Tag Archives: Calhoun High School

Merrick, New York, U.S. December 20, 2019. [photo composite] KEVIN SHINICKdiscusses his novel during book signing for STAR WARS: FORCE COLLECTOR at North Merrick Library on Nassau County Force Collector Day. Author Shinick named home planet of Karr Nuq Sin, the main character of this canon Star Wars young adult novel, MEROKIA in honor of Merokee tribe who settled his Merrick hometown on Long Island. (© 2019 Ann Parry, annparry.com)

“STAR WARS: FORCE COLLECTOR”: From Merrick to Merokia

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (ann-parry.com)
December 24, 2019

Kevin Shinick’s Star Wars: Force Collector Book Signing at North Merrick Public Library

•   VIDEO 1 –  Reading Excerpt  of Ch. 13, “Star Wars: Force Collector”:

 VIDEO 2 –  Q&A  Kevin Shinick, his life, and Star Wars:

Launch time was 3 PM for the Star Wars: Force Collector Book Signing at the North Merrick Public Library on Friday, December 20th, soon after author KEVIN SHINICK‘s early afternoon presentation at his alma mater Calhoun High School, and before his evening book signing at Merrick Cinemas, where he worked as a teen.

Since children were just getting out of school around 3:00 that last day before Winter Break, few people were there at the start of the young adult novel event. But a stream of people – mostly parents with their young sons and daughters – soon started pouring into the large meeting room, with many adults standing along the walls so children could sit.

Some came mainly because of the Star Wars novel… some because Shinick’s a fellow Merokean, a friend… and two came because he’s their son.


Merrick, New York, U.S. Dec. 20, 2019. L-R, Author KEVIN SHINICK and his mother LOUISE SHINICK, both holding his novel, pose at North Merrick Public Library banner during book signing for his STAR WARS: FORCE COLLECTOR, on Nassau County Force Collector Day. (© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Merrick, NY, U.S. Dec. 20, 2019 L-R, Author KEVIN SHINICK and his mom LOUISE SHINICK, both holding his novel, pose at North Merrick Public Library banner during book signing for his STAR WARS: FORCE COLLECTOR. (© 2019 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Q&A: “Everything he says is a lesson”

VIDEO 2 – Q&A:  Baby Yoda, Batman comic books; Best Star Wars Lightsaber Fight; Broadway; Fiction VS Nonfiction; Heidi Gardner; Debbie Gibson; TV Hosting; George Lucas; Eileen Meyers; Robot Chicken; Ringwood, NJ; SNL; Spiderman, Star Wars…

During his animated Q&A, Kevin Shinick talked at length about writing the official canon Star Wars YA novel, Star Wars: Force Connector.

Shinick said, “Working with George Lucas – everything he says is a lesson.”

After the project got the green light, he stayed for a month at Skywalker Ranch, the California home and workplace of GEORGE LUCAS, the film writer, director and producer who created Star Wars.

Shinick was glad he stayed at Skywalker Ranch for a month, so he had a chance to ground himself being around Lucas.

“For the first two weeks I didn’t hear anything he said. I heard wonk wonk wonk wonk [as he repeated to himself] You made Star Wars. You made Star Wars.”

“George Lucas [is] an independent experimental film maker, and he takes chances. [….] He wasn’t doing something to make us love him. He was doing something to show us something we had never seen before.”

“It’s hard as an artist not to get beaten down. You’re doing it because you set an objective and you succeed at that objective.”

“With this book [“Star Wars: Force Collector”] I can find 10 people who love it and 10 people who hate it.”

“Star Wars, too, for some reason, there’s no middle ground. You either have to love it or hate it – there’s no middle ground.”

