Tag Archives: midterm elections

Garden City, NY, USA. Nov. 6, 2018. Woman is wearing shirt with TAYLOR RAYNOR written on it at Nassau County Democrats Election Day Results Watch at Garden City Hotel. Candidate Raynor won the NYS Assembly AD18 election.

Purple Reign Day for Long Island Voters

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (annparry.com)
November 12, 2018

  • PHOTO VIDEO – Nassau County Democratic Committee, Election Night:

Perhaps more media outlets than usual covered the Nassau County Democratic Election Results Watch this Nov. 6th because one of the most hotly contested Congressional races nationally was NY District 2, and the Democratic candidate, Liuba Grechen Shirley, was on site there at the Garden City Hotel.

Garden City, New York, USA. November 6, 2018. Nassau County Democrats watch Election Day results at Garden City Hotel, Long Island. KEVIN THOMAS was elected New York State Senator for 6th District. His wife RINCY is standing next to him. (© 2018 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Garden City, New York, USA. Nov. 6, 2018. Nassau County Democrats watch Election Day results at Garden City Hotel, Long Island. KEVIN THOMAS was elected New York State Senator for 6th District. His wife RINCY is standing next to him. (© 2018 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

A surprise victor at the event was Kevin Thomas, who, despite modest campaign funds and name recognition, strategically defeated Republican 29-year incumbent Senator Kemp Hannon. Chase, who was five when his opponent started in office, will become the first Indian American NYS senator.

Garden City, New York, USA. Nov. 6, 2018. Congressman TOM SUOZZI, accompanied on stage by his wife HELENE and their daughter and two sons, speaks after winning re-election as U.S. Rep. for New York's 3rd district. Nassau County Democrats watched Election Day results at Garden City Hotel. (© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Garden City, New York, USA. Nov. 6, 2018. Congressman TOM SUOZZI, accompanied on stage by his wife HELENE and their daughter and two sons, speaks after winning re-election as U.S. Rep. for New York’s 3rd district. Nassau County Democrats watched Election Day results at Garden City Hotel. (© 2019 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Though there wasn’t a similar upset outcome for the race between Republican 26-year incumbent Pete King and blue wave, pink wave, first time candidate Liuba Grechen Shirley, it was a significantly close contest.

Each candidate was in the lead at some point, making for a long night of emotional crests and troughs for Grechen Shirley and her supporters, many of them wearing Liuba campaign t-shirts and buttons.

Congresswoman Kathleen Rice (NY-05) and Congressman Tom Suozzi (NY-03), both easily winning re-election, each spoke on stage to supporters who clapped and cheered enthusiastically.

  • Democratic candidates & elected officials at event (most are in photo video at top of blog) included:

Congresswoman Kathleen Rice, NY05
Congressman Tom Suozzi, NY03
Liuba Grechen Shirley, Congressional candidate NY02

NYS Senator John Brooks, District 5

NYS Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins, District 35, Minority Leader
NYS Senator-Elect  James Gaughran, District 8
NYS Senator Todd Kaminsky, District 9
NYS Senator-Elect Anna Kaplan, District 7
NYS Senator-Elect Kevin Thomas, District 6

NYS Assemblywoman-Elect Judy Griffin, District 21
Mike Reid, NYS Assembly candidate, District 14
NYS Assemblywoman-Elect Taylor Raynor, District 18

Joanne Curran Perrucci, candidate for N.C. District Court Judge, D4

Steve Bellone, Suffolk County Supervisor
Laura Gillen, Hempstead Town Supervisor

Feature Photo at topGarden City, NY, USA. Nov. 6, 2018. Woman wears shirt with TAYLOR RAYNOR written on it at Nassau County Democrats Election Day Results Watch at Garden City Hotel. Candidate Raynor won the NYS Assembly AD18 election.

2018 Election Night, Garden City:  PHOTO GALLERY

“2018 Election Night” Photo Video : vimeo.com/annparry/election2018


Hempstead NY, Oct. 5, 2018. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) speaks at podium at start of Town Hall Meeting at Hofstra University, Long Island.

