Tag Archives: Kathleen Rice

Garden City, NY, USA. Nov. 6, 2018. Woman is wearing shirt with TAYLOR RAYNOR written on it at Nassau County Democrats Election Day Results Watch at Garden City Hotel. Candidate Raynor won the NYS Assembly AD18 election.

Purple Reign Day for Long Island Voters

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (annparry.com)
November 12, 2018

  • PHOTO VIDEO – Nassau County Democratic Committee, Election Night:

Perhaps more media outlets than usual covered the Nassau County Democratic Election Results Watch this Nov. 6th because one of the most hotly contested Congressional races nationally was NY District 2, and the Democratic candidate, Liuba Grechen Shirley, was on site there at the Garden City Hotel.

Garden City, New York, USA. November 6, 2018. Nassau County Democrats watch Election Day results at Garden City Hotel, Long Island. KEVIN THOMAS was elected New York State Senator for 6th District. His wife RINCY is standing next to him. (© 2018 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Garden City, New York, USA. Nov. 6, 2018. Nassau County Democrats watch Election Day results at Garden City Hotel, Long Island. KEVIN THOMAS was elected New York State Senator for 6th District. His wife RINCY is standing next to him. (© 2018 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

A surprise victor at the event was Kevin Thomas, who, despite modest campaign funds and name recognition, strategically defeated Republican 29-year incumbent Senator Kemp Hannon. Chase, who was five when his opponent started in office, will become the first Indian American NYS senator.

Garden City, New York, USA. Nov. 6, 2018. Congressman TOM SUOZZI, accompanied on stage by his wife HELENE and their daughter and two sons, speaks after winning re-election as U.S. Rep. for New York's 3rd district. Nassau County Democrats watched Election Day results at Garden City Hotel. (© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Garden City, New York, USA. Nov. 6, 2018. Congressman TOM SUOZZI, accompanied on stage by his wife HELENE and their daughter and two sons, speaks after winning re-election as U.S. Rep. for New York’s 3rd district. Nassau County Democrats watched Election Day results at Garden City Hotel. (© 2019 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Though there wasn’t a similar upset outcome for the race between Republican 26-year incumbent Pete King and blue wave, pink wave, first time candidate Liuba Grechen Shirley, it was a significantly close contest.

Each candidate was in the lead at some point, making for a long night of emotional crests and troughs for Grechen Shirley and her supporters, many of them wearing Liuba campaign t-shirts and buttons.

Congresswoman Kathleen Rice (NY-05) and Congressman Tom Suozzi (NY-03), both easily winning re-election, each spoke on stage to supporters who clapped and cheered enthusiastically.

  • Democratic candidates & elected officials at event (most are in photo video at top of blog) included:

Congresswoman Kathleen Rice, NY05
Congressman Tom Suozzi, NY03
Liuba Grechen Shirley, Congressional candidate NY02

NYS Senator John Brooks, District 5

NYS Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins, District 35, Minority Leader
NYS Senator-Elect  James Gaughran, District 8
NYS Senator Todd Kaminsky, District 9
NYS Senator-Elect Anna Kaplan, District 7
NYS Senator-Elect Kevin Thomas, District 6

NYS Assemblywoman-Elect Judy Griffin, District 21
Mike Reid, NYS Assembly candidate, District 14
NYS Assemblywoman-Elect Taylor Raynor, District 18

Joanne Curran Perrucci, candidate for N.C. District Court Judge, D4

Steve Bellone, Suffolk County Supervisor
Laura Gillen, Hempstead Town Supervisor

Feature Photo at topGarden City, NY, USA. Nov. 6, 2018. Woman wears shirt with TAYLOR RAYNOR written on it at Nassau County Democrats Election Day Results Watch at Garden City Hotel. Candidate Raynor won the NYS Assembly AD18 election.

2018 Election Night, Garden City:  PHOTO GALLERY

“2018 Election Night” Photo Video : vimeo.com/annparry/election2018


Politics 101 – TWWLI Workshop

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (annparry.com)
April 2, 2017

Last Sunday, when I entered Our Lady of Miraculous Medal Church in Wyandanch and saw the stage had a huge banner above it with the message  “to believe  – to belong  – to be compassionate,” it struck me as a fitting place for the Together We Will Long Island (TWWLI) group to hold their Politics 101 Activists Training workshop.

  • Click “i” under SLIDESHOW for info about each image:

And more to the point, this location that Suffolk County Legislator DeWayne Gregory helped secure for the event checked three crucial boxes: it safely accommodated at least 70 people (in fact, it could fit hundreds); it was reasonable for members coming from Nassau and Suffolk Counties; and it was free.