• KEVIN SHINICK with his childhood friend, pastry chef BRIAN FISHMAN:

Merrick, New York, U.S. December 20, 2019. L-R, Author KEVIN SHINICK and his childhood friend BRIAN FISHMAN hold up cake Fishman decorated with cover of Shinick's book STAR WARS: FORCE COLLECTOR during book signing at North Merrick Library on Nassau County Force Collector Day.(© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Merrick, NY, U.S. Dec. 20, 2019. L-R, Author KEVIN SHINICK and his childhood friend BRIAN FISHMAN hold up cake Fishman decorated with cover of Shinick’s book STAR WARS: FORCE COLLECTOR during book signing at North Merrick Public Library.(© 2019 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Shinick Rules

Shinick  shared a few of his life rules, wrapped in anecdotes often a bit humorous, self-deprecating – as in his Skywalker Ranch “wonk wonk wonk wonk” saga. Three of the rules he shared:

(1)  You’ve got to keep your community. You’ve got to keep people who support you, have your best interests in heart, who challenge you. People succeed in groups.”

(2)  “You have to know who you are.”
He wanted to be like Han Solo, but it’s his lot in life to know he’s more Luke Skywalker.

(3) 1st half: “Always go to the door that opens.”
He didn’t expect to be a host of “Where in Time is Carmen Sandiago?” but he took it when offered.

     2nd half:  “Don’t be afraid to shut that door.”
After “Where in Time…,” he “got a lot of hosting gigs.” Then one day – as he was driving to a meeting about an offer to host the show Extreme Gong – he had, as he looked back on it, a rather cinematic epiphany:

“I can’t do this,” [he thought to himself] and called my agent – no more hosting.” 

“Every time I did it, something was missing, and people weren’t looking at me as other things. I have to stop this.”

He added that he wasn’t negating hosting – it just wasn’t his dream.

After the book reading and signing, the strong affection and memories Shinick shared with many there at his hometown library burst into hyperdrive, with a force evaporating the time and space since they last met.

• TOM SHINICK suggested capturing a photo of his son KEVIN SHINICK with JAKE LEFEBURE, 10, an enthusiastic Star Wars fan (see Video 2 – Q&A):

Merrick, New York, U.S. December 20, 2019. L-R, JAKE LEFEBURE, 10, of West Babylon, holding signed book, and author KEVIN SHINICK, 50, strike funny pose at book signing for Shinick's STAR WARS: FORCE COLLECTOR at North Merrick Library on Nassau County Force Collector Day. Author Shinick named home planet of Karr Nuq Sin, the main character of this canon Star Wars young adult novel, MEROKIA in honor of Merokee tribe who settled his Merrick hometown on Long Island. (© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Merrick, NY, U.S. Dec. 20, 2019. L-R, JAKE LEFEBURE, 10, of West Babylon, holding signed book, and author KEVIN SHINICK, 50, strike a pose at book signing for Shinick’s STAR WARS: FORCE COLLECTOR at North Merrick Library. (© 2019 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

“Star Wars: Force Collector”

KARR NUQ SIN, a teen who suffers from mysterious headaches, is the main character of Star Wars: Force Collector, a canon Star Wars young adult novel published by Disney Books.

Karr leaves his planet Merokia on a quest concerning the fabled Jedi and the Force. Karr travels with his friend MAIZE RAYNSHI and his droid RZ-7 (Arzee).

• In VIDEO 1, Shinick reads a scene from Chapter 13, when Karr and RZ-7 go to a bar in a cantina on planet Oba Diah.

Shinick named Karr’s home planet MEROKIA in honor of the Meroke tribe who settled his Merrick hometown on Long Island, New York.

That was the main reason I looked forward to covering the event, held on what Nassau County Supervisor Laura Curran officially proclaimed Nassau County Force Collector Day.

Plus, there were similarities in our orbits, including that my younger daughter Laurie was a member of the Calhoun H. S. On Tour Company, under Director SAL SALERNO, about a dozen years after Kevin Shinick was.

