 Ann Parry, AnnParry.com)

Activists Rally to STOP New York American Water Rate Hikes

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (annparry.com)
April 27, 2021

Activists urge NYS Assembly to pass legislation to create Nassau County Water Authority

  • contact info for NYS Assembly members at end of post
“Mineola, NY, USA. April 26, 2021. At rally, activists hold signs saying STOP TAXING OUR WATER, and Water for ALL! Faced with a 26% rate increase from New York American Water going into effect May 1, 2021, activists and residents who are NYAW customers rally. (© 2021 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Mineola, NY, USA. April 26, 2021. At rally, activists hold signs saying STOP TAXING OUR WATER, and Water for ALL! Faced with a 26% rate increase from New York American Water going into effect May 1, 2021, activists and residents who are NYAW customers rally. (© 2021 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Yesterday, April 26, activists held a rally in Mineola about the unfair burden of paying dam-bursting rates – about to rise 26% higher on May 1st – for water from New York American Water, a private company.

Living in Merrick, I’m among over 124,000 customers of NYAW in Nassau County who pay rates many times higher than county residents with municipal water.

“Mineola, NY, USA. April 26, 2021. MARGARET MAHER, from non-profit Food and Water Watch, speaks at rally. Faced with a 26% rate increase from New York American Water going into effect May 1, 2021, activists and residents who are NYAW customers rally to urge NYS Assembly to push through legislation, before that date, corresponding with NYS Senate Bill S989A to establish a Nassau County Water Authority. (© 2021Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Mineola, NY, USA. April 26, 2021. MARGARET MAHER, from non-profit Food and Water Watch, speaks at rally. Faced with a 26% rate increase from New York American Water going into effect May 1, 2021, activists and residents who are NYAW customers rally. (© 2021 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Since 2011, I’ve been covering rallies and attending meetings about the extreme, unfair difference in rates customers pay for water from private companies versus municipal water in Nassau County.

“Mineola, NY, USA. April 26, 2021. Activists and civic leaders - including in front row, center, wearing lapis blue face mask and jacket, CLAUDIA BORECKY, a Co-Director of CAWS (Clean Air Water Soil) - rally at Theodore Roosevelt Executive and Legislative Building. Faced with a 26% rate increase from New York American Water going into effect May 1, 2021, activists and residents who are NYAW customers rally. (© 2021 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Mineola, NY, USA. April 26, 2021. Activists and civic leaders – including in front row, center, wearing lapis blue face mask and jacket, CLAUDIA BORECKY, a Co-Director of CAWS (Clean Air Water Soil) – rally at Theodore Roosevelt Executive and Legislative Building. Faced with a 26% rate increase from New York American Water going into effect May 1, 2021, activists and residents who are NYAW customers rally. (© 2021 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

But the notable changes water customers have experienced over the past 11 years have been repeated sales from one private water company to another, and a flood of rate hikes.

“Mineola, NY, USA. April 26, 2021. At front, GEORGE POMBAR, President of Glen Head-Glenwood Civic Association, speaks at rally. Faced with a 26% rate increase from New York American Water going into effect May 1, 2021, activists and residents who are NYAW customers rally to urge NYS Assembly to push through legislation, before that date, corresponding with NYS Senate Bill S989A to establish a Nassau County Water Authority. (© 2021Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Mineola, NY, USA. April 26, 2021. At front, GEORGE POMBAR, President of Glen Head-Glenwood Landing Civic Council, speaks at rally. Faced with a 26% rate increase from New York American Water going into effect May 1, 2021, activists and residents who are NYAW customers rally. (© 2021 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

New York State Senate Bill S.989a

Recently, however, New York State Senate Bill S.989a passed –  sponsored by Sen. James Gaughran (Dem.-5th District, Northport) – which relates to the assessment of property owned by water-works corporations – including creating a Nassau County Water Authority and exempting water works corporations in counties of populations over one million from a special franchise tax.

In addition to NYS Sen. James Gaughran, Sen. John Brooks (Dem. – 8th Dist., Seaford), Sen. Leroy Comrie (Dem. – 14th Dist., St. Albans)  Sen. Todd Kaminsky (Dem. – 9th Dist., Long Beach), and Sen. Kevin Thomas (Dem. – 6th Dist, Garden City) actively supported the bill’s passage, and speakers at the rally thanked them.