Gillibrand Town Hall at Hofstra: YES to Affordable Health Care & Education; Diversity & Hope

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (annparry.com)
October 6, 2018

Hempstead NY, USA, Oct. 5, 2018. Sen. KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND poses with, L-R, MARIA TERESA ROMERO, ELSA FORD, and MILLIE MOTA, members of Brentwood Bay Shore Breast Cancer Coalition, at end of Town Hall at Hofstra University. (Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Hempstead, NY, USA. Oct. 5, 2018. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), 2nd from right, poses with, L-R, Maria Teresa Romero, Elsa Ford, and Millie Mota, members of Brentwood Bay Shore Breast Cancer Coalition, at end of Town Hall at Hofstra. (© 2018 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s Town Hall at Hofstra University last night, Oct. 5th, landed at the start of the Columbus Day holiday weekend. But midterm elections were only 31 days away, and the Student Center Theater was packed.

After Dean Meena Bose, the moderator, introduced Gillibrand, the senator spoke to the largely supportive audience.

Anyone who wanted to ask Senator Gillibrand a question had taken a red raffle ticket, and put half of it in a glass bowl before the Town Hall began. Tickets were drawn at random for the Q&A. 

Judge Kavanaugh

Not surprisingly, an early question was about the highly controversial Supreme Court nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh – which the Senate was voting on the next day.  

Gillibrand said she planned to vote against his confirmation because she thinks he’d put Roe VS Wade in danger, and “Judge Kavanaugh, he doesn’t value women, does not respect women, or listen to them.” 

Young Voters:

To a politically active but frustrated young voter, Gillibrand stressed the importance of being heard, voting, fighting for our country and values, and not giving up hope.

Excerpts from Gillibrand’s response:

“Don’t lose hope. Truth is, our Democracy never works unless regular people stand up and demand action….

“And, if we can really be heard and talk about our values and our priorities and how disappointing it is to have someone like Brett Kavanaugh serve on the Supreme Court, if we articulate that by voting, and organizing our communities, and even running if you think we must –

” – You’re gonna transform government, you’re gonna flip the house, and you’re gonna flip the senate, and that will create enormous oversight and accountability over the Trump administration, and give us a chance of unwinding some of the horrible things this president has already done, so do not lose hope.

“And most successful movements in this country have been student lead movements. So when young people care deeply, their parents care deeply, and so do their communities.

Opioid Crisis:

When a Hofstra alumnus asked what actual approaches were going to be taken to effectively deal with the opioid crisis, Senator Gillibrand said, “Children are dying all across this country,” and discussed how more, and more effective, Prevention, Intervention and Response were needed.

Trump 2020:
An audience member asked, “For those of use who are on the ground, and are working hard everyday, and are gonna keep on working, what can we do so we can make sure we don’t end up with another Trump or somebody worse in 2020, outside from asking people like you to run in 2020, in all sincerity?”

Excerpts from Gillibrand’s response:

“I believe we will win, in both ’18 and ’20 because I think America believes in a set of values that President Trump doesn’t believe in…. We believe in the Golden Rule…. Making sure everyone has a chance at the American Dream.

“So whether you believe that health care is a right, not a privilege – clean water is a right – every kid should have access to a good education – that people shouldn’t be with laden with debt after college – that people should have the training to get a good job to earn their way to middle class, those four values will be on the ballot 2020.

“Those are American values I believe New Yorkers and people across the county will vote for, and that will be very different leadership than today.”


The last question was a long, multi-part one about immigration, and the audience softly booed when the questioner said the parents of Dreamers should never get citizenship.

When Senator Gillibrand’s response started with “I disagree,” the audience cheered. She then added, “That was a heartfelt question, so let me tell you why I disagree,” and responded energetically. [Video starts during audience member’s question]

Gillibrand concluded with a rousing message about diversity:

“Fundamentally, do not be afraid of people who need our help. We are rich. We are powerful. We can create a growing economy.

“And the things that create a growing economy is diversity – is ingenuity – is entrepreneurism – is innovation, and that comes from the beautiful panoply of America.”

Q&A topics also included:

  • Support of Senate bills protecting wildlife whose numbers are dangerously low.
  • Support of Peace legislation: Senate Bill S.2047, Preventing Preemptive War with North Korea Act of 2017, which has 13 out of 100 senators currently backing it.
  • Fighting hunger, including through food stamps – whose main recipients are children, seniors, and veterans – and through non-profit programs such as Island Harvest – Long Island’s largest hunger relief organization – which, as Gillibrand explained, “marshals food and supplies from people who have offered it to those who need it most.”