In a more tenuous, colorful coincidence, my mom, MARY ANN PARRY, an opera singer, gave brief voice lessons to teen DEBBIE GIBSON, Shinick’s On Tour co-star in Fiddler on the Roof in the late 1980s.

• L-R, KEVIN SHINICK, CHRIS BARRON, and ANN PARRY after Shinick signs copies of his Star Wars novel. (Please CONTACT ME if you know photographer’s name):

Merrick, New York, U.S. Dec. 20, 2019. L-R, Kevin Shinick, Chris Barron, and Ann Parry strike a pose at book signing for author Shinick's STAR WARS: FORCE COLLECTOR at North Merrick Library on Nassau County Force Collector Day. (© 2019 need photographer's name)

Merrick, NY, U.S. Dec. 20, 2019 L-R, KEVIN SHINICK, CHRIS BARRON, and ANN PARRY strike a pose at book signing for author Shinick’s STAR WARS: FORCE COLLECTOR at North Merrick Library on Nassau County Force Collector Day. (© 2019 need photographer’s name.)

BIO –  Briefly, Kevin Shinick is a Broadway actor; a voice artist; a writer – for films, plays, TV shows, a Netflix comedy, Marvel and DC Comics, a children’s book (“Star Wars: Chewie and the Porgs“), and stop-motion series “Robot Chicken,” which he won Emmy for; a host for TV shows such as “Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?”; writer and director of Spider-Man Live!; the husband of producer Eileen Meyer; and dad of someone who isn’t (yet) a pilot.

• Baby Yoda says: “Winner You Are! Feel the Force -The Book, You Must Enjoy”:

Merrick, New York, U.S. Dec. 20, 2019. Boy holds his winning ticket, with picture of baby Yoda and'Winner You Are! Feel the Force' on it, at book signing for author Kevin Shinick's STAR WARS: FORCE COLLECTOR at North Merrick Library on Nassau County Force Collector Day. (© 2019 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Merrick, NY, U.S. Dec. 20, 2019 Boy holds his winning ticket, with picture of baby Yoda and ‘Winner You Are! Feel the Force’ on it, at book signing for author Kevin Shinick’s STAR WARS: FORCE COLLECTOR at North Merrick Library. (© 2019 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

FEATURE PHOTO at top of post: Merrick, NY, U.S. Dec. 20, 2019. KEVIN SHINICK, shown in photo composite, discusses his novel during book signing for his STAR WARS: FORCE COLLECTOR at North Merrick Library on Nassau County Force Collector Day.

Kevin Shinick’s Star Wars: Force Collectormy PHOTO GALLERY

VIDEO 1 – Reading: vimeo.com/annparry/readstarwars

VIDEO 2 – Q&A:  vimeo.com/annparry/starwarsshinick

Kevin Shinick:  facebook

Director Sal Salerno:  site

Sweet Karma Desserts:  facebook  •  site     


Merrick, N.Y., U.S. Nov. 13, 2010. Clarinetists Stanley Drucker and Naomic Drucker take curtain call after performing in concert presented by Merrick-Bellmore Community Concert Association. (© 2010 Ann Parry, annparry.com)

Stanley Drucker Concert 2010

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (annparry.com)
November 20, 2010

Last Saturday, world-famous clarinetist STANLEY DRUCKER gave a concert presented by the Merrick Bellmore Community Concert Association at Calhoun High School. NAOMI DRUCKER, his wife and fellow clarinetist; and pianist MARILYN SHERMAN LEHMAN also performed, to the added delight of the audience.

MERRICK - NOV 13, 2010: Stanley Drucker, world famous Clarinetist formerly of New York Philharmonic for 60 years, performing during MBCCA concert (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, Ann-Parry.com)

Merrick, NY, USA. Nov. 13, 2010. Clarinetist STANLEY DRUCKER performs during concert presented by Merrick Bellmore Community Concert Association. (© 2010 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

While dropping off concert flyers at the Drucker home the week before the concert, I told Mrs. Drucker I’d like to take photos during concert night.