“Mineola, NY, USA. April 26, 2021. L-R, DAVE DENENBERG, Co-Director of CAWS; LLOYD NADEL (speaking at mics) attorney for Glen Head-Glenwood Landing Civic Council; ERIC WELTMAN, Senior Organizer for Food & Water Watch and Food & Water Action; (activist); GEORGE POMBAR, Pres. of GH/GL Civic Council; and AGATHA NADEL, Director of NSCC,  speak at rally. Faced with a 26% rate increase from New York American Water going into effect May 1, 2021, activists and residents who are NYAW customers rally. (© 2021 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Mineola, NY, USA. April 26, 2021. L-R, DAVE DENENBERG, Co-Director of CAWS; LLOYD NADEL (speaking at mics) attorney for Glen Head-Glenwood Landing Civic Council; ERIC WELTMAN, Senior Organizer for Food & Water Watch and Food & Water Action; (activist); GEORGE POMBAR, Pres. of GH/GL Civic Council; and AGATHA NADEL, Director of NSCC,  speak at rally. Faced with a 26% rate increase from New York American Water going into effect May 1, 2021, activists and residents who are NYAW customers rally. (© 2021 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

But for New York American Water customers to avoid the 26% rate hike, and for such changes to take place, the NYS Assembly must also pass corresponding legislation before May 1st.  [See UPDATE near end of post]

“Mineola, NY, USA. April 26, 2021. Activist META MEREDAY, of Baldwin, speaks at rally and holds up sign saying: NY Assembly, Only You Can Stop the Rate Hike! Faced with a 26% rate increase from New York American Water going into effect May 1, 2021, activists and residents who are NYAW customers rally to urge NYS Assembly to push through legislation, before that date, corresponding with NYS Senate Bill S989A to establish a Nassau County Water Authority. (© 2021Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Mineola, NY, USA. April 26, 2021. Activist META MEREDAY, of Baldwin, speaks at rally and holds up sign saying: NY Assembly, Only You Can Stop the Rate Hike! Faced with a 26% rate increase from New York American Water going into effect May 1, 2021, activists and residents who are NYAW customers rally. (© 2021 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Contact your NYS Assembly member:

New York State Assembly members:  assembly.state.ny.us/mem/

Michael Durso  •  District 9
dursom@nyassembly.gov •  516-541-4598

Charles D. Lavine  •  District 13
LavineC@nyassembly.gov  •  516-676-0050

David G. McDonough  •  District 14
mcdonoughd@nyassembly.gov  •  516-409-2070

Michael Montesano  •  District 15
MontesanoM@nyassembly.gov •  516-937-3571

John K. Mikulin  •  District 17
mikulinj@nyassembly.gov •  516-228-4960

Taylor Darling •  District 18

Edward P. Ra  •  District 19
rae@nyassembly.gov  •  516-535-4095

Judy Griffin •  District 21
griffinj@nyassembly.gov  •  516-561-8216

Michaelle C. Solages •  District 22
SolagesM@nyassembly.gov  •  516-599-2972

“Mineola, NY, USA. April 26, 2021. AGATHA NADEL, Director of North Shore Concerned Citizens (NSCC) speaks at rally, and behind her at right is ERIC WELTMAN, Senior Organizer for Food & Water Watch and Food & Water Action. Faced with a 26% rate increase from New York American Water going into effect May 1, 2021, activists and residents who are NYAW customers rally to urge NYS Assembly to push through legislation, before then, corresponding with NYS Senate Bill S989A to establish a Nassau County Water Authority. (© 2021 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Mineola, NY, USA. April 26, 2021. AGATHA NADEL, Director of North Shore Concerned Citizens (NSCC) speaks at rally, and behind her at right is ERIC WELTMAN, Senior Organizer for Food & Water Watch and Food & Water Action. Faced with a 26% rate increase from New York American Water going into effect May 1, 2021, activists and residents who are NYAW customers rally to urge NYS Assembly to push through legislation, before then, corresponding with NYS Senate Bill S.989As to establish a Nassau County Water Authority. (© 2021 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Company & groups in post:

New York American Water – www.amwater.com/NYAW/
facebook – nyamwater

CAWS – LI Clean Air Water and Soil – www.licaws.org/

Food and Water Watch

Glen Head-Glenwood Landing Civic Council

North Shore Concerned Citizens (NSCC)

→ UPDATENew York State Assembly Bill A07279

Before May 1, 2021, NYS Assembly Bill A07279 passed, which “relates to the establishment of the north and south shore water authority and capping the rate a water-works corporation may increase its rates and charges.” It was sponsored by Rep. Charles Lavine (Dem. – Dist. 13, Glen Cove), and co-sponsors Rep. Judy Griffin (Dem. – Dist. 21, Rockville Centre), Rep. Michaelle Solages (Dem. – Dist. 22, Elmont), and Rep. Michael Montesano (Rep., Ind., Cons. – Dist. 15, Glen Head).