Wyandanch, New York, USA. March 26, 2017. At podium, DuWAYNE GREGORY, Presiding Officer and Suffolk County Legislator (Democrat - District 15), is speaking at Politics 101 event, the first of series of activist training workshops for members of TWW LI, the Long Island affiliate of national Together We Will. Speakers seated right of him are, L-R, LAURA CURRAN, JAY JACOBS, and LAUREN CORCORAN-DOOLIN. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, FromLongIsland.com)

Wyandanch, NY, USA. March 26, 2017. At podium, DuWAYNE GREGORY,  Suffolk County Legislator & Presiding Officer (D – D15), speaks at TWWLI’s Politics 101. Speakers seated right of him are: LAURA CURRAN, JAY JACOBS, & LAUREN CORCORAN-DOOLIN. (© 2017 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

TWW Background

TWW, which began in late 2016 and is run by volunteers, has four Core Values: to have Strategic Impact, Respect, Solidarity, and to Cultivate Action.

TWWLI, which began in January 2017, has been focusing mainly on making its concerns clear about Trump’s Cabinet appointees, Executive Orders, and ACA repeal & replace to Long Island’s federal elected officials:  Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, Sen. Chuck Schumer, Rep. Lee Zeldin, Rep. Pete King, Rep Tom Suozzi, and Rep. Kathleen Rice.  (Their official online contact info is at end of this post.)

The group’s approaches include organizing protests; sending messages; participating in Town Halls of reps who hold them; and visiting the Long Island offices, if access permitted.

Wyandanch, New York, USA. March 26, 2017. GENNA HANAN, in audience, asks question during Politics 101 event, the first of series of activist training workshops for members of TWW LI, the Long Island affiliate of national Together We Will. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, FromLongIsland.com)

Wyandanch, NY, USA. March 26, 2017. Audience member GENNA HANAN asks speakers a questions during TWWLI’s Politics 101 event. (© 2017 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

All Politics is Local

The March 26th Politics 101 event was the first in a series of Together We Will Long Island workshops to help members be the most informed, effective activists possible.

TWWLI administrator Beth McManus introduced the program, and admin Sue Moller, my daughter, introduced each of the speakers, who spoke in this order:

Wyandanch, New York, USA. March 26, 2017. At center, JAY JACOBS, Chairman of Nassau County Democratic Committee, holds Certificate of Appreciation and American Flag presented by, (L) BETH McMANUS, and (R) SUE MOLLER, two administrators of Together We Will Long Island. Jacobs spoke at Politics 101 event, the first of a series of activist training workshops for members of TWW LI, the L.I. affiliate of TWW. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Wyandanch, NY, USA. March 26, 2017. At center, JAY JACOBS, Chairman of Nassau County Democratic Committee, holds Certificate of Appreciation for speaking at Politics 101, a TWWLI event. (L) BETH McMANUS and (R) SUE MOLLER are two admins of the network. (© 2017 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

After the five presentations, audience members asked questions to the speakers and TWWLI admins. Based partly on the questions, it seemed some audience members had already been involved for months with TWWLI events and facebook discussions, and others were newcomers.

During Q & A, the speakers stressed the importance of focusing not only on national politics, but also having a strong presence in local politics – from school boards and library boards, to town councils, legislators on up.

What’s the Message

When one of the speakers said how important it was to make the network’s message heard, an audience member asked, “What’s our message?” 

Here are excerpts from Jay Jacobs’ answer:

Local message: It’s going to be about cleaning up our government, and putting back into place people who will run government for the purpose of delivering efficient services the best way they can, instead of taking care of the chosen few, their family and their friends….

Nation-wide basis:  [We have] always fought for average citizens, fought for those who couldn’t fight for themselves….  [introducing] social security, unemployment compensation, disability insurance… Medicaid, Medicare… Obamacare.

We have to be about making government more responsive to the needs of people, less responsive to special interests and a lot of money from corporate interests….  It’s going to be about going back to our roots….

Contact Info – L.I.’s National Reps

Contact Info for each U.S. Senator and Congress member who serves Long Island, NY, constituents (link will work while a Rep’s still in office):

  • Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D)  –  gillibrand.senate.gov/contact/email-me
  • Sen. Chuck Schumer (D)  –  schumer.senate.gov/contact/email-chuck
  • Rep. Lee Zeldin (R)  –   [Update: didn’t seek reelection in 2022]
  • Rep. Pete King (R)  –  [Update:  didn’t seek reelection in 2020]
  • Rep. Tom Suozzi (D)  – [Update: didn’t seek reelection in 2022]
  • Rep. Kathleen Rice (D)  – [Update: didn’t seek reelection in 2022]


TWWLI facebook page:  facebook.com/groups/TogetherWeWill.LongIsland/

‘Politics 101’ Workshop:  my PHOTO GALLERY


Westbury, NY. January 2017. NY congresswoman Kathleen Rice speaks at Our First Stand Rally

Our First Stand: Save Health Care, with Reps. Kathleen Rice & Tom Suozzi

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (ann-parry.com)
January 17, 20217

Last Sunday, during the Our First Stand: Save Health Care Rally in Westbury, hundreds of protestors gathered – many with signs and banners, political buttons and shirts – to make their healthcare coverage positions and worries clear.