She looked up, smiling. “Since you’re a photographer,” she said, “you might enjoy our photos.”

What an understatement!

And suddenly I was on a fun and moving tour of photos, posters, and other artwork throughout their home, including guest bathroom – all which helped bring to life the professional musical careers of the Drucker family: dad Stanley and mom Naomi, classical musicians; son LEON, double bassist Lee Rocker for The Stray Cats; and daughter ROSANNE DRUCKER, alternative country singer.

Naomi Drucker is an enchanting wood sprite come to life, which made me look forward to the concert not only for the music, but for the chance to photograph such warm, charismatic Long Islanders.

Stanley Drucker, world famous clarinetist and former member of New York Philharmonic for 60 years, and Naomi Drucker, clarinetist and her wife, performing at MBCCA Concert, New York, November 13, 2010 (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, Ann-Parry.com)

Merrick, NY, USA. Nov. 13, 2010. L-R, Clarinetist NAOMI DRUCKER, pianist MARILYN SHERMAN LEHMAN, and clarinetist STANLEY DRUCKER perform at MBCCA Concert. (© 2010 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

It can be quite challenging to capture concert photos of instrumentalists, where about 95% of the photo is dark costumes, grand piano, and stage curtains and the rest is face, hands, and a tuxedo shirt that all seem to be about 9-light-stops away.

MERRICK - NOV. 13: Marilyn Sherman, pianist, after performing with Stanley Drucker and Naomi Druciker in concert presented by Merrick-Bellmore Community Concert Association, November 13, 2010, in Merrick, NY, USA (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, Ann-Parry.com)

Merrick, NY, USA. Nov. 13, 2010. Pianist MARILYN SHERMAN LEHMAN performs at concert presented by Merrick Bellmore Community Concert Assoc.  (© 2010 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

I used my Nikon D200 with Nikkor 18-200mm zoom lens, and did my best – including 1600 ISO and exposure compensation – but it’s motivated me to seriously consider getting the Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 lens, so I can use my Nikon D700 for similarly extreme lighting situations in future.

MERRICK - NOV. 13: Stanley Drucker, clarinetist; with (R) wife Naomic Drucker, with bouquet of flowers during curtain call after performing in concert presented by Merrick-Bellmore Community Concert Association, November 13, 2010, in Merrick, NY, USA (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, Ann-Parry.com)

Merrick, NY, USA. Nov. 13, 2010. Second from right, Clarinetist STANLEY DRUCKER signs autographs for young fans, and second from right is clarinetist NAOMI DRUCKER, after concert presented by Merrick Bellmore Community Concert Assoc. (© 2010 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Though Mr. Drucker retired last year after a stellar 60 year career with the New York Philharmonic, he remains an active international performer.

When I think about how our Merrick Bellmore Community Concert Association* was formed a few years after Mr. Drucker joined the NY Philharmonic, I’m in awe of his legendary career.

FYI from Long Island:  *MBCCA was founded in 1953 by Betty Mordoff Hendrix, my mother Mary Ann Parry, Leon Summit, and Bertha Winter.

FEATURE PHOTO (at top of post):  Merrick, N.Y., U.S. Nov. 13, 2010. Clarinetists Stanley Drucker and Naomi Drucker take curtain call after performing in concert presented by Merrick-Bellmore Community Concert Association. another view

Stanley Drucker Concert: my PHOTO GALLERY 


Duelling Divas' Humor on the High Cs, in Merrick, NY, 2010

Duelling Divas’ Humor on the High C’s

From LONG ISLAND – by Ann Parry (annparry.com)
May 14, 2010

The Duelling Divas brought Humor to the High C’s during their recent Long Island concert, presented by the Merrick Bellmore Community Concert Association.