NYS Assembly Bill A07279 differs from NYS Senate Bill A.989.a in some significant ways. For one, the NYS Assembly bill would form a North and South Shore Water Authority, covering fewer New York Water Authority customers than the Nassau County Water Authority NYS Senate Bill S.989.a would cover.

my Photo Gallery: Rally to Stop NY American Water Rate Hikes


Garden City, NY, USA. Nov. 6, 2018. Woman is wearing shirt with TAYLOR RAYNOR written on it at Nassau County Democrats Election Day Results Watch at Garden City Hotel. Candidate Raynor won the NYS Assembly AD18 election.

Purple Reign Day for Long Island Voters

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (annparry.com)
November 12, 2018

  • PHOTO VIDEO – Nassau County Democratic Committee, Election Night:

Perhaps more media outlets than usual covered the Nassau County Democratic Election Results Watch this Nov. 6th because one of the most hotly contested Congressional races nationally was NY District 2, and the Democratic candidate, Liuba Grechen Shirley, was on site there at the Garden City Hotel.

Garden City, New York, USA. November 6, 2018. Nassau County Democrats watch Election Day results at Garden City Hotel, Long Island. KEVIN THOMAS was elected New York State Senator for 6th District. His wife RINCY is standing next to him. (© 2018 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Garden City, New York, USA. Nov. 6, 2018. Nassau County Democrats watch Election Day results at Garden City Hotel, Long Island. KEVIN THOMAS was elected New York State Senator for 6th District. His wife RINCY is standing next to him. (© 2018 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

A surprise victor at the event was Kevin Thomas, who, despite modest campaign funds and name recognition, strategically defeated Republican 29-year incumbent Senator Kemp Hannon. Chase, who was five when his opponent started in office, will become the first Indian American NYS senator.

Garden City, New York, USA. Nov. 6, 2018. Congressman TOM SUOZZI, accompanied on stage by his wife HELENE and their daughter and two sons, speaks after winning re-election as U.S. Rep. for New York's 3rd district. Nassau County Democrats watched Election Day results at Garden City Hotel. (© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Garden City, New York, USA. Nov. 6, 2018. Congressman TOM SUOZZI, accompanied on stage by his wife HELENE and their daughter and two sons, speaks after winning re-election as U.S. Rep. for New York’s 3rd district. Nassau County Democrats watched Election Day results at Garden City Hotel. (© 2019 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Though there wasn’t a similar upset outcome for the race between Republican 26-year incumbent Pete King and blue wave, pink wave, first time candidate Liuba Grechen Shirley, it was a significantly close contest.

Each candidate was in the lead at some point, making for a long night of emotional crests and troughs for Grechen Shirley and her supporters, many of them wearing Liuba campaign t-shirts and buttons.

Congresswoman Kathleen Rice (NY-05) and Congressman Tom Suozzi (NY-03), both easily winning re-election, each spoke on stage to supporters who clapped and cheered enthusiastically.

  • Democratic candidates & elected officials at event (most are in photo video at top of blog) included:

Congresswoman Kathleen Rice, NY05
Congressman Tom Suozzi, NY03
Liuba Grechen Shirley, Congressional candidate NY02

NYS Senator John Brooks, District 5

NYS Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins, District 35, Minority Leader
NYS Senator-Elect  James Gaughran, District 8
NYS Senator Todd Kaminsky, District 9
NYS Senator-Elect Anna Kaplan, District 7
NYS Senator-Elect Kevin Thomas, District 6

NYS Assemblywoman-Elect Judy Griffin, District 21
Mike Reid, NYS Assembly candidate, District 14
NYS Assemblywoman-Elect Taylor Raynor, District 18

Joanne Curran Perrucci, candidate for N.C. District Court Judge, D4

Steve Bellone, Suffolk County Supervisor
Laura Gillen, Hempstead Town Supervisor

Feature Photo at topGarden City, NY, USA. Nov. 6, 2018. Woman wears shirt with TAYLOR RAYNOR written on it at Nassau County Democrats Election Day Results Watch at Garden City Hotel. Candidate Raynor won the NYS Assembly AD18 election.

2018 Election Night, Garden City:  PHOTO GALLERY

“2018 Election Night” Photo Video : vimeo.com/annparry/election2018