Westbury, New York, USA. Jan. 15, 2017. LI Activists group members bring a large banner and signs, and one wears

Westbury, NY, USA. Jan. 15, 2017. LI Activists group members bring a large banner and signs, and one wears “FEEL THE BERN” T-shirt to the “Our First Stand: Save Health Care” Rally. (© 2017 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Representatives KATHLEEN RICE (D-NY4) and TOM SUOZZI (D-NY3) hosted the rally, which was held at the Yes We Can Community Center. It was one of several dozen Our First Stand rallies inspired by Senator Bernie Sanders throughout our country.

Westbury, New York, USA. January 15, 2017. Sitting in wheelchair, PEARL BERGER, 97, of Amityville, who has breast cancer and Parkinson's Disease, has an "I STAND WITH PLANNED PARENTHOOD" pink shirt draped on her chest, at the "Our First Stand" Rally against Republicans repealing the Affordable Care Act, ACA, taking millions of people off health insurance, making massive cuts to Medicaid, and defunding Planned Parenthood. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Westbury, NY, USA. Jan. 15, 2017. Sitting in wheelchair, PEARL BERGER, 97, of Amityville, who has breast cancer and Parkinson’s Disease, has an “I STAND WITH PLANNED PARENTHOOD” pink shirt draped on her chest, at the “Our First Stand: Save Health Care” Rally. (© 2017 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Speakers included officials from Nurses Association and Planned Parenthood, a young woman who underwent life & death cancer treatments, and a father whose young son needs continuing expensive medical care.

Westbury, New York, USA. Jan. 15, 2017. BRIDGIT SQUITIRE, of West Islip, holds a sign that asks:

Westbury, New York, USA. Jan. 15, 2017. BRIDGIT SQUITIRE, of West Islip, holds a sign that asks: “HEY DONALD, ARE YOU GONNA PAY FOR MY CHEMO-THERAPY?” at the “Our First Stand: Save Health Care” Rally. (© 2017 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

The audience frequently clapped and shouted in support as each speaker shared how current health care benefits helped, and what the anticipated consequences were of repealing the Affordable Care Act, taking millions off health insurance, making massive cuts to Medicaid, or defunding Planned Parenthood.

Westbury, New York, USA. Jan. 15, 2017. L-R, KARLA BRADLEY, of Hempstead, and NIA ADAMS, of Hempstead, are wearing pink

Westbury, New York, USA. Jan. 15, 2017. L-R, KARLA BRADLEY, of Hempstead, and NIA ADAMS, of Hempstead, are wearing pink “I Stand with Planned Parenthood” T-shirts, and Adams holds sign “We want Care not CHAOS” at the “Our First Stand” Rally. (© 2017 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Westbury, New York, USA. Jan. 15, 2017. ABAGAEL FAGAN, of Garden City, holds a sign

Westbury, NY, USA. Jan. 15, 2017. ABAGAEL FAGAN, of Garden City, holds a sign “Even VOLDEMORT Didn’t Defund St. Mungo’s” – referring to the main villain wizard and Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries in the Harry Potter series – at the “Our First Stand: Save Health Care” Rally. (© 2017 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Westbury, New York, USA. January 15, 2017. L-R, Rabbi JUDITH COHEN-ROSENBERG, of Westbury; and KASSANDRA POLANCO of Massapequa, and CHERYL SCHRUEFER, of Hicksville, wear pink shirts and/or buttons and hold pink

Westbury, NY, USA. Jan. 15, 2017. L-R, Rabbi JUDITH COHEN-ROSENBERG, of Westbury; and KASSANDRA POLANCO of Massapequa, and CHERYL SCHRUEFER, of Hicksville, wear pink shirts and/or buttons and hold “I STAND WITH PLANNED PARENTHOOD” signs at the “Our First Stand: Save Health Care” Rally. (© 2017 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Westbury, New York, USA. Jan. 15, 2017. L-R, RON MOTTA and his son ROBBY MOTTA, 11, who has major health care needs, of Huntington; Rep. KATHLEEN RICE; Rep. THOMAS SUOZZI; brunette cancer survivor; JUDI BOSWORTH, Supervisor Town of North Hempstead; and other speakers on stage wave to audience at end of

Westbury, NY, USA. Jan. 15, 2017. L-R, RON MOTTA and his son ROBBY MOTTA, 11, who has major health care needs, of Huntington; Rep. KATHLEEN RICE; Rep. THOMAS SUOZZI; brunette cancer survivor; JUDI BOSWORTH, Supervisor Town of North Hempstead; and other speakers on stage wave to audience at end of “Our First Stand Save Health Care” Rally. (© 20217 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Our First Rally: Save Health Care:  GALLERY