MERRICK, NY - February 21: Duelling Divas stars, sopranos Birgit Firavante and Wendy Reynolds - wearing Roman cloaks and singing ?Mira, O Norma? and ?Casta Diva? from Bellini's "Norma" - in comic opera concert presented by Merrick Bellmore Community Concert Association on February 21, 2010 at Merrick, NY. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Merrick, N.Y.,, USA. February 21, 2010.  Duelling Divas, (L-R) sopranos BIRGIT FIORAVANTE and WENDY REYNOLDS, singing ‘Mira, O Norma’ from Bellini’s ‘Norma’ – in comic opera concert presented by Merrick Bellmore Community Concert Association. (© 2010 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

Sopranos Birgit Fioravante aka The Baroness and Wendy Reynolds aka La Bouvier, and pianist Heather Coltman aka Paige Turner are beautiful musicians and inspired comic actresses.

MERRICK, NY - February 21: Duelling Divas stars, sopranos Birgit Firavante and Wendy Reynolds - wearing Roman cloaks and singing ?Mira, O Norma? and ?Casta Diva? from Bellini's "Norma" - in comic opera concert presented by Merrick Bellmore Community Concert Association on February 21, 2010 at Merrick, NY. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Merrick, N.Y., USA. February 21, 2010. Duelling Divas sopranos (L-R) BIRGIT FIORAVANTE and WENDY REYNOLDS sing from Bellini’s ‘Norma’ – in comic opera concert presented by Merrick Bellmore Community Concert Association at Calhoun High School. (© 2010 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

My mother and my brother John were opera singers, and I remember listening, from the time I was a very young child, to opera playing on the stereo with Mom singing along. Well, I enjoyed the grand opera and grand hi-jinx of the Duelling Divas in Merrick even more than many Metropolitan Opera productions I’ve caught in Manhattan.

What great fun it was seeing southern belle La Bouvier parry The Baroness, who went from regal to fierce to deflated as she emptied her jeweled flask, while Paige Turner valiantly, vainly refereed the Duelling Divas during their überspirited jealous rages.

MERRICK, NY - February 21: Duelling Divas concert with sopranos Birgit Firavante and Wendy Reynolds and pianist Heather Coltman in bloody fight, one using sword to block hatchet swung at her face, in Mad scene from Donizetti's "Lucia di Lammermoor" in comic opera concert presented by Merrick Bellmore Community Concert Association. (© 2010 Ann Parry/Ann-Parry.com)

Merrick, N.Y., USA. February 21, 2010. In Duelling Divas concert, sopranos (L-R) BIRGIT FIORAVANTE and WENDY REYNOLDS thrust and parry in Mad scene from Donizetti’s ‘Lucia di Lammermoor’ in comic opera concert presented by Merrick Bellmore Community Concert Assoc. (© 2010 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com)

The Duelling Divas have super loyal fans from throughout the country, and quite a few traveled from Manhattan and beyond to attend the concert and then chat with the Divas afterward. For audience members seeing the Duelling Divas for the first time, many said how surprised they were that the three classical musicians were so funny. Others said how they were surprised the hilarious comic actresses were such accomplished opera singers. Brava, Divas!

MERRICK, NY - February 21: Duelling Divas concert - starring opera sopranos Birgit Firavante and Wendy Reynolds and pianist Heather Coltman - in comic opera concert presented by Merrick Bellmore Community Concert Association on February 21, 2010 at Merrick, NY. (Ann Parry/Ann Parry, ann-parry.com)

Merrick, N.Y., USA.  February 21, 2: Duelling Divas concert – starring opera sopranos BIRGIT FIORAVANTE & WENDY REYNOLDS & pianist HEATHER COLTMAN – in comic opera concert presented by Merrick Bellmore Community Concert Assoc. (© 2010 Ann Parry/AnnParry.com,

Jump at the chance to see the Duelling Divas when they charge into your area.

  • NOTE: This post is an expanded version of one from my former blog.

Duelling Divas 2010:  my PHOTO GALLERY