The audience applauded enthusiastically at the end of the Q&A.

Gillibrand promised to stay as long as it took for everyone who wanted a selfie with her to get one. (Well, they were sort-of selfies, since an aide took them, using audience members’ cell phones.)

The line for photos stretched from the stage to halfway across the back of the theater. 

Gillibrand Town Hall, Hofstra: PHOTO GALLERY

All my Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand Videos: vimeo.com/channels/gillibrand


Levittown, New York, USA. June 4, 2018. L-R, Suffolk County Legislator DuWayne Gregory and Liuba Grechen Shirley are Congressional District 2 Democratic primary candidates that meet to debate, which is held by Seaford Wantagh Democratic Club at Levittown Hall. (© 2018 Ann Parry, annparry.com)

Grechen Shirley & Gregory Debate: Rivals of ‘The King’

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (annparry.com)
June 6, 2018

DISCLOSURE: Photography I’ve done for Liuba Grechen Shirley has appeared elsewhere, but nowhere on this post.

Levittown, NY, USA. June 4, 2018. Debate between Congressional District 2 Democratic primary candidates Suffolk County Legislator DuWayne Gregory and Liuba Grechen Shirley, held by Seaford Wantagh Democratic Club at Levittown Hall.

Levittown, NY, USA. June 4, 2018. Debate between Congressional District 2 Democratic primary candidates Suffolk County Legislator DUWAYNE GREGORY and LIUBA GRECHEN SHIRLEY, is held at Levittown Hall. (© 2018 Ann Parry, AnnParry.com)

On June 26th, Democratic Primary voters in NY Congressional District 2 will determine which candidate – LIUBA GRECHEN SHIRLEY or Leg. DUWAYNE GREGORY – challenges the long-entrenched Republican incumbent in the midterm election.

Levittown, NY, USA. June 4, 2018. Candidate Liuba Grechen Shirley speaks during Congressional District 2 Democratic primary debate with Suffolk County Legislator DuWayne Gregory held by Seaford Wantagh Democratic Club at Levittown Hall. (© 2018 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Levittown, NY, USA. June 4, 2018. Candidate LIUBA GRECHEN SHIRLEY speaks during NY Congressional District 2 Democratic primary debate with Suffolk County Legislator DUWAYNE GREGORY at Levittown Hall. (© 2018 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Community organizer, business and non-profit leader Liuba Grechen Shirley and Suffolk County Legislator DuWayne Gregory faced each other Monday, June 4, in a debate held by the Seaford Wantagh Democratic Club at Levittown Hall.

Levittown, NY, USA. June 4, 2018. Candidate Suffolk County Legislator DuWayne Gregory speaks during Congressional District 2 Democratic primary debate with Liuba Grechen Shirley held by Seaford Wantagh Democratic Club at Levittown Hall. (© 2018 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Levittown, NY, USA. June 4, 2018. Candidate Suffolk County Legislator DUWAYNE GREGORY speaks during NY Congressional District 2 Democratic primary debate with LIUBA GRECHEN SHIRLEY at Levittown Hall. (© 2018 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

The two Democrats, not surprisingly, have much more in common than not, but there are differences and points they each stressed.

Gregory is the Majority Leader of the Suffolk County Legislature, where he’s been legislator for the 15th District since 2008, compared to Grechen Shirley who hasn’t held an elected office.

Grechen Shirley’s fundraising efforts have been more successful; plus, the mother of two toddlers recently gained national attention when she became the first female congressional candidate to get FEC approval to use campaign donations for childcare when she’s working on her campaign.

The following short videos – each about 5 minutes – are Gregory’s and  Grechen Shirley’s closing statements, and give insights about the candidates and the goals each would have if elected to congress:

  • VIDEO – DuWayne Gregory’s closing statement:

  • VIDEO – Liuba Grechen Shirley’s closing statement:

The candidates most forcefully voiced opposition for their Republican opponent running for his 14th term, Rep. Pete King, a politician they agreed neither reflects the values, nor serves the needs, of his constituents well.

When an audience member asked Gregory and Grechen Shirley what would happen if he or she didn’t win the June 26th primary – each promised to support the winner’s campaign to unseat King. 

Gregory & Grechen Shirley Debate:   my PHOTO GALLERY